8 references to InRepository
Microsoft.ML.Core (8)
Data\ModelSaveContext.cs (4)
157_ectx.Check(InRepository, "Can't save a text stream when writing to a single stream"); 173_ectx.Check(InRepository, "Can't save a text stream when writing to a single stream"); 250_ectx.Assert((_ent == null) == !InRepository); 253if (InRepository)
Data\ModelSaving.cs (4)
15/// Save a sub model to the given sub directory. This requires <see cref="InRepository"/> to be <see langword="true"/>. 21_ectx.Check(InRepository, "Can't save a sub-model when writing to a single stream"); 75/// <see cref="InRepository"/> to be <see langword="true"/>. 80_ectx.Check(InRepository, "Can't save a sub-model when writing to a single stream");