1 write to _host
Microsoft.ML.Data (1)
DataView\Transposer.cs (1)
88_host = host;
13 references to _host
Microsoft.ML.Data (13)
DataView\Transposer.cs (13)
89_host.AssertValue(view); 90_host.CheckParam(Utils.Size(columns) > 0, nameof(columns), "Cannot be empty"); 118using (var ch = _host.Start("Init")) 130var saver = new BinarySaver(_host, args); 146var slicer = new DataViewSlicer(_host, view, columns); 181_splitView = new BinaryLoader(_host, loaderArgs, stream, leaveOpen: false); 188throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(view), "View has {0} rows, we cannot transpose with more than {1}", rowCount, Utils.ArrayMaxSize); 235_host.CheckParam(0 <= col && col < _view.Schema.Count, nameof(col)); 242throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(col), "Bad call to GetSlotCursor on untransposable column '{0}'", _tview.Schema[col].Name); 247_host.Assert(0 <= tcol && tcol < _cols.Length); 248_host.Assert(_cols[tcol].Index == col); 273_host.Assert(elementType != null); 307: base(parent._host)