File: Environment\HostEnvironmentBase.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.Core\Microsoft.ML.Core.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
/// <summary>
/// Base class for channel providers. This is a common base class for<see cref="HostEnvironmentBase{THostEnvironmentBase}"/>.
/// The ParentFullName, ShortName, and FullName may be null or empty.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class ChannelProviderBase : IExceptionContext
    /// <summary>
    /// Data keys that are attached to the exception thrown via the exception context.
    /// </summary>
    public static class ExceptionContextKeys
        public const string ThrowingComponent = "Throwing component";
        public const string ParentComponent = "Parent component";
        public const string Phase = "Phase";
    public string ShortName { get; }
    public string ParentFullName { get; }
    public string FullName { get; }
    public bool Verbose { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// The channel depth, NOT host env depth.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract int Depth { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// ExceptionContext description.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual string ContextDescription => FullName;
    protected ChannelProviderBase(string shortName, string parentFullName, bool verbose)
        ParentFullName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentFullName) ? null : parentFullName;
        ShortName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortName) ? null : shortName;
        FullName = GenerateFullName();
        Verbose = verbose;
    /// <summary>
    /// Override this method to change the way full names are constructed.
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual string GenerateFullName()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentFullName))
            return ShortName;
        return string.Format("{0}; {1}", ParentFullName, ShortName);
    public virtual TException Process<TException>(TException ex)
        where TException : Exception
        if (ex != null)
            ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.ThrowingComponent] = ShortName;
            ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.ParentComponent] = ParentFullName;
        return ex;
/// <summary>
/// Message source (a channel) that generated the message being dispatched.
/// </summary>
internal interface IMessageSource
    string ShortName { get; }
    string FullName { get; }
    bool Verbose { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A basic host environment suited for many environments.
/// This also supports modifying the concurrency factor, provides the ability to subscribe to pipes via the
/// AddListener/RemoveListener methods, and exposes the <see cref="ProgressReporting.ProgressTracker"/> to
/// query progress.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv> : ChannelProviderBase, IHostEnvironmentInternal, IChannelProvider, ICancelable
    where TEnv : HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv>
    void ICancelable.CancelExecution()
        lock (_cancelLock)
            foreach (var child in _children)
                if (child.TryGetTarget(out IHost host))
                    if (host is ICancelable cancelableHost)
            IsCanceled = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Base class for hosts. Classes derived from  <see cref="HostEnvironmentBase{THostEnvironmentBase}"/> may choose
    /// to provide their own host class that derives from this class.
    /// This encapsulates the random number generator and name information.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class HostBase : HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv>, IHost
        public override int Depth { get; }
        public Random Rand => _rand;
        public HostBase(HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv> source, string shortName, string parentFullName, Random rand, bool verbose)
            : base(source, rand, verbose, shortName, parentFullName)
            Depth = source.Depth + 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method registers and returns the host for the calling component. The generated host is also
        /// added to <see cref="_children"/> and encapsulated by <see cref="WeakReference"/>. It becomes
        /// necessary to remove these hosts when they are reclaimed by the Garbage Collector.
        /// </summary>
        public new IHost Register(string name, int? seed = null, bool? verbose = null)
            Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(name, nameof(name));
            IHost host;
            lock (_cancelLock)
                _children.RemoveAll(r => r.TryGetTarget(out IHost _) == false);
                Random rand = (seed.HasValue) ? RandomUtils.Create(seed.Value) : RandomUtils.Create(_rand);
                host = RegisterCore(this, name, Master?.FullName, rand, verbose ?? Verbose);
                if (!IsCanceled)
                    _children.Add(new WeakReference<IHost>(host));
            return host;
    /// <summary>
    /// Base class for implementing <see cref="IPipe{TMessage}"/>. Deriving classes can optionally override
    /// the Done() and the DisposeCore() methods. If no overrides are needed, the sealed class
    /// <see cref="Pipe{TMessage}"/> may be used.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract class PipeBase<TMessage> : ChannelProviderBase, IPipe<TMessage>, IMessageSource
        public override int Depth { get; }
        // The delegate to call to dispatch messages.
        protected readonly Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> Dispatch;
        public readonly ChannelProviderBase Parent;
        private bool _disposed;
        protected PipeBase(ChannelProviderBase parent, string shortName,
            Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> dispatch)
            : base(shortName, parent.FullName, parent.Verbose)
            Parent = parent;
            Depth = parent.Depth + 1;
            Dispatch = dispatch;
        public void Dispose()
            if (!_disposed)
                _disposed = true;
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        public void Send(TMessage msg)
            Dispatch(this, msg);
        public override TException Process<TException>(TException ex)
            if (ex != null)
                ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.ThrowingComponent] = Parent.ShortName;
                ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.ParentComponent] = Parent.ParentFullName;
                ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.Phase] = ShortName;
            return ex;
    /// <summary>
    /// A base class for <see cref="IChannel"/> implementations. A message is dispatched as a
    /// <see cref="ChannelMessage"/>. Deriving classes can optionally override the Done() and the
    /// DisposeCore() methods.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract class ChannelBase : PipeBase<ChannelMessage>, IChannel
        protected readonly TEnv Root;
        protected ChannelBase(TEnv root, ChannelProviderBase parent, string shortName,
            Action<IMessageSource, ChannelMessage> dispatch)
            : base(parent, shortName, dispatch)
            Root = root;
        public void Trace(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string msg)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Trace, sensitivity, msg));
        public void Trace(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string fmt, params object[] args)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Trace, sensitivity, fmt, args));
        public void Error(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string msg)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Error, sensitivity, msg));
        public void Error(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string fmt, params object[] args)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Error, sensitivity, fmt, args));
        public void Warning(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string msg)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Warning, sensitivity, msg));
        public void Warning(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string fmt, params object[] args)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Warning, sensitivity, fmt, args));
        public void Info(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string msg)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Info, sensitivity, msg));
        public void Info(MessageSensitivity sensitivity, string fmt, params object[] args)
            Dispatch(this, new ChannelMessage(ChannelMessageKind.Info, sensitivity, fmt, args));
    /// <summary>
    /// An optional implementation of <see cref="IPipe{TMessage}"/>.
    /// </summary>
    protected sealed class Pipe<TMessage> : PipeBase<TMessage>
        public Pipe(ChannelProviderBase parent, string shortName,
            Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> dispatch) :
            base(parent, shortName, dispatch)
    /// <summary>
    /// Base class for <see cref="Dispatcher{TMessage}"/>. The master host environment has a
    /// map from <see cref="System.Type"/> to <see cref="Dispatcher"/>.
    /// </summary>
    protected abstract class Dispatcher
    /// <summary>
    /// Strongly typed dispatcher class.
    /// </summary>
    protected sealed class Dispatcher<TMessage> : Dispatcher
        /// <summary>
        /// This field is actually used as a <see cref="MulticastDelegate"/>, which holds the listener actions
        /// for all listeners that are currently subscribed. The action itself is an immutable object, so every time
        /// any listener subscribes or unsubscribes, the field is replaced with a modified version of the delegate.
        /// The field can be null, if no listener is currently subscribed.
        /// </summary>
        private volatile Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> _listenerAction;
        /// <summary>
        /// The dispatch delegate invokes the current dispatching action (wchch calls all current listeners).
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> _dispatch;
        public Dispatcher()
            _dispatch = DispatchCore;
        public Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> Dispatch { get { return _dispatch; } }
        private void DispatchCore(IMessageSource sender, TMessage message)
            _listenerAction?.Invoke(sender, message);
        public void AddListener(Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> listenerFunc)
            lock (_dispatch)
                _listenerAction += listenerFunc;
        public void RemoveListener(Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> listenerFunc)
            lock (_dispatch)
                _listenerAction -= listenerFunc;
#pragma warning disable MSML_NoInstanceInitializers // Need this to have a default value incase the user doesn't set it.
    public string TempFilePath { get; set; } = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
#pragma warning restore MSML_NoInstanceInitializers
    public int? GpuDeviceId { get; set; }
    public bool FallbackToCpu { get; set; }
    protected readonly TEnv Root;
    // This is non-null iff this environment was a fork of another. Disposing a fork
    // doesn't free temp files. That is handled when the master is disposed.
    protected readonly HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv> Master;
    // Protect _cancellation logic.
    private readonly object _cancelLock;
    // The random number generator for this host.
    private readonly Random _rand;
    public int? Seed { get; }
    // A dictionary mapping the type of message to the Dispatcher that gets the strongly typed dispatch delegate.
    protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, Dispatcher> ListenerDict;
    protected readonly ProgressReporting.ProgressTracker ProgressTracker;
    public ComponentCatalog ComponentCatalog { get; }
    public override int Depth => 0;
    public bool IsCanceled { get; protected set; }
    // We don't have dispose mechanism for hosts, so to let GC collect children hosts we make them WeakReference.
    private readonly List<WeakReference<IHost>> _children;
    /// <summary>
    /// The main constructor.
    /// </summary>
    protected HostEnvironmentBase(int? seed, bool verbose,
        string shortName = null, string parentFullName = null)
        : base(shortName, parentFullName, verbose)
        Seed = seed;
        _rand = RandomUtils.Create(Seed);
        ListenerDict = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, Dispatcher>();
        ProgressTracker = new ProgressReporting.ProgressTracker(this);
        _cancelLock = new object();
        Root = this as TEnv;
        ComponentCatalog = new ComponentCatalog();
        _children = new List<WeakReference<IHost>>();
    /// <summary>
    /// This constructor is for forking.
    /// </summary>
    protected HostEnvironmentBase(HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv> source, Random rand, bool verbose,
        string shortName = null, string parentFullName = null)
        : base(shortName, parentFullName, verbose)
        Contracts.CheckValue(source, nameof(source));
        _rand = rand ?? RandomUtils.Create();
        _cancelLock = new object();
        // This fork shares some stuff with the master.
        Master = source;
        GpuDeviceId = Master?.GpuDeviceId;
        FallbackToCpu = Master?.FallbackToCpu ?? true;
        Seed = Master?.Seed;
        Root = source.Root;
        ListenerDict = source.ListenerDict;
        ProgressTracker = source.ProgressTracker;
        ComponentCatalog = source.ComponentCatalog;
        _children = new List<WeakReference<IHost>>();
    /// <summary>
    /// This method registers and returns the host for the calling component. The generated host is also
    /// added to <see cref="_children"/> and encapsulated by <see cref="WeakReference"/>. It becomes
    /// necessary to remove these hosts when they are reclaimed by the Garbage Collector.
    /// </summary>
    public IHost Register(string name, int? seed = null, bool? verbose = null)
        Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(name, nameof(name));
        IHost host;
        lock (_cancelLock)
            _children.RemoveAll(r => r.TryGetTarget(out IHost _) == false);
            Random rand = (seed.HasValue) ? RandomUtils.Create(seed.Value) : RandomUtils.Create(_rand);
            host = RegisterCore(this, name, Master?.FullName, rand, verbose ?? Verbose);
            // Need to manually copy over the parameters
            //((IHostEnvironmentInternal)host).Seed = this.Seed;
            ((IHostEnvironmentInternal)host).TempFilePath = TempFilePath;
            ((IHostEnvironmentInternal)host).GpuDeviceId = GpuDeviceId;
            ((IHostEnvironmentInternal)host).FallbackToCpu = FallbackToCpu;
            _children.Add(new WeakReference<IHost>(host));
        return host;
    protected abstract IHost RegisterCore(HostEnvironmentBase<TEnv> source, string shortName,
        string parentFullName, Random rand, bool verbose);
    public IProgressChannel StartProgressChannel(string name)
        Contracts.CheckNonEmpty(name, nameof(name));
        return StartProgressChannelCore(null, name);
    protected virtual IProgressChannel StartProgressChannelCore(HostBase host, string name)
        return new ProgressReporting.ProgressChannel(this, ProgressTracker, name);
    private void DispatchMessageCore<TMessage>(
        Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> listenerAction, IMessageSource channel, TMessage message)
        listenerAction?.Invoke(channel, message);
    protected Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> GetDispatchDelegate<TMessage>()
        var dispatcher = EnsureDispatcher<TMessage>();
        return dispatcher.Dispatch;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method is called when a channel is created and when a listener is registered.
    /// This method is not invoked on every message.
    /// </summary>
    protected Dispatcher<TMessage> EnsureDispatcher<TMessage>()
        if (!ListenerDict.TryGetValue(typeof(TMessage), out Dispatcher dispatcher)
            && !ListenerDict.TryAdd(typeof(TMessage), dispatcher = new Dispatcher<TMessage>()))
            // TryAdd can only fail if some other thread won a race against us and inserted its own dispatcher into the dictionary.
            // Defer to that winning item.
            dispatcher = ListenerDict[typeof(TMessage)];
        Contracts.Assert(dispatcher is Dispatcher<TMessage>);
        return (Dispatcher<TMessage>)dispatcher;
    public IChannel Start(string name)
        return CreateCommChannel(this, name);
    public IPipe<TMessage> StartPipe<TMessage>(string name)
        return CreatePipe<TMessage>(this, name);
    protected abstract IChannel CreateCommChannel(ChannelProviderBase parent, string name);
    protected abstract IPipe<TMessage> CreatePipe<TMessage>(ChannelProviderBase parent, string name);
    public void AddListener<TMessage>(Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> listenerFunc)
        Contracts.CheckValue(listenerFunc, nameof(listenerFunc));
        var dispatcher = EnsureDispatcher<TMessage>();
    public void RemoveListener<TMessage>(Action<IMessageSource, TMessage> listenerFunc)
        Contracts.CheckValue(listenerFunc, nameof(listenerFunc));
        if (!ListenerDict.TryGetValue(typeof(TMessage), out Dispatcher dispatcher))
        var typedDispatcher = dispatcher as Dispatcher<TMessage>;
    public override TException Process<TException>(TException ex)
        if (ex != null)
            ex.Data[ExceptionContextKeys.ThrowingComponent] = "Environment";
        return ex;
    public override string ContextDescription => "HostEnvironment";
    /// <summary>
    /// Line endings in message may not be normalized, this method provides normalized printing.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">The text writer to write to.</param>
    /// <param name="message">The message, which if it contains newlines will be normalized.</param>
    /// <param name="removeLastNewLine">If false, then two newlines will be printed at the end,
    /// making messages be bracketed by blank lines. If true then only the single newline at the
    /// end of a message is printed.</param>
    /// <param name="prefix">A prefix that will be written to every line, except the first line.
    /// If <paramref name="message"/> contains no newlines then this prefix will not be
    /// written at all. This prefix is not written to the newline written if
    /// <paramref name="removeLastNewLine"/> is false.</param>
    public virtual void PrintMessageNormalized(TextWriter writer, string message, bool removeLastNewLine, string prefix = null)
        int ichMin = 0;
        int ichLim = 0;
        for (; ; )
            ichLim = ichMin;
            while (ichLim < message.Length && message[ichLim] != '\r' && message[ichLim] != '\n')
            if (ichLim == message.Length)
            if (prefix != null && ichMin > 0)
            if (ichMin == ichLim)
                writer.WriteLine(message.Substring(ichMin, ichLim - ichMin));
            ichMin = ichLim + 1;
            if (ichMin < message.Length && message[ichLim] == '\r' && message[ichMin] == '\n')
        Contracts.Assert(ichMin <= ichLim);
        if (ichMin < ichLim)
            if (prefix != null && ichMin > 0)
            writer.WriteLine(message.Substring(ichMin, ichLim - ichMin));
        else if (!removeLastNewLine)