// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.AutoML.CodeGen;
using Microsoft.ML.SearchSpace.Option;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Tensorflow;
using static Microsoft.ML.AutoML.AutoMLExperiment;
namespace Microsoft.ML.AutoML
/// <summary>
/// propose sweepable estimator pipeline from a group of candidates using eci in flaml (https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.04706)
/// </summary>
internal class PipelineProposer
private readonly Dictionary<EstimatorType, double> _estimatorCost;
private readonly Dictionary<string, double> _learnerInitialCost;
// total time spent on last best error for each learner.
private Dictionary<string, double> _k1;
// total time spent on second last best error for each learner.
private Dictionary<string, double> _k2;
// last best error for each learner.
private Dictionary<string, double> _e1;
// second last best error for each learner.
private Dictionary<string, double> _e2;
// flaml ECI
private readonly Dictionary<string, double> _eci;
private double _globalBestError;
private readonly Random _rand;
private readonly SweepablePipeline _sweepablePipeline;
private readonly string[] _pipelineSchemas;
private bool _initialized = false;
public PipelineProposer(SweepablePipeline sweepablePipeline, AutoMLExperimentSettings settings)
// this cost is used to initialize eci when started, the smaller the number, the less cost this trainer will use at start, and more likely it will be
// picked.
_estimatorCost = new Dictionary<EstimatorType, double>()
{ EstimatorType.LightGbmRegression, 0.788 },
{ EstimatorType.FastTreeRegression, 0.382 },
{ EstimatorType.FastForestRegression, 0.374 },
{ EstimatorType.SdcaRegression, 0.566 },
{ EstimatorType.FastTreeTweedieRegression, 0.401 },
{ EstimatorType.LbfgsPoissonRegressionRegression, 4.73 },
{ EstimatorType.FastForestOva, 4.283 },
{ EstimatorType.FastTreeOva, 3.701 },
{ EstimatorType.LightGbmMulti, 4.765 },
{ EstimatorType.SdcaMaximumEntropyMulti, 10.129 },
{ EstimatorType.SdcaLogisticRegressionOva, 13.16 },
{ EstimatorType.LbfgsMaximumEntropyMulti, 7.980 },
{ EstimatorType.LbfgsLogisticRegressionOva, 11.513 },
{ EstimatorType.LightGbmBinary, 4.765 },
{ EstimatorType.FastTreeBinary, 3.701 },
{ EstimatorType.FastForestBinary, 4.283 },
{ EstimatorType.SdcaLogisticRegressionBinary, 13.16 },
{ EstimatorType.LbfgsLogisticRegressionBinary, 11.513 },
{ EstimatorType.ForecastBySsa, 1 },
{ EstimatorType.ImageClassificationMulti, 1 },
{ EstimatorType.MatrixFactorization, 1 },
_sweepablePipeline = sweepablePipeline;
if (settings.Seed.HasValue)
_rand = new Random(settings.Seed.Value);
_rand = new Random();
_pipelineSchemas = _sweepablePipeline.Schema.ToTerms().Select(t => t.ToString()).ToArray();
_learnerInitialCost = _pipelineSchemas.ToDictionary(kv => kv, kv => GetEstimatedCostForPipeline(kv, _sweepablePipeline));
// initialize eci with the estimated cost and always start from pipeline which has lowest cost.
_eci = _pipelineSchemas.ToDictionary(kv => kv, kv => GetEstimatedCostForPipeline(kv, _sweepablePipeline));
public string ProposeSearchSpace()
string schema;
if (!_initialized)
schema = _eci.OrderBy(kv => kv.Value).First().Key;
_initialized = true;
var probabilities = _pipelineSchemas.Select(id => _eci[id]).ToArray();
probabilities = ArrayMath.Inverse(probabilities);
// _eci (estimator improve cost) might be infinity, which means the estimator cost for finding an improvement is positive infinity
// in that case, we used to set the probability to be a very small number, in some cases it can be zero ( 1 / double.infinity), so that it will be very unlikely to be picked.
// however, there's a special situation where all the estimators have infinity eci
// which could happen when all the estimators have been tried, all retrieves perfect loss and no improvement can be made.
// in which case, all probablities will be zero and in that case, we will never be able to pick any of them.
// Therefore, we need to make sure non of the probabilities is zero, and we can do that by adding a very small number (double.epsilon) to each of them after inverse.
probabilities = probabilities.Select(p => p + double.Epsilon).ToArray();
probabilities = ArrayMath.Normalize(probabilities);
// sample
var randdouble = _rand.NextDouble();
var sum = 0.0;
// selected pipeline id index
int i;
for (i = 0; i != _pipelineSchemas.Length; ++i)
sum += probabilities[i];
if (sum > randdouble)
schema = _pipelineSchemas[i];
return schema;
public void Update(TrialResult result, string schema)
var loss = result.Loss;
var duration = result.DurationInMilliseconds / 1000;
var isSuccess = duration != 0 && !double.IsNaN(loss) && !double.IsInfinity(loss);
// if k1 is null, it means this is the first completed trial.
// in that case, initialize k1, k2, e1, e2 in the following way:
// k1: for every learner, k1[l] = c * duration where c is a ratio defined in learnerInitialCost
// k2: k2 = k1, which indicates the hypothesis that it costs the same time for learners to reach the next break through.
// e1: current error
// e2: e1 + 1.05 * |e1|
if (isSuccess)
if (_k1 == null)
_k1 = _pipelineSchemas.ToDictionary(id => id, id => duration * _learnerInitialCost[id] / _learnerInitialCost[schema]);
_k2 = _k1.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);
_e1 = _pipelineSchemas.ToDictionary(id => id, id => loss);
_e2 = _pipelineSchemas.ToDictionary(id => id, id => loss + 0.05 * Math.Abs(loss));
_globalBestError = loss;
else if (loss >= _e1[schema])
// if error is larger than current best error, which means there's no improvements for
// the last trial with the current learner.
// In that case, simply increase the total spent time since the last best error for that learner.
_k1[schema] += duration;
// there's an improvement.
// k2 <= k1 && e2 <= e1, and update k1, e2.
_k2[schema] = _k1[schema];
_k1[schema] = duration;
_e2[schema] = _e1[schema];
_e1[schema] = loss;
// update global best error as well
if (loss < _globalBestError)
_globalBestError = loss;
// update eci
var eci1 = Math.Max(_k1[schema], _k2[schema]);
var estimatorCostForBreakThrough = (2 * (loss - _globalBestError) + double.Epsilon) / ((_e2[schema] - _e1[schema]) / (_k2[schema] + _k1[schema]) + double.Epsilon);
_eci[schema] = Math.Max(eci1, estimatorCostForBreakThrough);
// double eci of current trial twice of maxium ecis.
_eci[schema] = _eci.Select(kv => kv.Value).Max() * 2;
_initialized = true;
private double GetEstimatedCostForPipeline(string schema, SweepablePipeline pipeline)
var entity = Entity.FromExpression(schema);
var estimatorTypes = entity.ValueEntities().Where(v => v is StringEntity s && s.Value != "Nil")
.Select(v =>
var s = v as StringEntity;
var estimator = pipeline.Estimators[s.Value];
return estimator.EstimatorType;
var res = 1;
foreach (var estimatorType in estimatorTypes)
if (_estimatorCost.ContainsKey(estimatorType))
return _estimatorCost[estimatorType];
return res;
public class Status
public Dictionary<string, double> K1 { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, double> K2 { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, double> E1 { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, double> E2 { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, double> Eci { get; set; }
public double GlobalBestError { get; set; }