2 instantiations of Cursor
Microsoft.ML.Data (2)
DataLoadSave\Binary\BinaryLoader.cs (2)
1196var cursor = new Cursor(this, columnsNeeded, ourRand); 1199return new Cursor(this, columnsNeeded, rand);
8 references to Cursor
Microsoft.ML.Data (8)
DataLoadSave\Binary\BinaryLoader.cs (8)
1196var cursor = new Cursor(this, columnsNeeded, ourRand); 1216private static readonly FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<Cursor, Delegate> _noRowGetterMethodInfo 1217= FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<Cursor, Delegate>.Create(target => target.NoRowGetter<int>); 1443protected readonly Cursor Parent; 1449public static ReadPipe Create(Cursor parent, int columnIndex, int bufferSize) 1460protected ReadPipe(Cursor parent, int columnIndex) 1560public ReadPipeGenerated(Cursor parent, int columnIndex, int bufferSize) 1769public ReadPipe(Cursor parent, int columnIndex, int bufferSize)