7 writes to MaxRows
Microsoft.ML.Data (2)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (2)
1328MaxRows = options.MaxRows 1369optionsNew.MaxRows = options.MaxRows;
Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.Tests (5)
NerTests.cs (1)
214MaxRows = 75187 // Dataset has 75187 rows. Only load 1k for quicker training,
ObjectDetectionTests.cs (2)
41MaxRows = 1 98MaxRows = 2
QATests.cs (1)
84MaxRows = 2000 // Dataset has 75k rows. Only load 1k for quicker training,
TextClassificationTests.cs (1)
427MaxRows = 5000 // Dataset has 75k rows. Only load 1k for quicker training,
5 references to MaxRows
Microsoft.ML.Data (5)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (5)
1197_maxRows = options.MaxRows ?? long.MaxValue; 1198_host.CheckUserArg(_maxRows >= 0, nameof(options.MaxRows)); 1307/// <see cref="Options.MaxRows"/> 1328MaxRows = options.MaxRows 1369optionsNew.MaxRows = options.MaxRows;