// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.AutoMLService;
using Microsoft.ML.SearchSpace;
namespace Microsoft.ML.AutoML
/// <summary>
/// An implementation of Flow2 from https://www.aaai.org/AAAI21Papers/AAAI-10128.WuQ.pdf
/// </summary>
internal class Flow2
private const double _stepSize = 0.1;
private const double _stepLowerBound = 0.0001;
private readonly RandomNumberGenerator _rng = new RandomNumberGenerator();
public double? BestObj = null;
public double? CostIncumbent = null;
private readonly Parameter _initConfig;
private double _step;
private readonly SearchSpace.SearchSpace _searchSpace;
private readonly bool _minimize;
private readonly double _convergeSpeed = 2;
private Parameter _bestConfig;
private double _costComplete4Incumbent = 0;
private readonly int _dim;
private double[] _directionTried = null;
private double[] _incumbent;
private int _numAllowed4Incumbent = 0;
private readonly double _stepUpperBound;
private int _trialCount = 1;
public Flow2(SearchSpace.SearchSpace searchSpace, Parameter initValue = null, bool minimizeMode = true, double convergeSpeed = 1.5, RandomNumberGenerator rng = null)
_searchSpace = searchSpace;
_minimize = minimizeMode;
_initConfig = initValue;
_bestConfig = _initConfig;
_incumbent = _searchSpace.MappingToFeatureSpace(_bestConfig);
_dim = _searchSpace.Count;
_numAllowed4Incumbent = 2 * _dim;
_step = _stepSize * Math.Sqrt(_dim);
_stepUpperBound = Math.Sqrt(_dim);
_convergeSpeed = convergeSpeed;
if (_step > _stepUpperBound)
_step = _stepUpperBound;
_rng = rng;
public bool IsConverged
get => _step < _stepLowerBound;
public Parameter BestConfig
get => _bestConfig;
public SearchThread CreateSearchThread(Parameter config, double metric, double cost)
var flow2 = new Flow2(_searchSpace, config, _minimize, convergeSpeed: _convergeSpeed, rng: _rng);
flow2.BestObj = metric;
flow2.CostIncumbent = cost;
return new SearchThread(flow2);
public Parameter Suggest(int trialId)
_numAllowed4Incumbent -= 1;
double[] move;
if (_directionTried != null)
move = ArrayMath.Sub(_incumbent, _directionTried);
_directionTried = null;
_directionTried = RandVectorSphere();
move = ArrayMath.Add(_incumbent, _directionTried);
move = Project(move);
var config = _searchSpace.SampleFromFeatureSpace(move);
return config;
public void ReceiveTrialResult(Parameter parameter, double metric, double cost)
_trialCount += 1;
if (BestObj == null || metric < BestObj)
BestObj = metric;
_bestConfig = parameter;
_incumbent = _searchSpace.MappingToFeatureSpace(_bestConfig);
CostIncumbent = cost;
_costComplete4Incumbent = 0;
_numAllowed4Incumbent = 2 * _dim;
_step *= _convergeSpeed;
_step = Math.Min(_step, _stepUpperBound);
_directionTried = null;
_costComplete4Incumbent += cost;
if (_numAllowed4Incumbent == 0)
_numAllowed4Incumbent = 2;
if (!IsConverged)
_step /= _convergeSpeed;
private double[] RandVectorSphere()
double[] vec = _rng.Normal(0, 1, _searchSpace.FeatureSpaceDim);
double mag = ArrayMath.Norm(vec);
vec = ArrayMath.Mul(vec, _step / mag);
return vec;
private double[] Project(double[] move)
return move.Select(x =>
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
else if (x > 1)
x = 0.99999999;
return x;