// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.CpuMath.Core;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Internal.CpuMath.FactorizationMachine
internal static class AvxIntrinsics
private static readonly Vector256<float> _point5 = Vector256.Create(0.5f);
private static Vector256<float> MultiplyAdd(Vector256<float> src1, Vector256<float> src2, Vector256<float> src3)
if (Fma.IsSupported)
return Fma.MultiplyAdd(src1, src2, src3);
Vector256<float> product = Avx.Multiply(src1, src2);
return Avx.Add(product, src3);
private static Vector256<float> MultiplyAddNegated(Vector256<float> src1, Vector256<float> src2, Vector256<float> src3)
if (Fma.IsSupported)
return Fma.MultiplyAddNegated(src1, src2, src3);
Vector256<float> product = Avx.Multiply(src1, src2);
return Avx.Subtract(src3, product);
// This function implements Algorithm 1 in https://github.com/wschin/fast-ffm/blob/master/fast-ffm.pdf.
// Compute the output value of the field-aware factorization, as the sum of the linear part and the latent part.
// The linear part is the inner product of linearWeights and featureValues.
// The latent part is the sum of all intra-field interactions in one field f, for all fields possible
public static unsafe void CalculateIntermediateVariables(int* fieldIndices, int* featureIndices, float* featureValues,
float* linearWeights, float* latentWeights, float* latentSum, float* response, int fieldCount, int latentDim, int count)
// The number of all possible fields.
int m = fieldCount;
int d = latentDim;
int c = count;
int* pf = fieldIndices;
int* pi = featureIndices;
float* px = featureValues;
float* pw = linearWeights;
float* pv = latentWeights;
float* pq = latentSum;
float linearResponse = 0;
float latentResponse = 0;
Unsafe.InitBlock(pq, 0, (uint)(m * m * d * sizeof(float)));
Vector256<float> y = Vector256<float>.Zero;
Vector256<float> tmp = Vector256<float>.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
int f = pf[i];
int j = pi[i];
linearResponse += pw[j] * px[i];
Vector256<float> x = Avx.BroadcastScalarToVector256(px + i);
Vector256<float> xx = Avx.Multiply(x, x);
// tmp -= <v_j,f, v_j,f> * x * x
int vBias = j * m * d + f * d;
// j-th feature's latent vector in the f-th field hidden space.
float* vjf = pv + vBias;
for (int k = 0; k + 8 <= d; k += 8)
Vector256<float> vjfBuffer = Avx.LoadVector256(vjf + k);
tmp = MultiplyAddNegated(Avx.Multiply(vjfBuffer, vjfBuffer), xx, tmp);
for (int fprime = 0; fprime < m; fprime++)
vBias = j * m * d + fprime * d;
int qBias = f * m * d + fprime * d;
float* vjfprime = pv + vBias;
float* qffprime = pq + qBias;
// q_f,f' += v_j,f' * x
for (int k = 0; k + 8 <= d; k += 8)
Vector256<float> vjfprimeBuffer = Avx.LoadVector256(vjfprime + k);
Vector256<float> q = Avx.LoadVector256(qffprime + k);
q = MultiplyAdd(vjfprimeBuffer, x, q);
Avx.Store(qffprime + k, q);
for (int f = 0; f < m; f++)
// tmp += <q_f,f, q_f,f>
float* qff = pq + f * m * d + f * d;
for (int k = 0; k + 8 <= d; k += 8)
Vector256<float> qffBuffer = Avx.LoadVector256(qff + k);
// Intra-field interactions.
tmp = MultiplyAdd(qffBuffer, qffBuffer, tmp);
// y += <q_f,f', q_f',f>, f != f'
// Whis loop handles inter - field interactions because f != f'.
for (int fprime = f + 1; fprime < m; fprime++)
float* qffprime = pq + f * m * d + fprime * d;
float* qfprimef = pq + fprime * m * d + f * d;
for (int k = 0; k + 8 <= d; k += 8)
// Inter-field interaction.
Vector256<float> qffprimeBuffer = Avx.LoadVector256(qffprime + k);
Vector256<float> qfprimefBuffer = Avx.LoadVector256(qfprimef + k);
y = MultiplyAdd(qffprimeBuffer, qfprimefBuffer, y);
y = MultiplyAdd(_point5, tmp, y);
tmp = Avx.Add(y, Avx.Permute2x128(y, y, 1));
tmp = Avx.HorizontalAdd(tmp, tmp);
y = Avx.HorizontalAdd(tmp, tmp);
Sse.StoreScalar(&latentResponse, y.GetLower()); // The lowest slot is the response value.
*response = linearResponse + latentResponse;
// This function implements Algorithm 2 in https://github.com/wschin/fast-ffm/blob/master/fast-ffm.pdf
// Calculate the stochastic gradient and update the model.
public static unsafe void CalculateGradientAndUpdate(int* fieldIndices, int* featureIndices, float* featureValues, float* latentSum, float* linearWeights,
float* latentWeights, float* linearAccumulatedSquaredGrads, float* latentAccumulatedSquaredGrads, float lambdaLinear, float lambdaLatent, float learningRate,
int fieldCount, int latentDim, float weight, int count, float slope)
int m = fieldCount;
int d = latentDim;
int c = count;
int* pf = fieldIndices;
int* pi = featureIndices;
float* px = featureValues;
float* pq = latentSum;
float* pw = linearWeights;
float* pv = latentWeights;
float* phw = linearAccumulatedSquaredGrads;
float* phv = latentAccumulatedSquaredGrads;
Vector256<float> wei = Vector256.Create(weight);
Vector256<float> s = Vector256.Create(slope);
Vector256<float> lr = Vector256.Create(learningRate);
Vector256<float> lambdav = Vector256.Create(lambdaLatent);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int f = pf[i];
int j = pi[i];
// Calculate gradient of linear term w_j.
float g = weight * (lambdaLinear * pw[j] + slope * px[i]);
// Accumulate the gradient of the linear term.
phw[j] += g * g;
// Perform ADAGRAD update rule to adjust linear term.
pw[j] -= learningRate / MathF.Sqrt(phw[j]) * g;
// Update latent term, v_j,f', f'=1,...,m.
Vector256<float> x = Avx.BroadcastScalarToVector256(px + i);
for (int fprime = 0; fprime < m; fprime++)
float* vjfprime = pv + j * m * d + fprime * d;
float* hvjfprime = phv + j * m * d + fprime * d;
float* qfprimef = pq + fprime * m * d + f * d;
Vector256<float> sx = Avx.Multiply(s, x);
for (int k = 0; k + 8 <= d; k += 8)
Vector256<float> v = Avx.LoadVector256(vjfprime + k);
Vector256<float> q = Avx.LoadVector256(qfprimef + k);
// Calculate L2-norm regularization's gradient.
Vector256<float> gLatent = Avx.Multiply(lambdav, v);
Vector256<float> tmp = q;
// Calculate loss function's gradient.
if (fprime == f)
tmp = MultiplyAddNegated(v, x, q);
gLatent = MultiplyAdd(sx, tmp, gLatent);
gLatent = Avx.Multiply(wei, gLatent);
// Accumulate the gradient of latent vectors.
Vector256<float> h = MultiplyAdd(gLatent, gLatent, Avx.LoadVector256(hvjfprime + k));
// Perform ADAGRAD update rule to adjust latent vector.
v = MultiplyAddNegated(lr, Avx.Multiply(Avx.ReciprocalSqrt(h), gLatent), v);
Avx.Store(vjfprime + k, v);
Avx.Store(hvjfprime + k, h);