7 writes to Type
Microsoft.ML.Data (2)
DataLoadSave\Database\DatabaseLoader.cs (2)
164column.Type = dk.ToDbType(); 222Type = dbType;
Microsoft.ML.Tests (5)
DatabaseLoaderTests.cs (5)
56new DatabaseLoader.Column() { Name = "Label", Type = DbType.Int32 }, 57new DatabaseLoader.Column() { Name = "SepalLength", Type = DbType.Single }, 58new DatabaseLoader.Column() { Name = "SepalWidth", Type = DbType.Single }, 59new DatabaseLoader.Column() { Name = "PetalLength", Type = DbType.Single }, 60new DatabaseLoader.Column() { Name = "PetalWidth", Type = DbType.Single }
5 references to Type
Microsoft.ML.Data (5)
DataLoadSave\Database\DatabaseLoader.cs (5)
495itemType = ConstructKeyType(col.Type, col.KeyCount); 499ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DbType), col.Type), nameof(Column.Type), "Bad item type"); 500itemType = ColumnTypeExtensions.PrimitiveTypeFromType(col.Type.ToType()); 689Contracts.CheckUserArg(KeyDataViewType.IsValidDataType(rawType), nameof(DatabaseLoader.Column.Type), "Bad item type for Key");