// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Data.Analysis;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Fairlearn
/// <summary>
/// Modeled after the original <see href="https://github.com/fairlearn/fairlearn/blob/931963c40c0ba0cdd1a9e51c29adcc509da224a6/fairlearn/reductions/_moments/utility_parity.py#L45">repo</see>
/// A generic moment for parity in utilities (or costs) under classification.
/// This serves as the base class for <see cref="DemographicParity">Demographic Parity</see>
/// can be used as difference-based constraints or ratio-based constraints.
/// Constraints compare the group-level mean utility for each group with the
/// overall mean utility
/// </summary>
public class UtilityParity : ClassificationMoment
private const float _defaultDifferenceBound = 0.01F;
private readonly float _epsilon;
private readonly float _ratio;
public float ProbEvent { get; protected set; }
public DataFrameColumn ProbGroupEvent { get; protected set; }
public UtilityParity(float differenceBound = Single.NaN, float ratioBond = Single.NaN, float ratioBoundSlack = 0.0f)
if (Single.NaN.Equals(differenceBound) && Single.NaN.Equals(ratioBond))
_epsilon = _defaultDifferenceBound;
_ratio = 1.0F;
else if (!Single.NaN.Equals(differenceBound) && Single.NaN.Equals(ratioBond))
_epsilon = differenceBound;
_ratio = 1.0F;
else if (Single.NaN.Equals(differenceBound) && !Single.NaN.Equals(ratioBond))
_epsilon = ratioBoundSlack;
if (ratioBond <= 0.0f || ratioBond > 1.0f)
throw new Exception("ratio must lie between (0.1]");
_ratio = ratioBond;
throw new Exception("Only one of difference_bound and ratio_bound can be used");
//TODO: what should be the object type of X be? How can I make x capitilized to fit the whole data strcuture
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The features</param>
/// <param name="y">The label</param>
/// <param name="sensitiveFeature">The sensitive groups</param>
public override void LoadData(IDataView x, DataFrameColumn y, StringDataFrameColumn sensitiveFeature)//, StringDataFrameColumn events = null, StringDataFrameColumn utilities = null)
base.LoadData(x, y, sensitiveFeature);
//Tags["event"] = events;
//Tags["utilities"] = utilities;
//if (utilities == null)
// // TODO: set up the default utitlity
//probEvent will contain the probabilities for each of the event, since we are now focusing on
//TODO: implementing the demography parity which has only one event, we will set it like this for now.
ProbEvent = 1.0F;
//ProbEvent = Tags.GroupBy("event").Count / TotalSamples; We should use this if we have an event
//Here the "label" column is just a dummy column for the end goal of getting the number of data rows
ProbGroupEvent = Tags.GroupBy("group_id").Count()["label"] / (TotalSamples * 1.0);
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the degree to which constraints are currently violated by the predictor.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override DataFrame Gamma(PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<float> yPred/* Maybe change this to a predictor (func)*/)
Tags["pred"] = yPred;
//TODO: add the utility into the calculation of the violation, will be needed for other parity methods
//TODO: also we need to add the events column to the returned gamma singed
//calculate upper bound difference and lower bound difference
var expectEvent = Tags["pred"].Mean();
var expectGroupEvent = Tags.GroupBy("group_id").Mean("pred").OrderBy(("group_id"))["pred"];
var upperBoundDiff = _ratio * expectGroupEvent - expectEvent;
var lowerBoundDiff = -1.0 /*to add a negative sign*/ * expectGroupEvent + _ratio * expectEvent;
//the two diffs are going to be in the same column later on
//create the columns that hold the signs
StringDataFrameColumn posSign = new StringDataFrameColumn("sign", upperBoundDiff.Length);
// a string column that has all the group names
// var groupID = DataFrameColumn.Create("group_id", Tags["group_id"].Cast<string>());
var groupID = Tags.GroupBy("group_id").Mean("pred").OrderBy("group_id")["group_id"];
// gSigned (gamma signed) is the dataframe that we return in the end that presents the uitility parity
DataFrame gSigned = new DataFrame(posSign, groupID, upperBoundDiff);
// plus sign for the upper bound
gSigned["sign"].FillNulls("+", inPlace: true);
// a temp dataframe that hold the utility rows for the lowerbound values
StringDataFrameColumn negSign = new StringDataFrameColumn("sign", lowerBoundDiff.Length);
DataFrame dfNeg = new DataFrame(negSign, groupID, lowerBoundDiff);
dfNeg["sign"].FillNulls("-", inPlace: true);
// stack the temp dataframe dfNeg to the bottom dataframe that we want to return
gSigned.Append(dfNeg.Rows, inPlace: true);
return gSigned;
public override float Bound()
return _epsilon;
public override DataFrameColumn SignedWeights(DataFrame lambdaVec)
//TODO: calculate the propper Lambda Event and ProbEvent.
// In the case of Demographic Parity, LambdaEvent contains one value, and ProbEvent is just 1, so we will skip it for now
// lambdaEvent = (lambdaVec["+"] - _ratio * lambdaVec["-"])
var gPos = lambdaVec.Filter(lambdaVec["sign"].ElementwiseEquals("+")).OrderBy("group_id");
var gNeg = lambdaVec.Filter(lambdaVec["sign"].ElementwiseEquals("-")).OrderBy("group_id");
var lambdaEvent = (float)(gPos["value"] - _ratio * gNeg["value"]).Sum() / ProbEvent;
var lambdaGroupEvent = (_ratio * gPos["value"] - gNeg["value"]) / ProbGroupEvent;
DataFrameColumn adjust = lambdaEvent - lambdaGroupEvent;
DataFrame lookUp = new DataFrame(gPos["group_id"], adjust);
//TODO: chech for null values i.e., if any entry in adjust is 0, make the corrosponding of singed weight to 0
//TODO: add utility calculation, for now it is just 1 for everything
long dataSetLength = Tags.Rows.Count();
float[] signedWeightsFloat = new float[dataSetLength];
// iterate through the rows of the original dataset of features
long i = 0;
foreach (DataFrameRow row in Tags.Rows)
// we are creating a new array where it will store the weight according the the lookup table (adjust) we created
// TODO: right now this only supports one event, we have to filter through the event column so that this supports multiple events
signedWeightsFloat[i] = Convert.ToSingle(lookUp.Filter(lookUp["group_id"].ElementwiseEquals(row["group_id"]))["value"][0]);
DataFrameColumn signedWeights = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<float>("signedWeight", signedWeightsFloat);
return signedWeights;
public class DemographicParity : UtilityParity