File: Data\ModelHeader.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.Core\Microsoft.ML.Core.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = Size)]
internal struct ModelHeader
    /// <summary>
    /// This spells 'ML MODEL' with zero replacing space (assuming little endian).
    /// </summary>
    public const ulong SignatureValue = 0x4C45444F4D004C4DUL;
    public const ulong TailSignatureValue = 0x4D4C004D4F44454CUL;
    private const uint VerAssemblyNameSupported = 0x00010002;
    // These are private since they change over time. If we make them public we risk
    // another assembly containing a "copy" of their value when the other assembly
    // was compiled, which might not match the code that can load this.
    //private const uint VerWrittenCur = 0x00010001; // Initial
    private const uint VerWrittenCur = 0x00010002; // Added AssemblyName
    private const uint VerReadableCur = 0x00010002;
    private const uint VerWeCanReadBack = 0x00010001;
    public ulong Signature;
    public uint VerWritten;
    public uint VerReadable;
    // Location and size (in bytes) of the model block. Note that it is legal for CbModel to be zero.
    public long FpModel;
    public long CbModel;
    // Location and size (in bytes) of the string table block. If there are no strings, these are both zero.
    // If there are n strings then CbStringTable is n * sizeof(long), so is divisible by sizeof(long).
    // Each long is the offset from header.FpStringChars of the "lim" of the characters for that string.
    // The "min" is the "lim" for the previous string. The 0th string's "min" is offset zero.
    public long FpStringTable;
    public long CbStringTable;
    // Location and size (in bytes) of the string characters, without any prefix or termination. The characters
    // unicode (UTF-16).
    public long FpStringChars;
    public long CbStringChars;
    // ModelSignature specifies the format of the model block. These values are assigned by
    // the code that writes the model block.
    public ulong ModelSignature;
    public uint ModelVerWritten;
    public uint ModelVerReadable;
    // These encode up to two loader signature strings. These are up to 24 ascii characters each.
    public ulong LoaderSignature0;
    public ulong LoaderSignature1;
    public ulong LoaderSignature2;
    public ulong LoaderSignatureAlt0;
    public ulong LoaderSignatureAlt1;
    public ulong LoaderSignatureAlt2;
    // Location of the "tail" signature, which is simply the TailSignatureValue.
    public long FpTail;
    public long FpLim;
    // Location of the fully qualified assembly name string (in UTF-16).
    // Note that it is legal for both to be zero.
    public long FpAssemblyName;
    public uint CbAssemblyName;
    public const int Size = 0x0100;
    // Utilities for writing.
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the header and writer for writing. The value of fpMin and header
    /// should be passed to the other utility methods here.
    /// </summary>
    public static void BeginWrite(BinaryWriter writer, out long fpMin, out ModelHeader header)
        Contracts.Assert(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ModelHeader)) == Size);
        Contracts.CheckValue(writer, nameof(writer));
        fpMin = writer.FpCur();
        header = default(ModelHeader);
        header.Signature = SignatureValue;
        header.VerWritten = VerWrittenCur;
        header.VerReadable = VerReadableCur;
        header.FpModel = ModelHeader.Size;
        // Write a blank header - the correct information is written by WriteHeaderAndTail.
        byte[] headerBytes = new byte[ModelHeader.Size];
        Contracts.CheckIO(writer.FpCur() == fpMin + ModelHeader.Size);
    /// <summary>
    /// The current writer position should be the end of the model blob. Records the model size, writes the string table,
    /// completes and writes the header, and writes the tail.
    /// </summary>
    public static void EndWrite(BinaryWriter writer, long fpMin, ref ModelHeader header, NormStr.Pool pool = null, string loaderAssemblyName = null)
        Contracts.CheckValue(writer, nameof(writer));
        Contracts.CheckParam(fpMin >= 0, nameof(fpMin));
        // Record the model size.
        EndModelCore(writer, fpMin, ref header);
        Contracts.Check(header.FpStringTable == 0);
        Contracts.Check(header.CbStringTable == 0);
        Contracts.Check(header.FpStringChars == 0);
        Contracts.Check(header.CbStringChars == 0);
        // Write the strings.
        if (pool != null && pool.Count > 0)
            header.FpStringTable = writer.FpCur() - fpMin;
            long offset = 0;
            int cv = 0;
            // REVIEW: Implement an indexer on pool!
            foreach (var ns in pool)
                Contracts.Assert(ns.Id == cv);
                offset += ns.Value.Length * sizeof(char);
            Contracts.Assert(cv == pool.Count);
            header.CbStringTable = pool.Count * sizeof(long);
            header.FpStringChars = writer.FpCur() - fpMin;
            Contracts.Assert(header.FpStringChars == header.FpStringTable + header.CbStringTable);
            foreach (var ns in pool)
                foreach (var ch in ns.Value.Span)
            header.CbStringChars = writer.FpCur() - header.FpStringChars - fpMin;
            Contracts.Assert(offset == header.CbStringChars);
        WriteLoaderAssemblyName(writer, fpMin, ref header, loaderAssemblyName);
        WriteHeaderAndTailCore(writer, fpMin, ref header);
    private static void WriteLoaderAssemblyName(BinaryWriter writer, long fpMin, ref ModelHeader header, string loaderAssemblyName)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loaderAssemblyName))
            header.FpAssemblyName = writer.FpCur() - fpMin;
            header.CbAssemblyName = (uint)loaderAssemblyName.Length * sizeof(char);
            foreach (var ch in loaderAssemblyName)
            header.FpAssemblyName = 0;
            header.CbAssemblyName = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// The current writer position should be where the tail belongs. Writes the header and tail.
    /// Typically this isn't called directly unless you are doing custom string table serialization.
    /// In that case you should have called EndModelCore before writing the string table information.
    /// </summary>
    public static void WriteHeaderAndTailCore(BinaryWriter writer, long fpMin, ref ModelHeader header)
        Contracts.CheckValue(writer, nameof(writer));
        Contracts.CheckParam(fpMin >= 0, nameof(fpMin));
        header.FpTail = writer.FpCur() - fpMin;
        header.FpLim = writer.FpCur() - fpMin;
        Exception ex;
        bool res = TryValidate(ref header, header.FpLim, out ex);
        // If this fails, we didn't construct the header correctly. This is both a bug and
        // something we want to protect against at runtime, hence both assert and check.
        // Write the header, then seek back to the end.
        byte[] headerBytes = new byte[ModelHeader.Size];
        MarshalToBytes(ref header, headerBytes);
        Contracts.Assert(writer.FpCur() == fpMin + ModelHeader.Size);
        writer.Seek(header.FpLim + fpMin);
    /// <summary>
    /// The current writer position should be the end of the model blob. Records the size of the model blob.
    /// Typically this isn't called directly unless you are doing custom string table serialization.
    /// </summary>
    public static void EndModelCore(BinaryWriter writer, long fpMin, ref ModelHeader header)
        Contracts.Check(header.FpModel == ModelHeader.Size);
        Contracts.Check(header.CbModel == 0);
        long fpCur = writer.FpCur();
        Contracts.Check(fpCur - fpMin >= header.FpModel);
        // Record the size of the model.
        header.CbModel = fpCur - header.FpModel - fpMin;
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the version information the header.
    /// </summary>
    public static void SetVersionInfo(ref ModelHeader header, VersionInfo ver)
        header.ModelSignature = ver.ModelSignature;
        header.ModelVerWritten = ver.VerWrittenCur;
        header.ModelVerReadable = ver.VerReadableCur;
        SetLoaderSig(ref header, ver.LoaderSignature);
        SetLoaderSigAlt(ref header, ver.LoaderSignatureAlt);
    /// <summary>
    /// Record the given loader sig in the header. If sig is null, clears the loader sig.
    /// </summary>
    public static void SetLoaderSig(ref ModelHeader header, string sig)
        header.LoaderSignature0 = 0;
        header.LoaderSignature1 = 0;
        header.LoaderSignature2 = 0;
        if (sig == null)
        Contracts.Check(sig.Length <= 24);
        for (int ich = 0; ich < sig.Length; ich++)
            char ch = sig[ich];
            Contracts.Check(ch <= 0xFF);
            if (ich < 8)
                header.LoaderSignature0 |= (ulong)ch << (ich * 8);
            else if (ich < 16)
                header.LoaderSignature1 |= (ulong)ch << ((ich - 8) * 8);
            else if (ich < 24)
                header.LoaderSignature2 |= (ulong)ch << ((ich - 16) * 8);
    /// <summary>
    /// Record the given alternate loader sig in the header. If sig is null, clears the alternate loader sig.
    /// </summary>
    public static void SetLoaderSigAlt(ref ModelHeader header, string sig)
        header.LoaderSignatureAlt0 = 0;
        header.LoaderSignatureAlt1 = 0;
        header.LoaderSignatureAlt2 = 0;
        if (sig == null)
        Contracts.Check(sig.Length <= 24);
        for (int ich = 0; ich < sig.Length; ich++)
            char ch = sig[ich];
            Contracts.Check(ch <= 0xFF);
            if (ich < 8)
                header.LoaderSignatureAlt0 |= (ulong)ch << (ich * 8);
            else if (ich < 16)
                header.LoaderSignatureAlt1 |= (ulong)ch << ((ich - 8) * 8);
            else if (ich < 24)
                header.LoaderSignatureAlt2 |= (ulong)ch << ((ich - 16) * 8);
    /// <summary>
    /// Low level method for copying bytes from a header structure into a byte array.
    /// </summary>
    public static void MarshalToBytes(ref ModelHeader header, byte[] bytes)
        Contracts.Check(Utils.Size(bytes) >= Size);
            fixed (ModelHeader* pheader = &header)
                Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)pheader, bytes, 0, Size);
    // Utilities for reading.
    /// <summary>
    /// Read the model header, strings, etc from reader. Also validates the header (throws if bad).
    /// Leaves the reader position at the beginning of the model blob.
    /// </summary>
    public static void BeginRead(out long fpMin, out ModelHeader header, out string[] strings, out string loaderAssemblyName, BinaryReader reader)
        fpMin = reader.FpCur();
        byte[] headerBytes = reader.ReadBytes(ModelHeader.Size);
        Contracts.CheckDecode(headerBytes.Length == ModelHeader.Size);
        ModelHeader.MarshalFromBytes(out header, headerBytes);
        Exception ex;
        if (!ModelHeader.TryValidate(ref header, reader, fpMin, out strings, out loaderAssemblyName, out ex))
            throw ex;
        reader.Seek(header.FpModel + fpMin);
    /// <summary>
    /// Finish reading. Checks that the current reader position is the end of the model blob.
    /// Seeks to the end of the entire model file (after the tail).
    /// </summary>
    public static void EndRead(long fpMin, ref ModelHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
        Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpModel + header.CbModel == reader.FpCur() - fpMin);
        reader.Seek(header.FpLim + fpMin);
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs standard version validation.
    /// </summary>
    public static void CheckVersionInfo(ref ModelHeader header, VersionInfo ver)
        Contracts.CheckDecode(header.ModelSignature == ver.ModelSignature, "Unknown file type");
        Contracts.CheckDecode(header.ModelVerReadable <= header.ModelVerWritten, "Corrupt file header");
        if (header.ModelVerReadable > ver.VerWrittenCur)
            throw Contracts.ExceptDecode("Cause: ML.NET {0} cannont read component '{1}' of the model, because the model is too new.\n" +
                            "Suggestion: Make sure the model is trained with ML.NET {0} or older.\n" +
                            "Debug details: Maximum expected version {2}, got {3}.",
                            typeof(VersionInfo).Assembly.GetName().Version, ver.LoaderSignature, header.ModelVerReadable, ver.VerWrittenCur);
        if (header.ModelVerWritten < ver.VerWeCanReadBack)
            // Breaking backwards compatibility is something we should avoid if at all possible. If
            // this message is observed, it may be a bug.
            throw Contracts.ExceptDecode("Cause: ML.NET {0} cannot read component '{1}' of the model, because the model is too old.\n" +
                              "Suggestion: Make sure the model is trained with ML.NET {0}.\n" +
                              "Debug details: Minimum expected version {2}, got {3}.",
                              typeof(VersionInfo).Assembly.GetName().Version, ver.LoaderSignature, header.ModelVerReadable, ver.VerWrittenCur);
    /// <summary>
    /// Low level method for copying bytes from a byte array to a header structure.
    /// </summary>
    public static void MarshalFromBytes(out ModelHeader header, byte[] bytes)
        Contracts.Check(Utils.Size(bytes) >= Size);
            fixed (ModelHeader* pheader = &header)
                Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, (IntPtr)pheader, Size);
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks the basic validity of the header, assuming the stream is at least the given size.
    /// Returns false (and the out exception) on failure.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool TryValidate(ref ModelHeader header, long size, out Exception ex)
        Contracts.Check(size >= 0);
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.Signature == SignatureValue, "Wrong file type");
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.VerReadable <= header.VerWritten, "Corrupt file header");
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.VerReadable <= VerWrittenCur, "File is too new");
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.VerWritten >= VerWeCanReadBack, "File is too old");
            // Currently the model always comes immediately after the header.
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpModel == Size);
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpModel + header.CbModel >= header.FpModel);
            if (header.FpStringTable == 0)
                // No strings.
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbStringTable == 0);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringChars == 0);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbStringChars == 0);
                if (header.VerWritten < VerAssemblyNameSupported || header.FpAssemblyName == 0)
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpTail == header.FpModel + header.CbModel);
                // Currently the string table always comes immediately after the model block.
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringTable == header.FpModel + header.CbModel);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbStringTable % sizeof(long) == 0);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbStringTable / sizeof(long) < int.MaxValue);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringTable + header.CbStringTable > header.FpStringTable);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringChars == header.FpStringTable + header.CbStringTable);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbStringChars % sizeof(char) == 0);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringChars + header.CbStringChars >= header.FpStringChars);
                if (header.VerWritten < VerAssemblyNameSupported || header.FpAssemblyName == 0)
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpTail == header.FpStringChars + header.CbStringChars);
            if (header.VerWritten >= VerAssemblyNameSupported)
                if (header.FpAssemblyName == 0)
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbAssemblyName == 0);
                    // the assembly name always immediately after the string table, if there is one
                    if (header.FpStringTable == 0)
                        Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpAssemblyName == header.FpModel + header.CbModel);
                        Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpAssemblyName == header.FpStringChars + header.CbStringChars);
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.CbAssemblyName % sizeof(char) == 0);
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpTail == header.FpAssemblyName + header.CbAssemblyName);
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpLim == header.FpTail + sizeof(ulong));
            Contracts.CheckDecode(size == 0 || size >= header.FpLim);
            ex = null;
            return true;
        catch (Exception e)
            ex = e;
            return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks the validity of the header, reads the string table, etc.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool TryValidate(ref ModelHeader header, BinaryReader reader, long fpMin, out string[] strings, out string loaderAssemblyName, out Exception ex)
        Contracts.CheckValue(reader, nameof(reader));
        Contracts.Check(fpMin >= 0);
        if (!TryValidate(ref header, reader.BaseStream.Length - fpMin, out ex))
            strings = null;
            loaderAssemblyName = null;
            return false;
            long fpOrig = reader.FpCur();
            StringBuilder sb = null;
            if (header.FpStringTable == 0)
                // No strings.
                strings = null;
                if (header.VerWritten < VerAssemblyNameSupported)
                    // Before VerAssemblyNameSupported, if there were no strings in the model,
                    // validation ended here. Specifically the FpTail checks below were skipped.
                    // There are earlier versions of models that don't have strings, and 'reader' is
                    // not at FpTail at this point.
                    // Preserve the previous behavior by returning early here.
                    loaderAssemblyName = null;
                    ex = null;
                    return true;
                reader.Seek(header.FpStringTable + fpMin);
                Contracts.Assert(reader.FpCur() == header.FpStringTable + fpMin);
                long cstr = header.CbStringTable / sizeof(long);
                Contracts.Assert(cstr < int.MaxValue);
                long[] offsets = reader.ReadLongArray((int)cstr);
                Contracts.Assert(header.FpStringChars == reader.FpCur() - fpMin);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(offsets[cstr - 1] == header.CbStringChars);
                strings = new string[cstr];
                long offset = 0;
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++)
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringChars + offset == reader.FpCur() - fpMin);
                    long offsetPrev = offset;
                    offset = offsets[i];
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(offsetPrev <= offset && offset <= header.CbStringChars);
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(offset % sizeof(char) == 0);
                    long cch = (offset - offsetPrev) / sizeof(char);
                    Contracts.CheckDecode(cch < int.MaxValue);
                    for (long ich = 0; ich < cch; ich++)
                    strings[i] = sb.ToString();
                Contracts.CheckDecode(offset == header.CbStringChars);
                Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpStringChars + header.CbStringChars == reader.FpCur() - fpMin);
            if (header.VerWritten >= VerAssemblyNameSupported && header.FpAssemblyName != 0)
                reader.Seek(header.FpAssemblyName + fpMin);
                int assemblyNameLength = (int)header.CbAssemblyName / sizeof(char);
                sb = sb != null ? sb.Clear() : new StringBuilder(assemblyNameLength);
                for (long ich = 0; ich < assemblyNameLength; ich++)
                loaderAssemblyName = sb.ToString();
                loaderAssemblyName = null;
            Contracts.CheckDecode(header.FpTail == reader.FpCur() - fpMin);
            ulong tail = reader.ReadUInt64();
            Contracts.CheckDecode(tail == TailSignatureValue, "Corrupt model file tail");
            ex = null;
            return true;
        catch (Exception e)
            strings = null;
            loaderAssemblyName = null;
            ex = e;
            return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Extract and return the loader sig from the header, trimming trailing zeros.
    /// </summary>
    public static string GetLoaderSig(ref ModelHeader header)
        char[] chars = new char[3 * sizeof(ulong)];
        for (int ich = 0; ich < chars.Length; ich++)
            char ch;
            if (ich < 8)
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignature0 >> (ich * 8)) & 0xFF);
            else if (ich < 16)
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignature1 >> ((ich - 8) * 8)) & 0xFF);
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignature2 >> ((ich - 16) * 8)) & 0xFF);
            chars[ich] = ch;
        int cch = 24;
        while (cch > 0 && chars[cch - 1] == 0)
        return new string(chars, 0, cch);
    /// <summary>
    /// Extract and return the alternate loader sig from the header, trimming trailing zeros.
    /// </summary>
    public static string GetLoaderSigAlt(ref ModelHeader header)
        char[] chars = new char[3 * sizeof(ulong)];
        for (int ich = 0; ich < chars.Length; ich++)
            char ch;
            if (ich < 8)
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignatureAlt0 >> (ich * 8)) & 0xFF);
            else if (ich < 16)
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignatureAlt1 >> ((ich - 8) * 8)) & 0xFF);
                ch = (char)((header.LoaderSignatureAlt2 >> ((ich - 16) * 8)) & 0xFF);
            chars[ich] = ch;
        int cch = 24;
        while (cch > 0 && chars[cch - 1] == 0)
        return new string(chars, 0, cch);
/// <summary>
/// This is used to simplify version checking boiler-plate code. It is an optional
/// utility type.
/// </summary>
internal readonly struct VersionInfo
    public readonly ulong ModelSignature;
    public readonly uint VerWrittenCur;
    public readonly uint VerReadableCur;
    public readonly uint VerWeCanReadBack;
    public readonly string LoaderAssemblyName;
    public readonly string LoaderSignature;
    public readonly string LoaderSignatureAlt;
    /// <summary>
    /// Construct version info with a string value for modelSignature. The string must be 8 characters
    /// all less than 0x100. Spaces are mapped to zero. This assumes little-endian.
    /// </summary>
    public VersionInfo(string modelSignature, uint verWrittenCur, uint verReadableCur, uint verWeCanReadBack,
        string loaderAssemblyName, string loaderSignature = null, string loaderSignatureAlt = null)
        Contracts.Check(Utils.Size(modelSignature) == 8, "Model signature must be eight characters");
        ModelSignature = 0;
        for (int ich = 0; ich < modelSignature.Length; ich++)
            char ch = modelSignature[ich];
            Contracts.Check(ch <= 0xFF);
            // Map space to zero.
            if (ch != ' ')
                ModelSignature |= (ulong)ch << (ich * 8);
        VerWrittenCur = verWrittenCur;
        VerReadableCur = verReadableCur;
        VerWeCanReadBack = verWeCanReadBack;
        LoaderAssemblyName = loaderAssemblyName;
        LoaderSignature = loaderSignature;
        LoaderSignatureAlt = loaderSignatureAlt;