2 instantiations of Pair
Microsoft.ML.Data (2)
Transforms\InvertHashUtils.cs (2)
283pairSet.Add(new Pair(key, pairSet.Count)); 299pairSet.Add(new Pair(dst, pairSet.Count));
16 references to Pair
Microsoft.ML.Data (16)
Transforms\InvertHashUtils.cs (16)
125private sealed class PairEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Pair> 134public bool Equals(Pair x, Pair y) 139public int GetHashCode(Pair obj) 153private readonly Dictionary<int, HashSet<Pair>> _slotToValueSet; 154private readonly IEqualityComparer<Pair> _comparer; 182_slotToValueSet = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Pair>>(); 186private ReadOnlyMemory<char> Textify(ref StringBuilder sb, ref StringBuilder temp, ref char[] cbuffer, ref Pair[] buffer, HashSet<Pair> pairs) 208Array.Sort(buffer, 0, count, Comparer<Pair>.Create((x, y) => x.Order - y.Order)); 216var pair = buffer[i]; 235Pair[] pairs = null; 274HashSet<Pair> pairSet; 281pairSet = _slotToValueSet[dstSlot] = new HashSet<Pair>(_comparer); 289HashSet<Pair> pairSet; 296pairSet = _slotToValueSet[dstSlot] = new HashSet<Pair>(_comparer);