// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Data.Conversion;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.ML.RunTests
public class DataTypesTest : TestDataViewBase
public DataTypesTest(ITestOutputHelper helper)
: base(helper)
private static readonly Conversions _conv = Conversions.DefaultInstance;
public void R4ToSBtoR4()
var r4ToSB = Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStringConversion<float>(NumberDataViewType.Single);
var txToR4 = Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStandardConversion<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, float>(
TextDataViewType.Instance, NumberDataViewType.Single, out bool identity2);
float fVal = float.NaN;
StringBuilder textFVal = default;
r4ToSB(in fVal, ref textFVal);
Assert.True("?" == textFVal.ToString());
fVal = 0;
var fValTX = textFVal.ToString().AsMemory();
txToR4(in fValTX, ref fVal);
Assert.Equal(float.NaN, fVal);
public void R8ToSBtoR8()
var r8ToSB = Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStringConversion<double>(NumberDataViewType.Double);
var txToR8 = Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStandardConversion<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, double>(
TextDataViewType.Instance, NumberDataViewType.Double, out bool identity2);
double dVal = double.NaN;
StringBuilder textDVal = default;
r8ToSB(in dVal, ref textDVal);
Assert.True("?" == textDVal.ToString());
dVal = 0;
var dValTX = textDVal.ToString().AsMemory();
txToR8(in dValTX, ref dVal);
Assert.Equal(double.NaN, dVal);
public void TXToSByte()
var mapper = GetMapper<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, sbyte>(NumberDataViewType.SByte);
//1. sbyte.MinValue in text to sbyte.
sbyte minValue = sbyte.MinValue;
sbyte maxValue = sbyte.MaxValue;
ReadOnlyMemory<char> src = minValue.ToString().AsMemory();
sbyte dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, minValue);
//2. sbyte.MaxValue in text to sbyte.
src = maxValue.ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, maxValue);
//3. ERROR condition: sbyte.MinValue - 1 in text to sbyte.
src = (sbyte.MinValue - 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to sbyte.", ex.Message);
//4. ERROR condition: sbyte.MaxValue + 1 in text to sbyte.
src = (sbyte.MaxValue + 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to sbyte.", ex.Message);
//5. Empty string in text to sbyte.
src = default;
dst = -1;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(default, dst);
public void TXToShort()
var mapper = GetMapper<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, short>(NumberDataViewType.Int16);
//1. short.MinValue in text to short.
short minValue = short.MinValue;
short maxValue = short.MaxValue;
ReadOnlyMemory<char> src = minValue.ToString().AsMemory();
short dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, minValue);
//2. short.MaxValue in text to short.
src = maxValue.ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, maxValue);
//3. ERROR condition: short.MinValue - 1 in text to short.
src = (minValue - 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to short.", ex.Message);
//4. ERROR condition: short.MaxValue + 1 in text to short.
src = (maxValue + 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to short.", ex.Message);
//5. Empty value in text to short.
src = default;
dst = -1;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(default, dst);
public void TXToInt()
var mapper = GetMapper<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, int>(NumberDataViewType.Int32);
//1. int.MinValue in text to int.
int minValue = int.MinValue;
int maxValue = int.MaxValue;
ReadOnlyMemory<char> src = minValue.ToString().AsMemory();
int dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, minValue);
//2. int.MaxValue in text to int.
src = maxValue.ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, maxValue);
//3. ERROR condition: int.MinValue - 1 in text to int.
src = ((long)minValue - 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to int.", ex.Message);
//4. ERROR condition: int.MaxValue + 1 in text to int.
src = ((long)maxValue + 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to int.", ex.Message);
//5. Empty value in text to int.
src = default;
dst = -1;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(default, dst);
public void TXToLong()
var mapper = GetMapper<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, long>(NumberDataViewType.Int64);
//1. long.MinValue in text to long.
var minValue = long.MinValue;
var maxValue = long.MaxValue;
ReadOnlyMemory<char> src = minValue.ToString().AsMemory();
var dst = default(long);
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, minValue);
//2. long.MaxValue in text to long.
src = maxValue.ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, maxValue);
//3. long.MinValue - 1 in text to long.
src = (minValue - 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(dst, (long)minValue - 1);
//4. ERROR condition: long.MaxValue + 1 in text to long.
src = ((ulong)maxValue + 1).ToString().AsMemory();
dst = 0;
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny<Exception>(() => mapper(in src, ref dst));
Assert.Equal("Value could not be parsed from text to long.", ex.Message);
//5. Empty value in text to long.
src = default;
dst = -1;
mapper(in src, ref dst);
Assert.Equal(default, dst);
public void DTToDT()
bool identity;
var dtToDT = Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStandardConversion<DateTime, DateTime>(
DateTimeDataViewType.Instance, DateTimeDataViewType.Instance, out identity);
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2017, 03, 05);
DateTime result = default;
dtToDT(in dt, ref result);
Assert.Equal(dt, result);
Assert.Equal(3, dt.Month);
Assert.Equal(dt.Kind, result.Kind);
private static ValueMapper<TSrc, TDst> GetMapper<TSrc, TDst>(DataViewType dstType)
Assert.True(typeof(TDst) == dstType.RawType);
return Conversions.DefaultInstance.GetStandardConversion<TSrc, TDst>(
TextDataViewType.Instance, dstType, out bool identity);