// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Internallearn;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.Ensemble
internal abstract class BaseStacking<TOutput> : IStackingTrainer<TOutput>, ICanSaveModel
public abstract class ArgumentsBase
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, ShortName = "vp", SortOrder = 50,
HelpText = "The proportion of instances to be selected to test the individual base learner. If it is 0, it uses training set")]
[TGUI(Label = "Validation Dataset Proportion")]
public Single ValidationDatasetProportion = 0.3f;
internal abstract IComponentFactory<ITrainerEstimator<ISingleFeaturePredictionTransformer<IPredictorProducing<TOutput>>, IPredictorProducing<TOutput>>> GetPredictorFactory();
private protected readonly IComponentFactory<ITrainerEstimator<ISingleFeaturePredictionTransformer<IPredictorProducing<TOutput>>, IPredictorProducing<TOutput>>> BasePredictorType;
private protected readonly IHost Host;
private protected IPredictorProducing<TOutput> Meta;
public Single ValidationDatasetProportion { get; }
private protected BaseStacking(IHostEnvironment env, string name, ArgumentsBase args)
Host = env.Register(name);
Host.AssertValue(args, "args");
Host.CheckUserArg(0 <= args.ValidationDatasetProportion && args.ValidationDatasetProportion < 1,
"The validation proportion for stacking should be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1");
ValidationDatasetProportion = args.ValidationDatasetProportion;
BasePredictorType = args.GetPredictorFactory();
Host.CheckValue(BasePredictorType, nameof(BasePredictorType));
private protected BaseStacking(IHostEnvironment env, string name, ModelLoadContext ctx)
Host = env.Register(name);
// *** Binary format ***
// int: sizeof(Single)
// Float: _validationDatasetProportion
int cbFloat = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
env.CheckDecode(cbFloat == sizeof(Single));
ValidationDatasetProportion = ctx.Reader.ReadFloat();
env.CheckDecode(0 <= ValidationDatasetProportion && ValidationDatasetProportion < 1);
ctx.LoadModel<IPredictorProducing<TOutput>, SignatureLoadModel>(env, out Meta, "MetaPredictor");
void ICanSaveModel.Save(ModelSaveContext ctx)
Host.Check(Meta != null, "Can't save an untrained Stacking combiner");
Host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
protected virtual void SaveCore(ModelSaveContext ctx)
Host.Assert(Meta != null);
// *** Binary format ***
// int: sizeof(Single)
// Float: _validationDatasetProportion
ctx.SaveModel(Meta, "MetaPredictor");
public Combiner<TOutput> GetCombiner()
Contracts.Check(Meta != null, "Training of stacking combiner not complete");
// Subtle point: We shouldn't get the ValueMapper delegate and cache it in a field
// since generally ValueMappers cannot be assumed to be thread safe - they often
// capture buffers needed for efficient operation.
var mapper = (IValueMapper)Meta;
var map = mapper.GetMapper<VBuffer<Single>, TOutput>();
var feat = default(VBuffer<Single>);
Combiner<TOutput> res =
(ref TOutput dst, TOutput[] src, Single[] weights) =>
FillFeatureBuffer(src, ref feat);
map(in feat, ref dst);
return res;
protected abstract void FillFeatureBuffer(TOutput[] src, ref VBuffer<Single> dst);
private void CheckMeta()
Contracts.Assert(Meta != null);
var ivm = Meta as IValueMapper;
Contracts.Check(ivm != null, "Stacking predictor doesn't implement the expected interface");
if (!(ivm.InputType is VectorDataViewType vectorType) || vectorType.ItemType != NumberDataViewType.Single)
throw Contracts.Except("Stacking predictor input type is unsupported: {0}", ivm.InputType);
if (ivm.OutputType.RawType != typeof(TOutput))
throw Contracts.Except("Stacking predictor output type is unsupported: {0}", ivm.OutputType);
public void Train(List<FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>> models, RoleMappedData data, IHostEnvironment env)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var host = env.Register(Stacking.LoadName);
host.CheckValue(models, nameof(models));
host.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
using (var ch = host.Start("Training stacked model"))
ch.Check(Meta == null, "Train called multiple times");
ch.Check(BasePredictorType != null);
var maps = new ValueMapper<VBuffer<Single>, TOutput>[models.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
Contracts.Assert(models[i].Predictor is IValueMapper);
var m = (IValueMapper)models[i].Predictor;
maps[i] = m.GetMapper<VBuffer<Single>, TOutput>();
var view = CreateDataView(host, ch, data, maps, models);
var trainer = BasePredictorType.CreateComponent(host);
if (trainer.Info.NeedNormalization)
ch.Warning("The trainer specified for stacking wants normalization, but we do not currently allow this.");
Meta = trainer.Fit(view).Model;
private IDataView CreateDataView(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, ValueMapper<VBuffer<Single>,
TOutput>[] maps, List<FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>> models)
switch (data.Schema.Label.Value.Type.GetRawKind())
case InternalDataKind.BL:
return CreateDataView<bool>(env, ch, data, maps, models, x => x > 0);
case InternalDataKind.R4:
return CreateDataView<float>(env, ch, data, maps, models, x => x);
case InternalDataKind.U4:
ch.Check(data.Schema.Label.Value.Type is KeyDataViewType);
return CreateDataView(env, ch, data, maps, models, x => float.IsNaN(x) ? 0 : (uint)(x + 1));
throw ch.Except("Unsupported label type");
private IDataView CreateDataView<T>(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, ValueMapper<VBuffer<Single>, TOutput>[] maps,
List<FeatureSubsetModel<TOutput>> models, Func<float, T> labelConvert)
// REVIEW: Should implement this better....
var labels = new T[100];
var features = new VBuffer<Single>[100];
int count = 0;
// REVIEW: Should this include bad values or filter them?
using (var cursor = new FloatLabelCursor(data, CursOpt.AllFeatures | CursOpt.AllLabels))
TOutput[] predictions = new TOutput[maps.Length];
var vBuffers = new VBuffer<Single>[maps.Length];
while (cursor.MoveNext())
Parallel.For(0, maps.Length, i =>
var model = models[i];
if (model.SelectedFeatures != null)
EnsembleUtils.SelectFeatures(in cursor.Features, model.SelectedFeatures, model.Cardinality, ref vBuffers[i]);
maps[i](in vBuffers[i], ref predictions[i]);
maps[i](in cursor.Features, ref predictions[i]);
Utils.EnsureSize(ref labels, count + 1);
Utils.EnsureSize(ref features, count + 1);
labels[count] = labelConvert(cursor.Label);
FillFeatureBuffer(predictions, ref features[count]);
ch.Info("The number of instances used for stacking trainer is {0}", count);
var bldr = new ArrayDataViewBuilder(env);
Array.Resize(ref labels, count);
Array.Resize(ref features, count);
bldr.AddColumn(DefaultColumnNames.Label, data.Schema.Label.Value.Type as PrimitiveDataViewType, labels);
bldr.AddColumn(DefaultColumnNames.Features, NumberDataViewType.Single, features);
return bldr.GetDataView();