1 write to Args
Microsoft.ML.Core (1)
CommandLine\CmdParser.cs (1)
1348Args = args;
13 references to Args
Microsoft.ML.Core (13)
CommandLine\CmdParser.cs (13)
610hadError |= !info.ArgDef.SetValue(this, ref values[info.Args.Length], str, "", destination); 623Contracts.Assert(0 <= arg.Index && arg.Index < info.Args.Length); 757var values = new ArgValue[info.Args.Length + 1]; 761for (int i = 0; i < info.Args.Length; i++) 763var arg = info.Args[i]; 768hadError |= info.ArgDef.Finish(this, values[info.Args.Length], destination); 783foreach (Argument arg in info.Args) 816foreach (Argument arg in info.Args) 830foreach (Argument arg in info.Args) 957foreach (Argument arg in info.Args) 1258Arg[] args = Utils.BuildArray(argumentInfo.Args.Length, i => new Arg(argumentInfo.Args[i])); 1479if (_infoCustom.ArgDef == null && _infoCustom.Args.Length == 0)