3 instantiations of Batch
Microsoft.ML.Data (3)
Data\DataViewUtils.cs (3)
446lastBatch = new Batch(ex); 447toConsume.Add(new Batch(ex)); 594lastBatch = new Batch(ex);
12 references to Batch
Microsoft.ML.Data (12)
Data\DataViewUtils.cs (12)
364var toConsume = new BlockingCollection<Batch>(toConsumeBound); 382Batch lastBatch = null; 406var batch = new Batch(batchColumnPool, batchColumns, count, oldBatch); 469foreach (var batch in toConsume.GetConsumingEnumerable()) 552var toConsume = new BlockingCollection<Batch>(toConsumeBound); 563Batch lastBatch = null; 576var batch = new Batch(batchColumnPool, batchColumns, count, batchId++); 619foreach (var batch in toConsume.GetConsumingEnumerable()) 745/// values they have collected. They are collected into a <see cref="Batch"/> 1005private readonly BlockingCollection<Batch> _batchInputs; 1028OutPipe[] pipes, BlockingCollection<Batch> batchInputs, Action quitAction) 1092var nextBatch = _batchInputs.Take();