// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.ML.Calibrators;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities
internal static class IniFileUtils
// This could be done better by having something that actually parses the .ini file and provides more
// functionality. For now, we'll just provide the minimum needed. If we went the nicer route, probably would
// want a class representing the Ini file, and a separate one for the cal
// TODO: Consider using built-in .ini file parsing routines, they should work fine.
// TODO: Should be made more robust to handle things like "Evaluators = " sand such.
// TODO: Would be nice to place this evaluator above the comments section
public static string AddEvaluator(string ini, string evaluator)
int numEvaluators = NumEvaluators(ini);
if (!ini.Contains("Evaluators=" + numEvaluators))
throw Contracts.ExceptNotImpl("Need to make the replacing of Evaluators= more robust");
ini = ini.Replace("Evaluators=" + numEvaluators, "Evaluators=" + (numEvaluators + 1));
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(ini);
bld.AppendLine("[Evaluator:" + (numEvaluators + 1) + "]");
return bld.ToString();
public static int NumEvaluators(string ini)
// Look for "Evaluators=101"
Regex numEvaluators = new Regex("Evaluators=([0-9]+)");
Match match = numEvaluators.Match(ini);
Contracts.Check(match.Success, "Unable to retrieve number of evaluators from ini");
string count = match.Groups[1].Value;
return int.Parse(count);
public static string GetCalibratorEvaluatorIni(string originalIni, PlattCalibrator calibrator)
// Bing-style output as a second evaluator
// Sigmoid: P(z) = 1/(1+exp(-z)).
// Calibrator: P(x) = 1/(1+exp(ax+b)), where x is output of model (evaluator 1)
// => z = -ax + -b
StringBuilder newEvaluator = new StringBuilder();
newEvaluator.AppendLine("Bias=" + -calibrator.Offset);
newEvaluator.AppendLine("Nodes=E:" + NumEvaluators(originalIni));
newEvaluator.AppendLine("Weights=" + -calibrator.Slope);
return newEvaluator.ToString();