2 writes to WindowSize
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (2)
Training\EarlyStoppingCriteria.cs (2)
213WindowSize = windowSize; 224WindowSize = windowSize;
7 references to WindowSize
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (7)
Training\EarlyStoppingCriteria.cs (7)
363/// It will terminate the training process if the average of the recent <see cref="MovingWindowRule.WindowSize"/> validation scores 368/// <param name="windowSize">See <see cref="MovingWindowRule.WindowSize"/>.</param> 392if (CheckRecentScores(trainingScore, WindowSize, out recentBest, out recentAverage)) 403internal override IEarlyStoppingCriterionFactory BuildFactory() => new Options() { Threshold = Threshold, WindowSize = WindowSize }; 425/// <param name="windowSize">See <see cref="MovingWindowRule.WindowSize"/>.</param> 449if (CheckRecentScores(trainingScore, WindowSize, out recentBest, out recentAverage)) 461internal override IEarlyStoppingCriterionFactory BuildFactory() => new Options() { Threshold = Threshold, WindowSize = WindowSize };