File: Templates\Azure\Console\AzureModelBuilder.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.CodeGenerator\Microsoft.ML.CodeGenerator.csproj (Microsoft.ML.CodeGenerator)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Runtime Version:
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Microsoft.ML.CodeGenerator.Templates.Azure.Console
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System;
    /// <summary>
    /// Class to produce the template output
    /// </summary>
    [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating", "")]
    internal partial class AzureModelBuilder : AzureModelBuilderBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the template output
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string TransformText()
if(Target == CSharp.GenerateTarget.Cli){ 
 } else if(Target == CSharp.GenerateTarget.ModelBuilder){ 
            this.Write("using System;\r\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\r\nusing System.IO;\r\nusing System." +
                    "Linq;\r\nusing Microsoft.ML;\r\nusing Microsoft.ML.Data;\r\nusing ");
            this.Write(".Model;\r\nnamespace ");
            this.Write(".ConsoleApp\r\n{\r\n    public static class ModelBuilder\r\n    {\r\n        private stat" +
                    "ic string TRAIN_DATA_FILEPATH = @\"");
        private static string MLNET_MODEL = ConsumeModel.MLNetModelPath;
		private static string ONNX_MODEL = ConsumeModel.OnnxModelPath;
	    // Create MLContext to be shared across the model creation workflow objects 
        // Set a random seed for repeatable/deterministic results across multiple trainings.
        private static MLContext mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 1);
		// Training in Azure produces an ONNX model; this method demonstrates creating an ML.NET model ( from the ONNX model (bestModel.onnx), which you can then use with the ConsumeModel() method to make predictions
        public static void CreateMLNetModelFromOnnx()
            // Load data
            IDataView inputDataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<ModelInput>(
                                            path: TRAIN_DATA_FILEPATH,
                                            hasHeader : ");
            this.Write(",\r\n                                            separatorChar : \'");
            this.Write("\',\r\n                                            allowQuoting : ");
            this.Write(",\r\n                                            allowSparse: ");
            // Create an ML.NET pipeline to score using the ONNX model
			// Notice that this pipeline is not trainable because it only contains transformers
            IEstimator<ITransformer> pipeline = BuildPipeline(mlContext);
			// Create ML.NET model from pipeline
			ITransformer mlModel = pipeline.Fit(inputDataView);
            // Save model
            SaveModel(mlContext, mlModel, MLNET_MODEL, inputDataView.Schema);
        public static IEstimator<ITransformer> BuildPipeline(MLContext mlContext)
 if(PreTrainerTransforms.Count >0 ) {
            this.Write("            // Data process configuration with pipeline data transformations to:\r" +
                    "\n            // 1. Score using provided onnx model\r\n            // 2. Map scores" +
                    " to labels to make model output easier to understand and use\r\n            var pi" +
                    "peline = ");
 for(int i=0;i<PreTrainerTransforms.Count;i++) 
                                             { Write("\r\n                                      .Append(");
                                             { Write(")");
            this.Write(@"            return pipeline;
        private static void SaveModel(MLContext mlContext, ITransformer mlModel, string modelRelativePath, DataViewSchema modelInputSchema)
            // Save/persist the trained model to a .ZIP file
            Console.WriteLine($""=============== Saving the model  ==============="");
            mlContext.Model.Save(mlModel, modelInputSchema, GetAbsolutePath(modelRelativePath));
            Console.WriteLine(""The model is saved to {0}"", GetAbsolutePath(modelRelativePath));
        public static string GetAbsolutePath(string relativePath)
            FileInfo _dataRoot = new FileInfo(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location);
            string assemblyFolderPath = _dataRoot.Directory.FullName;
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolderPath, relativePath);
            return fullPath;
            return this.GenerationEnvironment.ToString();
public string Path {get;set;}
public string OnnxModelPath {get;set;}
public bool HasHeader {get;set;}
public char Separator {get;set;}
public IList<string> PreTrainerTransforms {get;set;}
public bool AllowQuoting {get;set;}
public bool AllowSparse {get;set;}
public string Namespace {get;set;}
internal CSharp.GenerateTarget Target {get;set;}
public string MLNetModelpath {get; set;}
void CLI_Annotation()
//*                                                                                       *
//* This is an auto-generated file by Microsoft ML.NET CLI (Command-Line Interface) tool. *
//*                                                                                       *
void MB_Annotation()
this.Write("// This file was auto-generated by ML.NET Model Builder. \r\n");
    #region Base class
    /// <summary>
    /// Base class for this transformation
    /// </summary>
    [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating", "")]
    internal class AzureModelBuilderBase
        #region Fields
        private global::System.Text.StringBuilder generationEnvironmentField;
        private global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection errorsField;
        private global::System.Collections.Generic.List<int> indentLengthsField;
        private string currentIndentField = "";
        private bool endsWithNewline;
        private global::System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> sessionField;
        #region Properties
        /// <summary>
        /// The string builder that generation-time code is using to assemble generated output
        /// </summary>
        protected System.Text.StringBuilder GenerationEnvironment
                if ((this.generationEnvironmentField == null))
                    this.generationEnvironmentField = new global::System.Text.StringBuilder();
                return this.generationEnvironmentField;
                this.generationEnvironmentField = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// The error collection for the generation process
        /// </summary>
        public System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection Errors
                if ((this.errorsField == null))
                    this.errorsField = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection();
                return this.errorsField;
        /// <summary>
        /// A list of the lengths of each indent that was added with PushIndent
        /// </summary>
        private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> indentLengths
                if ((this.indentLengthsField == null))
                    this.indentLengthsField = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
                return this.indentLengthsField;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the current indent we use when adding lines to the output
        /// </summary>
        public string CurrentIndent
                return this.currentIndentField;
        /// <summary>
        /// Current transformation session
        /// </summary>
        public virtual global::System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> Session
                return this.sessionField;
                this.sessionField = value;
        #region Transform-time helpers
        /// <summary>
        /// Write text directly into the generated output
        /// </summary>
        public void Write(string textToAppend)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToAppend))
            // If we're starting off, or if the previous text ended with a newline,
            // we have to append the current indent first.
            if (((this.GenerationEnvironment.Length == 0) 
                        || this.endsWithNewline))
                this.endsWithNewline = false;
            // Check if the current text ends with a newline
            if (textToAppend.EndsWith(global::System.Environment.NewLine, global::System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                this.endsWithNewline = true;
            // This is an optimization. If the current indent is "", then we don't have to do any
            // of the more complex stuff further down.
            if ((this.currentIndentField.Length == 0))
            // Everywhere there is a newline in the text, add an indent after it
            textToAppend = textToAppend.Replace(global::System.Environment.NewLine, (global::System.Environment.NewLine + this.currentIndentField));
            // If the text ends with a newline, then we should strip off the indent added at the very end
            // because the appropriate indent will be added when the next time Write() is called
            if (this.endsWithNewline)
                this.GenerationEnvironment.Append(textToAppend, 0, (textToAppend.Length - this.currentIndentField.Length));
        /// <summary>
        /// Write text directly into the generated output
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteLine(string textToAppend)
            this.endsWithNewline = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write formatted text directly into the generated output
        /// </summary>
        public void Write(string format, params object[] args)
            this.Write(string.Format(global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, format, args));
        /// <summary>
        /// Write formatted text directly into the generated output
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteLine(string format, params object[] args)
            this.WriteLine(string.Format(global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, format, args));
        /// <summary>
        /// Raise an error
        /// </summary>
        public void Error(string message)
            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError();
            error.ErrorText = message;
        /// <summary>
        /// Raise a warning
        /// </summary>
        public void Warning(string message)
            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error = new global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError();
            error.ErrorText = message;
            error.IsWarning = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Increase the indent
        /// </summary>
        public void PushIndent(string indent)
            if ((indent == null))
                throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("indent");
            this.currentIndentField = (this.currentIndentField + indent);
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the last indent that was added with PushIndent
        /// </summary>
        public string PopIndent()
            string returnValue = "";
            if ((this.indentLengths.Count > 0))
                int indentLength = this.indentLengths[(this.indentLengths.Count - 1)];
                this.indentLengths.RemoveAt((this.indentLengths.Count - 1));
                if ((indentLength > 0))
                    returnValue = this.currentIndentField.Substring((this.currentIndentField.Length - indentLength));
                    this.currentIndentField = this.currentIndentField.Remove((this.currentIndentField.Length - indentLength));
            return returnValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove any indentation
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearIndent()
            this.currentIndentField = "";
        #region ToString Helpers
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string.
        /// </summary>
        public class ToStringInstanceHelper
            private System.IFormatProvider formatProviderField  = global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets or sets format provider to be used by ToStringWithCulture method.
            /// </summary>
            public System.IFormatProvider FormatProvider
                    return this.formatProviderField ;
                    if ((value != null))
                        this.formatProviderField  = value;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is called from the compile/run appdomain to convert objects within an expression block to a string
            /// </summary>
            public string ToStringWithCulture(object objectToConvert)
                if ((objectToConvert == null))
                    throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("objectToConvert");
                System.Type t = objectToConvert.GetType();
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod("ToString", new System.Type[] {
                if ((method == null))
                    return objectToConvert.ToString();
                    return ((string)(method.Invoke(objectToConvert, new object[] {
                                this.formatProviderField })));
        private ToStringInstanceHelper toStringHelperField = new ToStringInstanceHelper();
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string
        /// </summary>
        public ToStringInstanceHelper ToStringHelper
                return this.toStringHelperField;