3 writes to _host
Microsoft.ML.Data (3)
DataLoadSave\Transpose\TransposeLoader.cs (3)
398_host = env.Register(LoadName); 428_host = host; 461_host = host;
39 references to _host
Microsoft.ML.Data (39)
DataLoadSave\Transpose\TransposeLoader.cs (39)
145private IHost Host { get { return _parent._host; } } 399_host.CheckValue(args, nameof(args)); 400_host.CheckValue(file, nameof(file)); 401_host.Check(file.Count == 1, "Transposed loader accepts a single file only"); 429_host.CheckValue(file, nameof(file)); 430_host.Check(file.Count == 1, "Transposed loader accepts a single file only"); 437_host.CheckDecode(_threads >= 0); 462_host.CheckValue(schemaView, nameof(schemaView)); 469_host.CheckDecode(_threads >= 0); 476_host.Assert(_schemaEntry.GetViewOrNull() == schemaView); 481_host.Assert(_entries[c].GetViewOrNull() == null); 483_host.Assert(HasRowData); 520_host.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx)); 528_host.Assert(_threads >= 0); 531SaveSchema(_host, ctx, Schema); 563throw _host.ExceptDecode("Read only {0} bytes in file, expected header size of {1}", 575_host.CheckDecode(header.Signature == Header.SignatureValue, 581throw _host.ExceptDecode("Compatibility version {0} cannot be greater than file version {1}", 587throw _host.ExceptDecode("Unexpected version {0} encountered, earliest expected here was {1}", 592throw _host.Except("Cannot read version {0} data, latest that can be handled is {1}", 596_host.CheckDecode(header.RowCount >= 0, "Row count cannot be negative"); 597_host.CheckDecode(header.ColumnCount >= 0, "Column count cannot be negative"); 600throw _host.ExceptDecode("Table of contents offset {0} less than header size, impossible", header.SubIdvTableOffset); 604throw _host.ExceptDecode("Tail offset {0} less than header size, impossible", header.TailOffset); 607_host.CheckDecode(tailSig == Header.TailSignatureValue, "Incorrect tail signature"); 624_host.CheckValueOrNull(rand); 639_host.CheckParam(0 <= col && col < _header.ColumnCount, nameof(col)); 643throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(col), "Bad call to GetSlotCursor on untransposable column '{0}'", 646_host.CheckParam(0 <= col && col < _header.ColumnCount, nameof(col)); 677: base(parent._host) 720_host.Assert(0 <= col && col < _header.ColumnCount); 722_host.Assert(!HasRowData); 732_host.AssertValue(view); 733_host.Assert(view.Schema.Count == 1); 734var trans = _colTransposers[col] = Transposer.Create(_host, view, false, new int[] { 0 }); 736_host.Assert(trans.Schema.Count == 1); 738_host.Assert((trans as ITransposeDataView)?.GetSlotType(0).GetValueCount() == Schema[col].Type.GetValueCount()); 742_host.AssertValue(_colTransposers[col]); 760: base(parent._host)