1 write to Items
Microsoft.ML.CpuMath (1)
AlignedArray.cs (1)
46Items = new float[size + cbAlign / sizeof(float)];
44 references to Items
Microsoft.ML.CpuMath (44)
AlignedArray.cs (19)
55fixed (float* pv = Items) 72Items[i] = float.NaN; 73for (int i = _base + _size; i < Items.Length; i++) 74Items[i] = float.NaN; 87Array.Copy(Items, _base, Items, newBase, _size); 102return Items[index + _base]; 107Items[index + _base] = value; 115Items.AsSpan(_base, count).CopyTo(dst.Slice(index)); 123Items.AsSpan(start + _base, count).CopyTo(dst.Slice(index)); 129src.CopyTo(Items.AsSpan(_base)); 135src.CopyTo(Items.AsSpan(start + _base)); 157Items[iv] = valuesSrc[ipos]; 166Array.Copy(src.Items, src._base, Items, _base, _size); 171Array.Clear(Items, _base, _size); 186Items[_base + ivCur++] = 0; 193Items[_base + ivCur++] = 0; 201items = Items;
AvxIntrinsics.cs (9)
182fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 183fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 184fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0]) 254fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 255fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 256fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0]) 305fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 306fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 307fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0])
CpuMathUtils.netcoreapp.cs (2)
471fixed (float* pdst = &destination.Items[0]) 486fixed (float* pdst = &destination.Items[0])
FactorizationMachine\FactorizationMachineInterface.netcoreapp.cs (5)
29fixed (float* pv = &latentWeights.Items[0]) 30fixed (float* pq = &latentSum.Items[0]) 59fixed (float* pq = &latentSum.Items[0]) 61fixed (float* pv = &latentWeights.Items[0]) 63fixed (float* phv = &latentAccumulatedSquaredGrads.Items[0])
SseIntrinsics.cs (9)
147fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 148fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 149fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0]) 213fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 214fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 215fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0]) 262fixed (float* pSrcStart = &src.Items[0]) 263fixed (float* pDstStart = &dst.Items[0]) 264fixed (float* pMatStart = &mat.Items[0])