5 writes to AutoEnd
Microsoft.ML.Data (2)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (2)
299AutoEnd = max == null; 388AutoEnd = true;
Microsoft.ML.Tests (2)
Transformers\ConcatTests.cs (2)
52new TextLoader.Column("vfloat", DataKind.Single, new[]{new TextLoader.Range(14, null) { AutoEnd = false, VariableEnd = true } }) 109new TextLoader.Column("vfloat", DataKind.Single, new[]{new TextLoader.Range(9), new TextLoader.Range(10), new TextLoader.Range(11), new TextLoader.Range(12, null) { AutoEnd = false, VariableEnd = true } })
Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp.Tests (1)
NerTests.cs (1)
209new TextLoader.Range(1, null) { VariableEnd = true, AutoEnd = false }
8 references to AutoEnd
Microsoft.ML.Data (8)
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoader.cs (8)
254if (prev.Max == null && (prev.AutoEnd || prev.VariableEnd)) 312/// If max is specified, the fields <see cref="AutoEnd"/> and <see cref="VariableEnd"/> are ignored. 319/// If <see cref="Max"/> is specified, the fields <see cref="AutoEnd"/> and <see cref="VariableEnd"/> are ignored. 328/// If <see cref="Max"/> is specified, the fields <see cref="AutoEnd"/> and <see cref="VariableEnd"/> are ignored. 329/// If <see cref="AutoEnd"/> is <see langword="true"/>, then <see cref="VariableEnd"/> is ignored. 416else if (AutoEnd) 720if (!needInputSize && col.Source.Any(r => r.AutoEnd && r.Max == null)) 811else if (range.AutoEnd)