// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.CommandLine;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.EntryPoints;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms;
[assembly: LoadableClass(GenerateNumberTransform.Summary, typeof(GenerateNumberTransform), typeof(GenerateNumberTransform.Options), typeof(SignatureDataTransform),
GenerateNumberTransform.UserName, GenerateNumberTransform.LoadName, "GenerateNumber", GenerateNumberTransform.ShortName)]
[assembly: LoadableClass(GenerateNumberTransform.Summary, typeof(GenerateNumberTransform), null, typeof(SignatureLoadDataTransform),
GenerateNumberTransform.UserName, GenerateNumberTransform.LoaderSignature)]
[assembly: EntryPointModule(typeof(RandomNumberGenerator))]
namespace Microsoft.ML.Transforms
/// <summary>
/// This transform adds columns containing either random numbers distributed
/// uniformly between 0 and 1 or an auto-incremented integer starting at zero.
/// It will be used in conjunction with a filter transform to create random
/// partitions of the data, used in cross validation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class GenerateNumberTransform : RowToRowTransformBase
public sealed class Column
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Name of the new column", ShortName = "name")]
public string Name;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Use an auto-incremented integer starting at zero instead of a random number", ShortName = "cnt")]
public bool? UseCounter;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The random seed")]
public uint? Seed;
internal static Column Parse(string str)
var res = new Column();
if (res.TryParse(str))
return res;
return null;
private bool TryParse(string str)
int ich = str.IndexOf(':');
if (ich < 0)
Name = str;
return true;
if (0 < ich && ich < str.Length - 1)
Name = str.Substring(0, ich);
uint tmp;
var result = uint.TryParse(str.Substring(ich + 1), out tmp);
if (result)
Seed = tmp;
return result;
return false;
private static class Defaults
public const bool UseCounter = false;
public const uint Seed = 42;
public sealed class Options : TransformInputBase
[Argument(ArgumentType.Multiple | ArgumentType.Required, HelpText = "New column definition(s) (optional form: name:seed)",
Name = "Column", ShortName = "col", SortOrder = 1)]
public Column[] Columns;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "Use an auto-incremented integer starting at zero instead of a random number", ShortName = "cnt")]
public bool UseCounter = Defaults.UseCounter;
[Argument(ArgumentType.AtMostOnce, HelpText = "The random seed")]
public uint Seed = Defaults.Seed;
private sealed class Bindings : ColumnBindingsBase
public readonly bool[] UseCounter;
public readonly TauswortheHybrid.State[] States;
private Bindings(bool[] useCounter, TauswortheHybrid.State[] states,
DataViewSchema input, bool user, string[] names)
: base(input, user, names)
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(useCounter) == InfoCount);
Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(states) == InfoCount);
UseCounter = useCounter;
States = states;
public static Bindings Create(Options options, DataViewSchema input)
var names = new string[options.Columns.Length];
var useCounter = new bool[options.Columns.Length];
var states = new TauswortheHybrid.State[options.Columns.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < options.Columns.Length; i++)
var item = options.Columns[i];
names[i] = item.Name;
useCounter[i] = item.UseCounter ?? options.UseCounter;
if (!useCounter[i])
states[i] = new TauswortheHybrid.State(item.Seed ?? options.Seed);
return new Bindings(useCounter, states, input, true, names);
public static Bindings Create(ModelLoadContext ctx, DataViewSchema input)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: number of added columns
// for each added column
// int: id of output column name
// byte: useCounter
// if !useCounter
// uint: seed0
// uint: seed1
// uint: seed2
// uint: seed3
int size = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Contracts.CheckDecode(size > 0);
var names = new string[size];
var useCounter = new bool[size];
var states = new TauswortheHybrid.State[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
names[i] = ctx.LoadNonEmptyString();
useCounter[i] = ctx.Reader.ReadBoolByte();
if (!useCounter[i])
states[i] = TauswortheHybrid.State.Load(ctx.Reader);
return new Bindings(useCounter, states, input, false, names);
internal void Save(ModelSaveContext ctx)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: number of added columns
// for each added column
// int: id of output column name
// byte: useCounter
// if !useCounter
// uint: seed0
// uint: seed1
// uint: seed2
// uint: seed3
int size = InfoCount;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (!UseCounter[i])
protected override DataViewType GetColumnTypeCore(int iinfo)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < InfoCount);
return UseCounter[iinfo] ? NumberDataViewType.Int64 : NumberDataViewType.Single;
protected override IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, DataViewType>> GetAnnotationTypesCore(int iinfo)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < InfoCount);
var items = base.GetAnnotationTypesCore(iinfo);
if (!UseCounter[iinfo])
items = items.Prepend(BooleanDataViewType.Instance.GetPair(AnnotationUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized));
return items;
protected override DataViewType GetAnnotationTypeCore(string kind, int iinfo)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < InfoCount);
if (kind == AnnotationUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized && !UseCounter[iinfo])
return BooleanDataViewType.Instance;
return base.GetAnnotationTypeCore(kind, iinfo);
protected override void GetAnnotationCore<TValue>(string kind, int iinfo, ref TValue value)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < InfoCount);
if (kind == AnnotationUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized && !UseCounter[iinfo])
AnnotationUtils.Marshal<bool, TValue>(IsNormalized, iinfo, ref value);
base.GetAnnotationCore(kind, iinfo, ref value);
private void IsNormalized(int iinfo, ref bool dst)
Contracts.Assert(0 <= iinfo && iinfo < InfoCount);
dst = true;
public Func<int, bool> GetDependencies(Func<int, bool> predicate)
var active = GetActiveInput(predicate);
Contracts.Assert(active.Length == Input.Count);
return col => 0 <= col && col < active.Length && active[col];
internal const string Summary = "Adds a column with a generated number sequence.";
internal const string UserName = "Generate Number Transform";
internal const string ShortName = "Generate";
public const string LoadName = "GenerateNumberTransform";
public const string LoaderSignature = "GenNumTransform";
private static VersionInfo GetVersionInfo()
return new VersionInfo(
modelSignature: "GEN NUMT",
verWrittenCur: 0x00010001, // Initial
verReadableCur: 0x00010001,
verWeCanReadBack: 0x00010001,
loaderSignature: LoaderSignature,
loaderAssemblyName: typeof(GenerateNumberTransform).Assembly.FullName);
private readonly Bindings _bindings;
private const string RegistrationName = "GenerateNumber";
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="GenerateNumberTransform"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
/// <param name="input">Input <see cref="IDataView"/>. This is the output from previous transform or loader.</param>
/// <param name="name">Name of the output column.</param>
/// <param name="seed">Seed to start random number generator.</param>
/// <param name="useCounter">Use an auto-incremented integer starting at zero instead of a random number.</param>
public GenerateNumberTransform(IHostEnvironment env, IDataView input, string name, uint? seed = null, bool useCounter = Defaults.UseCounter)
: this(env, new Options() { Columns = new[] { new Column() { Name = name } }, Seed = seed ?? Defaults.Seed, UseCounter = useCounter }, input)
/// <summary>
/// Public constructor corresponding to SignatureDataTransform.
/// </summary>
public GenerateNumberTransform(IHostEnvironment env, Options options, IDataView input)
: base(env, RegistrationName, input)
Host.CheckValue(options, nameof(options));
Host.CheckUserArg(Utils.Size(options.Columns) > 0, nameof(options.Columns));
_bindings = Bindings.Create(options, Source.Schema);
private GenerateNumberTransform(IHost host, ModelLoadContext ctx, IDataView input)
: base(host, input)
// *** Binary format ***
// int: sizeof(float)
// bindings
int cbFloat = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
Host.CheckDecode(cbFloat == sizeof(float));
_bindings = Bindings.Create(ctx, Source.Schema);
public static GenerateNumberTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx, IDataView input)
Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
var h = env.Register(RegistrationName);
h.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
h.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
return h.Apply("Loading Model", ch => new GenerateNumberTransform(h, ctx, input));
private protected override void SaveModel(ModelSaveContext ctx)
Host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));
// *** Binary format ***
// int: sizeof(float)
// bindings
public override DataViewSchema OutputSchema => _bindings.AsSchema;
public override bool CanShuffle { get { return false; } }
protected override bool? ShouldUseParallelCursors(Func<int, bool> predicate)
Host.AssertValue(predicate, "predicate");
// Can't use parallel cursors iff some of our columns are active, otherwise, don't care.
if (_bindings.AnyNewColumnsActive(predicate))
return false;
return null;
protected override DataViewRowCursor GetRowCursorCore(IEnumerable<DataViewSchema.Column> columnsNeeded, Random rand = null)
var predicate = RowCursorUtils.FromColumnsToPredicate(columnsNeeded, OutputSchema);
var inputPred = _bindings.GetDependencies(predicate);
var active = _bindings.GetActive(predicate);
var inputCols = Source.Schema.Where(x => inputPred(x.Index));
var input = Source.GetRowCursor(inputCols);
return new Cursor(Host, _bindings, input, active);
public override DataViewRowCursor[] GetRowCursorSet(IEnumerable<DataViewSchema.Column> columnsNeeded, int n, Random rand = null)
var predicate = RowCursorUtils.FromColumnsToPredicate(columnsNeeded, OutputSchema);
var inputPred = _bindings.GetDependencies(predicate);
var inputCols = Source.Schema.Where(x => inputPred(x.Index));
var active = _bindings.GetActive(predicate);
DataViewRowCursor input;
if (n > 1 && ShouldUseParallelCursors(predicate) != false)
var inputs = Source.GetRowCursorSet(inputCols, n);
if (inputs.Length != 1)
var cursors = new DataViewRowCursor[inputs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
cursors[i] = new Cursor(Host, _bindings, inputs[i], active);
return cursors;
input = inputs[0];
input = Source.GetRowCursor(inputCols);
return new DataViewRowCursor[] { new Cursor(Host, _bindings, input, active) };
private sealed class Cursor : SynchronizedCursorBase
private readonly Bindings _bindings;
private readonly bool[] _active;
private readonly Delegate[] _getters;
private readonly float[] _values;
private readonly TauswortheHybrid[] _rngs;
private readonly long[] _lastCounters;
public Cursor(IChannelProvider provider, Bindings bindings, DataViewRowCursor input, bool[] active)
: base(provider, input)
Ch.CheckValue(bindings, nameof(bindings));
Ch.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
Ch.CheckParam(active == null || active.Length == bindings.ColumnCount, nameof(active));
_bindings = bindings;
_active = active;
var length = _bindings.InfoCount;
_getters = new Delegate[length];
_values = new float[length];
_rngs = new TauswortheHybrid[length];
_lastCounters = new long[length];
for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < length; iinfo++)
_getters[iinfo] = _bindings.UseCounter[iinfo] ? MakeGetter() : (Delegate)MakeGetter(iinfo);
if (!_bindings.UseCounter[iinfo] && IsColumnActive(Schema[_bindings.MapIinfoToCol(iinfo)]))
_rngs[iinfo] = new TauswortheHybrid(_bindings.States[iinfo]);
_lastCounters[iinfo] = -1;
public override DataViewSchema Schema => _bindings.AsSchema;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the given column is active in this row.
/// </summary>
public override bool IsColumnActive(DataViewSchema.Column column)
Ch.Check(column.Index < _bindings.ColumnCount);
return _active == null || _active[column.Index];
/// <summary>
/// Returns a value getter delegate to fetch the value of column with the given columnIndex, from the row.
/// This throws if the column is not active in this row, or if the type
/// <typeparamref name="TValue"/> differs from this column's type.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TValue"> is the column's content type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="column"> is the output column whose getter should be returned.</param>
public override ValueGetter<TValue> GetGetter<TValue>(DataViewSchema.Column column)
bool isSrc;
int index = _bindings.MapColumnIndex(out isSrc, column.Index);
if (isSrc)
return Input.GetGetter<TValue>(Input.Schema[index]);
var originFn = _getters[index];
Ch.Assert(originFn != null);
var fn = originFn as ValueGetter<TValue>;
if (fn == null)
throw Ch.Except($"Invalid TValue in GetGetter: '{typeof(TValue)}', " +
$"expected type: '{originFn.GetType().GetGenericArguments().First()}'.");
return fn;
private ValueGetter<long> MakeGetter()
return (ref long value) =>
Ch.Check(IsGood, RowCursorUtils.FetchValueStateError);
value = Input.Position;
private void EnsureValue(ref long lastCounter, ref float value, TauswortheHybrid rng)
Ch.Assert(lastCounter <= Input.Position);
while (lastCounter < Input.Position)
value = rng.NextSingle();
private ValueGetter<float> MakeGetter(int iinfo)
return (ref float value) =>
Ch.Check(IsGood, RowCursorUtils.FetchValueStateError);
EnsureValue(ref _lastCounters[iinfo], ref _values[iinfo], _rngs[iinfo]);
value = _values[iinfo];
internal static class RandomNumberGenerator
[TlcModule.EntryPoint(Name = "Transforms.RandomNumberGenerator", Desc = GenerateNumberTransform.Summary, UserName = GenerateNumberTransform.UserName, ShortName = GenerateNumberTransform.ShortName)]
public static CommonOutputs.TransformOutput Generate(IHostEnvironment env, GenerateNumberTransform.Options input)
var h = EntryPointUtils.CheckArgsAndCreateHost(env, "GenerateNumber", input);
var xf = new GenerateNumberTransform(h, input, input.Data);
return new CommonOutputs.TransformOutput()
Model = new TransformModelImpl(h, xf, input.Data),
OutputData = xf