File: Dataset\DenseIntArray.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.FastTree\Microsoft.ML.FastTree.csproj (Microsoft.ML.FastTree)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
    using FloatType = System.Single;
    using FloatType = System.Double;
    /// <summary>
    /// Abstract class implementing some common functions of the dense int array types.
    /// </summary>
    internal abstract class DenseIntArray : IntArray, IIntArrayForwardIndexer
        public override IntArrayType Type { get { return IntArrayType.Dense; } }
        protected DenseIntArray(int length, PerformSumup sumupHandler = null)
            Contracts.Assert(length >= 0);
            Length = length;
            SumupHandler = sumupHandler;
        public override int Length { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the value at this index.
        /// Value must be in legal range 0...((2^<see cref="IntArray.BitsPerItem"/>)-1).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index of value to get or set</param>
        /// <returns>The value at this index</returns>
        public abstract int this[int index] { get; set; }
        public override IntArray Clone(IntArrayBits bitsPerItem, IntArrayType type)
            if (type == IntArrayType.Current)
                type = IntArrayType.Dense;
            return New(Length, type, bitsPerItem, this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Clone an IntArray containing only the items indexed by <paramref name="itemIndices"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemIndices"> item indices will be contained in the cloned IntArray  </param>
        /// <returns> The cloned IntArray </returns>
        public override IntArray Clone(int[] itemIndices)
            return IntArray.New(itemIndices.Length, IntArrayType.Dense, BitsPerItem, itemIndices.Select(x => this[x]));
        public override IntArray[] Split(int[][] assignment)
            int numParts = assignment.Length;
            IntArray[] newArrays = new IntArray[numParts];
            for (int p = 0; p < numParts; ++p)
                newArrays[p] = IntArray.New(assignment[p].Length, IntArrayType.Dense, BitsPerItem, assignment[p].Select(x => this[x]));
            return newArrays;
        internal const string NativePath = "FastTreeNative";
        [DllImport(NativePath), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        private static extern unsafe int C_Sumup_float(
            int numBits, byte* pData, int* pIndices, float* pSampleOutputs, double* pSampleOutputWeights,
            FloatType* pSumTargetsByBin, double* pSumTargets2ByBin, int* pCountByBin,
            int totalCount, double totalSampleOutputs, double totalSampleOutputWeights);
        [DllImport(NativePath), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
        private static extern unsafe int C_Sumup_double(
            int numBits, byte* pData, int* pIndices, double* pSampleOutputs, double* pSampleOutputWeights,
            FloatType* pSumTargetsByBin, double* pSumTargets2ByBin, int* pCountByBin,
            int totalCount, double totalSampleOutputs, double totalSampleOutputWeights);
        protected static unsafe void SumupCPlusPlusDense(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram,
            byte* data, int numBits)
            using (Timer.Time(TimerEvent.SumupCppDense))
                fixed (FloatType* pSumTargetsByBin = histogram.SumTargetsByBin)
                fixed (FloatType* pSampleOutputs = input.Outputs)
                fixed (double* pSumWeightsByBin = histogram.SumWeightsByBin)
                fixed (double* pSampleWeights = input.Weights)
                fixed (int* pIndices = input.DocIndices)
                fixed (int* pCountByBin = histogram.CountByBin)
                    int rv =
                        (numBits, data, pIndices, pSampleOutputs, pSampleWeights,
                         pSumTargetsByBin, pSumWeightsByBin, pCountByBin,
                         input.TotalCount, input.SumTargets, input.SumWeights);
                    if (rv < 0)
                        throw Contracts.Except("CSumup returned error {0}", rv);
        public override IIntArrayForwardIndexer GetIndexer()
            return this;
        #region IEnumerable<int> Members
        public override IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator()
            for (int i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
                yield return this[i];
    internal abstract class DenseDataCallbackIntArray : DenseIntArray
        protected DenseDataCallbackIntArray(int length)
            : base(length)
        public abstract void Callback(Action<IntPtr> callback);
    /// <summary>
    /// A "null" feature representing only zeros.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Dense0BitIntArray : DenseIntArray
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits0; } }
        public Dense0BitIntArray(int length)
            : base(length)
        public Dense0BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public override int this[int index]
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= index && index < Length);
                return 0;
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= index && index < Length);
                Contracts.Assert(value == 0);
        public override void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
            histogram.SumTargetsByBin[0] = input.SumTargets;
            if (histogram.SumWeightsByBin != null)
                histogram.SumWeightsByBin[0] = input.SumWeights;
            histogram.CountByBin[0] = input.TotalCount;
    /// <summary>
    /// A class to represent features using 10 bits.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Dense10BitIntArray : DenseIntArray
        private const int _bits = 10;
        private const int _mask = (1 << _bits) - 1;
        private readonly uint[] _data;
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits10; } }
        public Dense10BitIntArray(int len)
            : base(len)
            _data = new uint[((((long)len) * _bits) >> 5) + 2];
        public Dense10BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
            _data = buffer.ToUIntArray(ref position);
        public Dense10BitIntArray(int len, IEnumerable<int> values)
            : this(len)
            int i = 0;
            long offset = 0;
            foreach (int val in values)
                if (i++ > len)
                Set(offset, _mask, val);
                offset += _bits;
        private int Get(long offset, byte bits)
            return Get(offset, ~((uint)((-1) << bits)));
        private int Get(long offset, uint mask)
            int minor = (int)(offset & 0x1f);
            int major = (int)(offset >> 5);
            return (int)((uint)((_data[major] | (((ulong)_data[major + 1]) << 32)) >> minor) & mask);
        private void Set(long offset, byte bits, int value)
            Set(offset, ~((uint)((-1) << bits)), value);
        private void Set(long offset, uint mask, int value)
            int minor = (int)(offset & 0x1f);
            int major = (int)(offset >> 5);
            uint major0Mask = mask << minor;
            uint major1Mask = (uint)((((ulong)mask) << minor) >> 32);
            ulong val = ((((ulong)value) & mask) << minor);
            _data[major] = (_data[major] & ~major0Mask) | (uint)val;
            _data[major + 1] = (_data[major + 1] & ~major1Mask) | (uint)(val >> 32);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return _data.SizeInBytes() + sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            _data.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public sealed override unsafe int this[int index]
                long offset = index;
                offset = (offset << 3) + (offset << 1);
                int minor = (int)(offset & 0x1f);
                int major = (int)(offset >> 5);
                fixed (uint* pData = _data)
                    return (int)(((*(ulong*)(pData + major)) >> minor) & _mask);
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= value && value < (1 << 10));
                Set(((long)index) * 10, _mask, value);
        private void SumupRoot(FeatureHistogram histogram, FloatType[] outputs, double[] weights)
            int fval;
            long offset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
                fval = Get(offset, _mask);
                histogram.SumTargetsByBin[fval] += outputs[i];
                if (histogram.SumWeightsByBin != null)
                    histogram.SumWeightsByBin[fval] += weights[i];
                offset += _bits;
        public override unsafe void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
            using (Timer.Time(TimerEvent.SumupDense10))
                if (input.DocIndices == null)
                    SumupRoot(histogram, input.Outputs, input.Weights);
                int fval = 0;
                fixed (uint* pData = _data)
                fixed (int* pCountByBin = histogram.CountByBin)
                fixed (int* pDocIndicies = input.DocIndices)
                fixed (FloatType* pSumTargetsByBin = histogram.SumTargetsByBin)
                fixed (FloatType* pTargets = input.Outputs)
                    if (histogram.SumWeightsByBin != null)
                        fixed (double* pSumWeightsByBin = histogram.SumWeightsByBin)
                        fixed (double* pWeights = input.Weights)
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < input.TotalCount; ++ii)
                                long offset = pDocIndicies[ii];
                                offset = (offset << 3) + (offset << 1);
                                int minor = (int)(offset & 0x1f);
                                int major = (int)(offset >> 5);
                                fval = (int)(((*(ulong*)(pData + major)) >> minor) & _mask);
                                pSumTargetsByBin[fval] += pTargets[ii];
                                pSumWeightsByBin[fval] += pWeights[ii];
                        int end = input.TotalCount;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < end; ++ii)
                            long offset = pDocIndicies[ii];
                            offset = (offset << 3) + (offset << 1);
                            int minor = (int)(offset & 0x1f);
                            int major = (int)(offset >> 5);
                            fval = (int)(((*(ulong*)(pData + major)) >> minor) & _mask);
                            pSumTargetsByBin[fval] += pTargets[ii];
    /// <summary>
    /// A class to represent features using 8 bits
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Represents values -1...(2^s-2)
    /// 0-bit array only represents the value -1</remarks>
    internal sealed class Dense8BitIntArray : DenseDataCallbackIntArray
        private readonly byte[] _data;
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits8; } }
        public Dense8BitIntArray(int len)
            : base(len)
            _data = new byte[len];
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense8BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
            _data = buffer.ToByteArray(ref position);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense8BitIntArray(int len, IEnumerable<int> values)
            : base(len)
            _data = values.Select(i => (byte)i).ToArray(len);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return _data.SizeInBytes() + sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            _data.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public override unsafe void Callback(Action<IntPtr> callback)
            fixed (byte* pData = _data)
        public override unsafe int this[int index]
            get { return _data[index]; }
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= value && value <= byte.MaxValue);
                _data[index] = (byte)value;
        private void SumupNative(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
                fixed (byte* pData = _data)
                    SumupCPlusPlusDense(input, histogram, pData, 8);
        public override void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram) => SumupHandler(input, histogram);
    /// <summary>
    /// A class to represent features using 4 bits.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Dense4BitIntArray : DenseIntArray
        /// <summary>
        /// For a given byte, the high 4 bits is the first value, the low 4 bits is the next value.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly byte[] _data;
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits4; } }
        public Dense4BitIntArray(int len)
            : base(len)
            _data = new byte[(len + 1) / 2]; // Even length = half the bytes. Odd length = half the bytes+0.5.
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense4BitIntArray(int len, IEnumerable<int> values)
            : base(len)
            _data = new byte[(len + 1) / 2];
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
            int currentIndex = 0;
            bool upper = true;
            foreach (int value in values)
                byte b = (byte)value;
                if (upper)
                    _data[currentIndex] = (byte)(b << 4);
                    upper = false;
                    _data[currentIndex] |= (byte)(b & 0x0f);
                    upper = true;
        public Dense4BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
            _data = buffer.ToByteArray(ref position);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return _data.SizeInBytes() + sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            _data.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public override unsafe int this[int index]
                int dataIndex = index / 2;
                bool highBits = (index % 2 == 0);
                byte v = _data[dataIndex];
                if (highBits)
                    v >>= 4;
                    v &= 0x0f;
                return v;
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= value && value < (1 << 4));
                byte v;
                v = (byte)value;
                int dataIndex = index / 2;
                bool highBits = (index % 2 == 0);
                if (highBits)
                    _data[dataIndex] &= 0x0f;
                    _data[dataIndex] |= (byte)(v << 4);
                    _data[dataIndex] &= 0xf0;
                    _data[dataIndex] |= v;
        public void SumupNative(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
                fixed (byte* pData = _data)
                    SumupCPlusPlusDense(input, histogram, pData, 4);
        public override void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram) => SumupHandler(input, histogram);
    /// <summary>
    /// A class to represent features using 16 bits.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Dense16BitIntArray : DenseDataCallbackIntArray
        private readonly ushort[] _data;
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits16; } }
        public Dense16BitIntArray(int len)
            : base(len)
            _data = new ushort[len];
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense16BitIntArray(int len, IEnumerable<int> values)
            : base(len)
            _data = values.Select(i => (ushort)i).ToArray(len);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense16BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
            _data = buffer.ToUShortArray(ref position);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public override unsafe void Callback(Action<IntPtr> callback)
            fixed (ushort* pData = _data)
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return _data.SizeInBytes() + sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            _data.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public override unsafe int this[int index]
                return _data[index];
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= value && value <= ushort.MaxValue);
                _data[index] = (ushort)value;
        public void SumupNative(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
                fixed (ushort* pData = _data)
                    byte* pDataBytes = (byte*)pData;
                    SumupCPlusPlusDense(input, histogram, pDataBytes, 16);
        public override void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram) => SumupHandler(input, histogram);
    /// <summary>
    /// A class to represent features using 32 bits.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Dense32BitIntArray : DenseDataCallbackIntArray
        private readonly int[] _data;
        public override IntArrayBits BitsPerItem { get { return IntArrayBits.Bits32; } }
        public Dense32BitIntArray(int len)
            : base(len)
            _data = new int[len];
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense32BitIntArray(int len, IEnumerable<int> values)
            : base(len)
            _data = values.ToArray(len);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public Dense32BitIntArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            : base(buffer.ToInt(ref position))
            _data = buffer.ToIntArray(ref position);
            SetupSumupHandler(SumupNative, base.Sumup);
        public override unsafe void Callback(Action<IntPtr> callback)
            fixed (int* pData = _data)
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the number of bytes written by the member ToByteArray()
        /// </summary>
        public override int SizeInBytes()
            return _data.SizeInBytes() + sizeof(int) + base.SizeInBytes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a binary representation of this class to a byte buffer, at a given position.
        /// The position is incremented to the end of the representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">a byte array where the binary representation is written</param>
        /// <param name="position">the position in the byte array</param>
        public override void ToByteArray(byte[] buffer, ref int position)
            base.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            Length.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
            _data.ToByteArray(buffer, ref position);
        public override int this[int index]
                return _data[index];
                Contracts.Assert(value >= 0);
                _data[index] = value;
        public void SumupNative(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram)
                fixed (int* pData = _data)
                    byte* pDataBytes = (byte*)pData;
                    SumupCPlusPlusDense(input, histogram, pDataBytes, 32);
        public override void Sumup(SumupInputData input, FeatureHistogram histogram) => SumupHandler(input, histogram);