// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.RunTests;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFrameworkCommon;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Core.Tests.UnitTests
public class CoreBaseTestClass : BaseTestBaseline
public CoreBaseTestClass(ITestOutputHelper output)
: base(output)
protected bool Failed()
return false;
protected Func<bool> GetIdComparer(DataViewRow r1, DataViewRow r2, out ValueGetter<DataViewRowId> idGetter)
var g1 = r1.GetIdGetter();
idGetter = g1;
var g2 = r2.GetIdGetter();
DataViewRowId v1 = default(DataViewRowId);
DataViewRowId v2 = default(DataViewRowId);
() =>
g1(ref v1);
g2(ref v2);
return v1.Equals(v2);
protected Func<bool> GetComparerOne<T>(DataViewRow r1, DataViewRow r2, int col, Func<T, T, bool> fn)
var g1 = r1.GetGetter<T>(r1.Schema[col]);
var g2 = r2.GetGetter<T>(r2.Schema[col]);
T v1 = default(T);
T v2 = default(T);
() =>
g1(ref v1);
g2(ref v2);
if (!fn(v1, v2))
return false;
return true;
private const Double DoubleEps = 1e-9;
private static bool EqualWithEps(Double x, Double y)
// bitwise comparison is needed because Abs(Inf-Inf) and Abs(NaN-NaN) are not 0s.
return FloatUtils.GetBits(x) == FloatUtils.GetBits(y) || Math.Abs(x - y) < DoubleEps;
protected Func<bool> GetComparerVec<T>(DataViewRow r1, DataViewRow r2, int col, int size, Func<T, T, bool> fn)
var g1 = r1.GetGetter<VBuffer<T>>(r1.Schema[col]);
var g2 = r2.GetGetter<VBuffer<T>>(r2.Schema[col]);
var v1 = default(VBuffer<T>);
var v2 = default(VBuffer<T>);
() =>
g1(ref v1);
g2(ref v2);
return TestCommon.CompareVec<T>(in v1, in v2, size, fn);
protected Func<bool> GetColumnComparer(DataViewRow r1, DataViewRow r2, int col, DataViewType type, bool exactDoubles)
if (type is VectorDataViewType vecType)
int size = vecType.Size;
Contracts.Assert(size >= 0);
var result = vecType.ItemType.RawType.TryGetDataKind(out var kind);
switch (kind)
case InternalDataKind.I1:
return GetComparerVec<sbyte>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U1:
return GetComparerVec<byte>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I2:
return GetComparerVec<short>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U2:
return GetComparerVec<ushort>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I4:
return GetComparerVec<int>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U4:
return GetComparerVec<uint>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I8:
return GetComparerVec<long>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U8:
return GetComparerVec<ulong>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.R4:
return GetComparerVec<Single>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => FloatUtils.GetBits(x) == FloatUtils.GetBits(y));
case InternalDataKind.R8:
if (exactDoubles)
return GetComparerVec<Double>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => FloatUtils.GetBits(x) == FloatUtils.GetBits(y));
return GetComparerVec<Double>(r1, r2, col, size, EqualWithEps);
case InternalDataKind.Text:
return GetComparerVec<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>(r1, r2, col, size, (a, b) => a.Span.SequenceEqual(b.Span));
case InternalDataKind.Bool:
return GetComparerVec<bool>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.TimeSpan:
return GetComparerVec<TimeSpan>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x.Ticks == y.Ticks);
case InternalDataKind.DT:
return GetComparerVec<DateTime>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x.Ticks == y.Ticks);
case InternalDataKind.DZ:
return GetComparerVec<DateTimeOffset>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x.Equals(y));
case InternalDataKind.UG:
return GetComparerVec<DataViewRowId>(r1, r2, col, size, (x, y) => x.Equals(y));
var result = type.RawType.TryGetDataKind(out var kind);
switch (kind)
case InternalDataKind.I1:
return GetComparerOne<sbyte>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U1:
return GetComparerOne<byte>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I2:
return GetComparerOne<short>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U2:
return GetComparerOne<ushort>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I4:
return GetComparerOne<int>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U4:
return GetComparerOne<uint>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.I8:
return GetComparerOne<long>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.U8:
return GetComparerOne<ulong>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.R4:
return GetComparerOne<Single>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => FloatUtils.GetBits(x) == FloatUtils.GetBits(y));
case InternalDataKind.R8:
if (exactDoubles)
return GetComparerOne<Double>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => FloatUtils.GetBits(x) == FloatUtils.GetBits(y));
return GetComparerOne<Double>(r1, r2, col, EqualWithEps);
case InternalDataKind.Text:
return GetComparerOne<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>(r1, r2, col, (a, b) => a.Span.SequenceEqual(b.Span));
case InternalDataKind.Bool:
return GetComparerOne<bool>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x == y);
case InternalDataKind.TimeSpan:
return GetComparerOne<TimeSpan>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x.Ticks == y.Ticks);
case InternalDataKind.DT:
return GetComparerOne<DateTime>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x.Ticks == y.Ticks);
case InternalDataKind.DZ:
return GetComparerOne<DateTimeOffset>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x.Equals(y));
case InternalDataKind.UG:
return GetComparerOne<DataViewRowId>(r1, r2, col, (x, y) => x.Equals(y));
#if !CORECLR // REVIEW: Port Picture type to CoreTLC.
if (type is PictureType)
var g1 = r1.GetGetter<Picture>(col);
var g2 = r2.GetGetter<Picture>(col);
Picture v1 = null;
Picture v2 = null;
() =>
g1(ref v1);
g2(ref v2);
return ComparePicture(v1, v2);
throw Contracts.Except("Unknown type in GetColumnComparer: '{0}'", type);
protected bool CheckSameValues(IDataView view1, IDataView view2, bool exactTypes = true, bool exactDoubles = true, bool checkId = true)
Contracts.Assert(view1.Schema.Count == view2.Schema.Count);
bool all = true;
bool tmp;
using (var curs1 = view1.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
using (var curs2 = view2.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
Check(curs1.Schema == view1.Schema, "Schema of view 1 and its cursor differed");
Check(curs2.Schema == view2.Schema, "Schema of view 2 and its cursor differed");
tmp = CheckSameValues(curs1, curs2, exactTypes, exactDoubles, checkId, true);
Check(tmp, "All same failed");
all &= tmp;
var view2EvenCols = view2.Schema.Where(col => (col.Index & 1) == 0);
using (var curs1 = view1.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
using (var curs2 = view2.GetRowCursor(view2EvenCols))
Check(curs1.Schema == view1.Schema, "Schema of view 1 and its cursor differed");
Check(curs2.Schema == view2.Schema, "Schema of view 2 and its cursor differed");
tmp = CheckSameValues(curs1, curs2, exactTypes, exactDoubles, checkId, false);
Check(tmp, "Even same failed");
all &= tmp;
var view2OddCols = view2.Schema.Where(col => (col.Index & 1) == 0);
using (var curs1 = view1.GetRowCursorForAllColumns())
using (var curs2 = view2.GetRowCursor(view2OddCols))
Check(curs1.Schema == view1.Schema, "Schema of view 1 and its cursor differed");
Check(curs2.Schema == view2.Schema, "Schema of view 2 and its cursor differed");
tmp = CheckSameValues(curs1, curs2, exactTypes, exactDoubles, checkId, false);
Check(tmp, "Odd same failed");
using (var curs1 = view1.GetRowCursor(view1.Schema))
Check(curs1.Schema == view1.Schema, "Schema of view 1 and its cursor differed");
tmp = CheckSameValues(curs1, view2, exactTypes, exactDoubles, checkId);
Check(tmp, "Single value same failed");
all &= tmp;
return all;
protected bool CheckSameValues(DataViewRowCursor curs1, DataViewRowCursor curs2, bool exactTypes, bool exactDoubles, bool checkId, bool checkIdCollisions = true)
Contracts.Assert(curs1.Schema.Count == curs2.Schema.Count);
// Get the comparison delegates for each column.
int colLim = curs1.Schema.Count;
Func<bool>[] comps = new Func<bool>[colLim];
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
var f1 = curs1.IsColumnActive(curs1.Schema[col]);
var f2 = curs2.IsColumnActive(curs2.Schema[col]);
if (f1 && f2)
var type1 = curs1.Schema[col].Type;
var type2 = curs2.Schema[col].Type;
if (!TestCommon.EqualTypes(type1, type2, exactTypes))
Fail($"Different types {type1} and {type2}");
return Failed();
comps[col] = GetColumnComparer(curs1, curs2, col, type1, exactDoubles);
ValueGetter<DataViewRowId> idGetter = null;
Func<bool> idComp = checkId ? GetIdComparer(curs1, curs2, out idGetter) : null;
HashSet<DataViewRowId> idsSeen = null;
if (checkIdCollisions && idGetter == null)
idGetter = curs1.GetIdGetter();
long idCollisions = 0;
DataViewRowId id = default(DataViewRowId);
for (; ; )
bool f1 = curs1.MoveNext();
bool f2 = curs2.MoveNext();
if (f1 != f2)
if (f1)
Fail("Left has more rows at position: {0}", curs1.Position);
Fail("Right has more rows at position: {0}", curs2.Position);
return Failed();
if (!f1)
if (idCollisions > 0)
Fail("{0} id collisions among {1} items", idCollisions, Utils.Size(idsSeen) + idCollisions);
return idCollisions == 0;
else if (checkIdCollisions)
idGetter(ref id);
if (!Utils.Add(ref idsSeen, id))
if (idCollisions == 0)
Contracts.Assert(curs1.Position == curs2.Position);
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
var comp = comps[col];
if (comp != null && !comp())
Fail("Different values in column {0} of row {1}", col, curs1.Position);
return Failed();
if (idComp != null && !idComp())
Fail("Different values in ID of row {0}", curs1.Position);
return Failed();
protected bool CheckSameValues(DataViewRowCursor curs1, IDataView view2, bool exactTypes = true, bool exactDoubles = true, bool checkId = true)
Contracts.Assert(curs1.Schema.Count == view2.Schema.Count);
// Get a cursor for each column.
int colLim = curs1.Schema.Count;
var cursors = new DataViewRowCursor[colLim];
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
// curs1 should have all columns active (for simplicity of the code here).
cursors[col] = view2.GetRowCursor(view2.Schema[col]);
// Get the comparison delegates for each column.
Func<bool>[] comps = new Func<bool>[colLim];
// We have also one ID comparison delegate for each cursor.
Func<bool>[] idComps = new Func<bool>[cursors.Length];
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
Contracts.Assert(cursors[col] != null);
var type1 = curs1.Schema[col].Type;
var type2 = cursors[col].Schema[col].Type;
if (!TestCommon.EqualTypes(type1, type2, exactTypes))
Fail("Different types");
return Failed();
comps[col] = GetColumnComparer(curs1, cursors[col], col, type1, exactDoubles);
ValueGetter<DataViewRowId> idGetter;
idComps[col] = checkId ? GetIdComparer(curs1, cursors[col], out idGetter) : null;
for (; ; )
bool f1 = curs1.MoveNext();
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
bool f2 = cursors[col].MoveNext();
if (f1 != f2)
if (f1)
Fail("Left has more rows at position: {0}", curs1.Position);
Fail("Right {0} has more rows at position: {1}", col, cursors[2].Position);
return Failed();
if (!f1)
return true;
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
Contracts.Assert(curs1.Position == cursors[col].Position);
var comp = comps[col];
if (comp != null && !comp())
Fail("Different values in column {0} of row {1}", col, curs1.Position);
return Failed();
comp = idComps[col];
if (comp != null && !comp())
Fail("Different values in ID values for column {0} cursor of row {1}", col, curs1.Position);
return Failed();
for (int col = 0; col < colLim; col++)
var c = cursors[col];
if (c != null)