1 type derived from ColumnCache
Microsoft.ML.Data (1)
DataView\CacheDataView.cs (1)
1463private abstract class ColumnCache<T> : ColumnCache
11 references to ColumnCache
Microsoft.ML.Data (11)
DataView\CacheDataView.cs (11)
62private readonly ColumnCache[] _caches; 100_caches = new ColumnCache[_subsetInput.Schema.Count]; 333ColumnCache[] caches; 353caches = new ColumnCache[Utils.Size(taskColumns)]; 358caches[ic++] = _caches[c] = ColumnCache.Create(this, cursor, c, waiter); 373/// for each row, it tells each <see cref="ColumnCache"/> instance in 376/// When it's done, it tells <see cref="ColumnCache"/> to "freeze" itself, since 382private void Filler(DataViewRowCursor cursor, ColumnCache[] caches, OrderedWaiter waiter) 1279public static ColumnCache Create(CacheDataView parent, DataViewRowCursor input, int srcCol, OrderedWaiter waiter) 1302return (ColumnCache)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { parent, input, srcCol, waiter }); 1475/// consumer should coordinate with the <see cref="ColumnCache.Waiter"/> member to ensure