// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Internallearn;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Model;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.Ensemble
internal abstract class EnsembleModelParametersBase<TOutput> : ModelParametersBase<TOutput>,
IPredictorProducing<TOutput>, ICanSaveInTextFormat, ICanSaveSummary
private const string SubPredictorFmt = "SubPredictor_{0:000}";
private protected readonly FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>[] Models;
private protected readonly IOutputCombiner<TOutput> Combiner;
private protected readonly Single[] Weights;
private const uint VerOld = 0x00010002;
private protected EnsembleModelParametersBase(IHostEnvironment env, string name, FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>[] models,
IOutputCombiner<TOutput> combiner, Single[] weights)
: base(env, name)
Host.Check(Utils.Size(models) > 0, "Ensemble was created with no models.");
Host.Check(weights == null || weights.Length == models.Length);
Models = models;
Combiner = combiner;
Weights = weights;
private protected EnsembleModelParametersBase(IHostEnvironment env, string name, ModelLoadContext ctx)
: base(env, name, ctx)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: model count
// int: weight count (0 or model count)
// Float[]: weights
// for each model:
// int: number of SelectedFeatures (in bits)
// byte[]: selected features (as many as needed for number of bits == (numSelectedFeatures + 7) / 8)
// int: number of Metric values
// for each Metric:
// Float: metric value
// int: metric name (id of the metric name in the string table)
// in version 0x0001x0002:
// bool: is the metric averaged
int count = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(count > 0);
int weightCount = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(weightCount == 0 || weightCount == count);
Weights = ctx.Reader.ReadFloatArray(weightCount);
Models = new FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>[count];
var ver = ctx.Header.ModelVerWritten;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
ctx.LoadModel<IPredictor, SignatureLoadModel>(Host, out IPredictor p, string.Format(SubPredictorFmt, i));
var predictor = p as IPredictorProducing<TOutput>;
Host.Check(predictor != null, "Inner predictor type not compatible with the ensemble type.");
var features = ctx.Reader.ReadBitArray();
int numMetrics = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(numMetrics >= 0);
var metrics = new KeyValuePair<string, double>[numMetrics];
for (int j = 0; j < numMetrics; j++)
var metricValue = ctx.Reader.ReadFloat();
var metricName = ctx.LoadStringOrNull();
if (ver == VerOld)
metrics[j] = new KeyValuePair<string, double>(metricName, metricValue);
Models[i] = new FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>(predictor, features, metrics);
ctx.LoadModel<IOutputCombiner<TOutput>, SignatureLoadModel>(Host, out Combiner, @"Combiner");
private protected override void SaveCore(ModelSaveContext ctx)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: model count
// int: weight count (0 or model count)
// Single[]: weights
// for each model:
// int: number of SelectedFeatures (in bits)
// byte[]: selected features (as many as needed for number of bits == (numSelectedFeatures + 7) / 8)
// int: number of Metric values
// for each Metric:
// Single: metric value
// int: metric name (id of the metric name in the string table)
// Save other streams.
for (int i = 0; i < Models.Length; i++)
var model = Models[i];
ctx.SaveModel(model.Predictor, string.Format(SubPredictorFmt, i));
int numMetrics = Utils.Size(model.Metrics);
for (int j = 0; j < numMetrics; j++)
var metric = model.Metrics[j];
ctx.SaveModel(Combiner, @"Combiner");
/// <summary>
/// Output the INI model to a given writer
/// </summary>
void ICanSaveInTextFormat.SaveAsText(TextWriter writer, RoleMappedSchema schema)
using (var ch = Host.Start("SaveAsText"))
for (int i = 0; i < Models.Length; i++)
writer.WriteLine(";; Partition model {0}", i);
writer.WriteLine(";; Weight={0}", (Weights != null ? Weights[i] : 1));
PredictorUtils.SaveText(ch, Models[i].Predictor, schema, writer);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the model summary
/// </summary>
void ICanSaveSummary.SaveSummary(TextWriter writer, RoleMappedSchema schema)
for (int i = 0; i < Models.Length; i++)
writer.WriteLine(";; Partition model {0}", i);
writer.WriteLine(";; Weight={0}", (Weights != null ? Weights[i] : 1));
// REVIEW: The featureName Collection names may vary for different base learners.
// How do we get the right collection for the base learners?
if (Models[i].Predictor is ICanSaveSummary summaryModel)
summaryModel.SaveSummary(writer, schema);
writer.WriteLine("The Model {0} does not support saving summaries", Models[i].GetType().Name);