4 writes to LteChild
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (4)
TreeEnsemble\InternalRegressionTree.cs (4)
92LteChild = new int[maxLeaves - 1]; 104LteChild = buffer.ToIntArray(ref position); 206LteChild = lteChild; 275LteChild = reader.ReadIntArray();
49 references to LteChild
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (49)
FastTree.cs (4)
3075nodesTrueNodeIds.Add(tree.LteChild[nodeIndex] < 0 ? ~tree.LteChild[nodeIndex] + tree.NumNodes : tree.LteChild[nodeIndex]); 3288public int[] LteChild => _regTree.LteChild;
RegressionTree.cs (1)
162_lteChild = ImmutableArray.Create(_tree.LteChild, 0, _tree.NumNodes);
TreeEnsemble\InternalRegressionTree.cs (44)
372writer.WriteIntArray(LteChild); 438int numMaxNodes = Utils.Size(LteChild); 444checker(LteChild != null && LteChild.Length == numMaxNodes, "bad ltechild"); 511LteChild.SizeInBytes() + 531LteChild.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position); 566(LteChild[node] != tree.LteChild[node] || 574LteChild[node], 575tree.LteChild[node], 618public int MaxNumNodes => LteChild.Length; 634return LteChild[node]; 702if (LteChild[0] == 0) 715if (LteChild[0] == 0) 723if (LteChild[0] == 0) 751node = LteChild[node]; 770node = LteChild[node]; 857int newNode = LteChild[node]; 875node = LteChild[node]; 890int newNode = LteChild[node]; 907node = LteChild[node]; 941int newNode = LteChild[node]; 971node = LteChild[node]; 987return GetNodesLeaves(LteChild[node]).Concat(GetNodesLeaves(GtChild[node])); 1026int parent = Array.FindIndex(LteChild, x => x == ~leaf); 1028LteChild[parent] = indexOfNewNonLeaf; 1057LteChild[indexOfNewNonLeaf] = ~leaf; 1216int lteChildCorrected = LteChild[n]; 1319int lteChildCorrected = LteChild[n]; 1470int parentOfLteChild1 = Array.IndexOf(LteChild, pos1); 1472int parentOfLteChild2 = Array.IndexOf(LteChild, pos2); 1476LteChild[parentOfLteChild1] = pos2; 1480LteChild[parentOfLteChild2] = pos1; 1484int lteChild1 = LteChild[pos1]; 1489LteChild[pos1] = LteChild[pos2]; 1494LteChild[pos2] = lteChild1; 1503if (!PathToLeaf(LteChild[0], leafIndex, path)) 1519if (PathToLeaf(LteChild[currentNodeIndex], leafIndex, path)) 1530if (LteChild[0] == 0) 1568otherWay = LteChild[node]; 1583newNode = LteChild[node]; 1606node = LteChild[node]; 1610otherWay = LteChild[node];