File: GetNextPipelineTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests\Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ML.TestFramework;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Test
    public class GetNextPipelineTests : BaseTestClass
        public GetNextPipelineTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output)
        public void GetNextPipeline()
            var context = new MLContext(1);
            var uciAdult = DatasetUtil.GetUciAdultDataView();
            var columns = DatasetColumnInfoUtil.GetDatasetColumnInfo(context, uciAdult, new ColumnInformation() { LabelColumnName = DatasetUtil.UciAdultLabel });
            // get next pipeline
            var pipeline = PipelineSuggester.GetNextPipeline(context, new List<PipelineScore>(), columns,
                TaskKind.BinaryClassification, ((IChannelProvider)context).Start("AutoMLTest"));
            // serialize & deserialize pipeline
            var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pipeline);
            var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Pipeline>(serialized);
            // run pipeline
            var estimator = deserialized.ToEstimator(context);
            var scoredData = estimator.Fit(uciAdult).Transform(uciAdult);
            var score = context.BinaryClassification.EvaluateNonCalibrated(scoredData).Accuracy;
            var result = new PipelineScore(deserialized, score, true);
        public void GetNextPipelineMock()
            var context = new MLContext(1);
            var uciAdult = DatasetUtil.GetUciAdultDataView();
            var columns = DatasetColumnInfoUtil.GetDatasetColumnInfo(context, uciAdult, new ColumnInformation() { LabelColumnName = DatasetUtil.UciAdultLabel });
            // Get next pipeline loop
            var history = new List<PipelineScore>();
            var task = TaskKind.BinaryClassification;
            var maxIterations = 60;
            for (var i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
                // Get next pipeline
                var pipeline = PipelineSuggester.GetNextPipeline(context, history, columns, task, ((IChannelProvider)context).Start("AutoMLTest"));
                if (pipeline == null)
                var result = new PipelineScore(pipeline, AutoMlUtils.Random.Value.NextDouble(), true);
            Assert.Equal(maxIterations, history.Count);
            // Get all 'Stage 1' and 'Stage 2' runs from Pipeline Suggester
            var allAvailableTrainers = RecipeInference.AllowedTrainers(context, task, new ColumnInformation(), null);
            var stage1Runs = history.Take(allAvailableTrainers.Count());
            var stage2Runs = history.Skip(allAvailableTrainers.Count());
            // Get the trainer names from top 3 Stage 1 runs
            var topStage1Runs = stage1Runs.OrderByDescending(r => r.Score).Take(3);
            var topStage1TrainerNames = topStage1Runs.Select(r => r.Pipeline.Nodes.Last().Name);
            // Get unique trainer names from Stage 2 runs
            var stage2TrainerNames = stage2Runs.Select(r => r.Pipeline.Nodes.Last().Name).Distinct();
            // Assert that are only 3 unique trainers used in stage 2
            Assert.Equal(3, stage2TrainerNames.Count());
            // Assert that all trainers in stage 2 were the top trainers from stage 1