6 types derived from JSRuntime
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server (1)
Circuits\RemoteJSRuntime.cs (1)
15internal partial class RemoteJSRuntime : JSRuntime
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView (1)
Services\WebViewJSRuntime.cs (1)
10internal sealed class WebViewJSRuntime : JSRuntime
Microsoft.JSInterop (1)
JSInProcessRuntime.cs (1)
13public abstract class JSInProcessRuntime : JSRuntime, IJSInProcessRuntime
Microsoft.JSInterop.Tests (3)
JSObjectReferenceTest.cs (1)
68class TestJSRuntime : JSRuntime
JSRuntimeTest.cs (1)
440class TestJSRuntime : JSRuntime
TestJSRuntime.cs (1)
8internal class TestJSRuntime : JSRuntime
60 references to JSRuntime
Microsoft.JSInterop (54)
DotNetObjectReferenceOfT.cs (2)
23private JSRuntime? _jsRuntime; 62internal JSRuntime? JSRuntime
IJSObjectReference.cs (3)
17/// <see cref="JSRuntime"/> will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in <see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>. To dispatch a call with a different, or no timeout, 34/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied.
IJSRuntime.cs (3)
17/// <see cref="JSRuntime"/> will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in <see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>. To dispatch a call with a different timeout, or no timeout, 34/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied.
IJSStreamReference.cs (1)
17/// Opens a <see cref="Stream"/> with the <see cref="JSRuntime"/> for the current data reference.
Implementation\JSObjectReference.cs (3)
14private readonly JSRuntime _jsRuntime; 26/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/> used for invoking JS interop calls.</param> 28protected internal JSObjectReference(JSRuntime jsRuntime, long id)
Implementation\JSStreamReference.cs (3)
11private readonly JSRuntime _jsRuntime; 19/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/> used for invoking JS interop calls.</param> 22internal JSStreamReference(JSRuntime jsRuntime, long id, long totalLength) : base(jsRuntime, id)
Infrastructure\ByteArrayJsonConverter.cs (2)
16public ByteArrayJsonConverter(JSRuntime jSRuntime) 21public JSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
Infrastructure\DotNetDispatcher.cs (11)
40/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/>.</param> 45public static string? Invoke(JSRuntime jsRuntime, in DotNetInvocationInfo invocationInfo, [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Json)] string argsJson) 70/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/>.</param> 75public static void BeginInvokeDotNet(JSRuntime jsRuntime, DotNetInvocationInfo invocationInfo, [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Json)] string argsJson) 142private static void EndInvokeDotNetAfterTask(Task task, JSRuntime jsRuntime, in DotNetInvocationInfo invocationInfo) 156private static object? InvokeSynchronously(JSRuntime jsRuntime, in DotNetInvocationInfo callInfo, IDotNetObjectReference? objectReference, string argsJson) 215internal static object?[] ParseArguments(JSRuntime jsRuntime, string methodIdentifier, string arguments, Type[] parameterTypes) 300/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/>.</param> 306public static void EndInvokeJS(JSRuntime jsRuntime, string arguments) 343/// <param name="jsRuntime">The <see cref="JSRuntime"/>.</param> 346public static void ReceiveByteArray(JSRuntime jsRuntime, int id, byte[] data)
Infrastructure\DotNetObjectReferenceJsonConverter.cs (2)
13public DotNetObjectReferenceJsonConverter(JSRuntime jsRuntime) 20public JSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
Infrastructure\DotNetObjectReferenceJsonConverterFactory.cs (2)
12public DotNetObjectReferenceJsonConverterFactory(JSRuntime jsRuntime) 17public JSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
Infrastructure\DotNetStreamReferenceJsonConverter.cs (2)
13public DotNetStreamReferenceJsonConverter(JSRuntime jsRuntime) 18public JSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
Infrastructure\JSObjectReferenceJsonConverter.cs (2)
12private readonly JSRuntime _jsRuntime; 14public JSObjectReferenceJsonConverter(JSRuntime jsRuntime)
Infrastructure\JSStreamReferenceJsonConverter.cs (2)
14private readonly JSRuntime _jsRuntime; 16public JSStreamReferenceJsonConverter(JSRuntime jsRuntime)
JSObjectReferenceExtensions.cs (6)
32/// <see cref="JSRuntime"/> will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in <see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>. To dispatch a call with a different timeout, or no timeout, 56/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied. 74/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied. 90/// <param name="timeout">The duration after which to cancel the async operation. Overrides default timeouts (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>).</param> 108/// <param name="timeout">The duration after which to cancel the async operation. Overrides default timeouts (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>).</param>
JSRuntime.cs (4)
27/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="JSRuntime"/>. 60/// <see cref="JSRuntime"/> will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in <see cref="DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>. To dispatch a call with a different, or no timeout, 301var jsRuntime = dotNetObjectReference.JSRuntime; 313throw new InvalidOperationException($"{dotNetObjectReference.GetType().Name} is already being tracked by a different instance of {nameof(JSRuntime)}." +
JSRuntimeExtensions.cs (6)
32/// <see cref="JSRuntime"/> will apply timeouts to this operation based on the value configured in <see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>. To dispatch a call with a different timeout, or no timeout, 56/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied. 74/// (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>) from being applied. 90/// <param name="timeout">The duration after which to cancel the async operation. Overrides default timeouts (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>).</param> 108/// <param name="timeout">The duration after which to cancel the async operation. Overrides default timeouts (<see cref="JSRuntime.DefaultAsyncTimeout"/>).</param>
Microsoft.JSInterop.Tests (6)
DotNetObjectReferenceTest.cs (1)
50var expected = $"{objRef.GetType().Name} is already being tracked by a different instance of {nameof(JSRuntime)}. A common cause is caching an instance of {nameof(DotNetObjectReference<string>)}" +
Infrastructure\ByteArrayJsonConverterTest.cs (1)
10private readonly JSRuntime JSRuntime;
Infrastructure\DotNetObjectReferenceJsonConverterTest.cs (1)
10private readonly JSRuntime JSRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
Infrastructure\DotNetStreamReferenceJsonConverterTest.cs (1)
10private readonly JSRuntime JSRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
Infrastructure\JSObjectReferenceJsonConverterTest.cs (1)
11private readonly JSRuntime JSRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
Infrastructure\JSStreamReferenceJsonConverterTest.cs (1)
11private readonly JSRuntime JSRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();