// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
namespace Microsoft.JSInterop.Infrastructure;
public class DotNetDispatcherTest
private static readonly string thisAssemblyName = typeof(DotNetDispatcherTest).Assembly.GetName().Name;
[InlineData(null, "Value cannot be null.")]
[InlineData("", "The value cannot be an empty string or composed entirely of whitespace.")]
public void CannotInvokeWithInvalidAssemblyName(string assemblyName, string expectedMessage)
// Act & Assert
() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(new TestJSRuntime(), new DotNetInvocationInfo(assemblyName, "SomeMethod", default, default), "[]"[]"),
[InlineData(null, "Value cannot be null.")]
[InlineData("", "The value cannot be an empty string or composed entirely of whitespace.")]
public void CannotInvokeWithInvalidMethodIdentifier(string methodIdentifier, string expectedMessage)
// Act & Assert
() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(new TestJSRuntime(), new DotNetInvocationInfo("SomeAssembly", methodIdentifier, default, default), "[]"[]"),
public void CannotInvokeMethodsOnUnloadedAssembly()
var assemblyName = "Some.Fake.Assembly";
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(new TestJSRuntime(), new DotNetInvocationInfo(assemblyName, "SomeMethod", default, default), null);
Assert.Equal($"There is no loaded assembly with the name '{assemblyName}'.", ex.Message);
// Note: Currently it's also not possible to invoke generic methods.
// That's not something determined by DotNetDispatcher, but rather by the fact that we
// don't close over the generics in the reflection code.
// Not defining this behavior through unit tests because the default outcome is
// fine (an exception stating what info is missing).
[InlineData("StaticMethodWithoutAttribute")] // That's not really its identifier; just making the point that there's no way to invoke it
[InlineData("InstanceMethodWithoutAttribute")] // That's not really its identifier; just making the point that there's no way to invoke it
public void CannotInvokeUnsuitableMethods(string methodIdentifier)
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(new TestJSRuntime(), new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, methodIdentifier, default, default), null);
Assert.Equal($"The assembly '{thisAssemblyName}' does not contain a public invokable method with [JSInvokableAttribute(\"{methodIdentifier}\")].", ex.Message);
public void CanInvokeStaticVoidMethod()
// Arrange/Act
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
SomePublicType.DidInvokeMyInvocableStaticVoid = false;
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticVoid", default, default), null);
// Assert
public void CanInvokeStaticNonVoidMethod()
// Arrange/Act
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticNonVoid", default, default), null);
var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(resultJson, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Test", result.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(123, result.IntVal);
public void CanInvokeStaticNonVoidMethodWithoutCustomIdentifier()
// Arrange/Act
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, nameof(SomePublicType.InvokableMethodWithoutCustomIdentifier), default, default), null);
var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(resultJson, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("InvokableMethodWithoutCustomIdentifier", result.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(456, result.IntVal);
public void CanInvokeStaticWithParams()
// Arrange: Track a .NET object to use as an arg
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var arg3 = new TestDTO { IntVal = 999, StringVal = "My string" };
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(arg3);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Arrange: Remaining args
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { StringVal = "Another string", IntVal = 456 },
new[] { 100, 200 },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticWithParams", default, default), argsJson);
var result = JsonDocument.Parse(resultJson);
var root = result.RootElement;
// Assert: First result value marshalled via JSON
var resultDto1 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(root[0].GetRawText(), jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
Assert.Equal("ANOTHER STRING", resultDto1.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(756, resultDto1.IntVal);
// Assert: Second result value marshalled by ref
var resultDto2Ref = root[1];
Assert.False(resultDto2Ref.TryGetProperty(nameof(TestDTO.StringVal), out _));
Assert.False(resultDto2Ref.TryGetProperty(nameof(TestDTO.IntVal), out _));
Assert.True(resultDto2Ref.TryGetProperty(DotNetDispatcher.DotNetObjectRefKey.EncodedUtf8Bytes, out var property));
var resultDto2 = Assert.IsType<DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO>>(jsRuntime.GetObjectReference(property.GetInt64())).Value;
Assert.Equal("MY STRING", resultDto2.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(1299, resultDto2.IntVal);
public void InvokingWithIncorrectUseOfDotNetObjectRefThrows()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var method = nameof(SomePublicType.IncorrectDotNetObjectRefUsage);
var arg3 = new TestDTO { IntVal = 999, StringVal = "My string" };
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(arg3);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Arrange: Remaining args
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { StringVal = "Another string", IntVal = 456 },
new[] { 100, 200 },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act & Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, method, default, default), argsJson));
Assert.Equal($"In call to '{method}', parameter of type '{nameof(TestDTO)}' at index 3 must be declared as type 'DotNetObjectRef<TestDTO>' to receive the incoming value.", ex.Message);
public void CanInvokeInstanceVoidMethod()
// Arrange: Track some instance
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableInstanceVoid", 1, default), null);
// Assert
public void CanInvokeBaseInstanceVoidMethod()
// Arrange: Track some instance
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new DerivedClass();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "BaseClassInvokableInstanceVoid", 1, default), null);
// Assert
public void DotNetObjectReferencesCanBeDisposed()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "__Dispose", objectRef.ObjectId, default), null);
// Assert
public void CannotUseDotNetObjectRefAfterDisposal()
// This test addresses the case where the developer calls objectRef.Dispose()
// from .NET code, as opposed to .dispose() from JS code
// Arrange: Track some instance, then dispose it
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Act/Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(
() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableInstanceVoid", 1, default), null));
Assert.StartsWith("There is no tracked object with id '1'.", ex.Message);
public void CannotUseDotNetObjectRefAfterReleaseDotNetObject()
// This test addresses the case where the developer calls .dispose()
// from JS code, as opposed to objectRef.Dispose() from .NET code
// Arrange: Track some instance, then dispose it
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", objectRef);
// Act/Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(
() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableInstanceVoid", 1, default), null));
Assert.StartsWith("There is no tracked object with id '1'.", ex.Message);
public void EndInvokeJS_WithSuccessValue()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var testDTO = new TestDTO { StringVal = "Hello", IntVal = 4 };
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("unimportant");
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[] { jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle, true, testDTO }, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, argsJson);
// Assert
#pragma warning disable xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
var result = task.Result;
#pragma warning restore xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
Assert.Equal(testDTO.StringVal, result.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(testDTO.IntVal, result.IntVal);
public async Task EndInvokeJS_WithErrorString()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var expected = "Some error";
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("unimportant");
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[] { jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle, false, expected }, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, argsJson);
// Assert
var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<JSException>(async () => await task);
Assert.Equal(expected, ex.Message);
public async Task EndInvokeJS_WithNullError()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("unimportant");
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[] { jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle, false, null }, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, argsJson);
// Assert
var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<JSException>(async () => await task);
public void EndInvokeJS_DoesNotThrowJSONExceptionIfTaskCancelled()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var testDTO = new TestDTO { StringVal = "Hello", IntVal = 4 };
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[] { jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle, true, testDTO }, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("unimportant", cts.Token);
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, argsJson);
// Assert
public void EndInvokeJS_ThrowsIfJsonIsEmptyString()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, ""));
public void EndInvokeJS_ThrowsIfJsonIsNotArray()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"{{\"key\": \"{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}\"}}"));
public void EndInvokeJS_ThrowsIfJsonArrayIsInComplete()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, false"));
public void EndInvokeJS_ThrowsIfJsonArrayHasMoreThan3Arguments()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, false, \"Hello\", 5]"));
public void EndInvokeJS_DoesNotThrowJSONExceptionIfTaskCancelled_WithMoreThan3Arguments()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Act
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("unimportant", cts.Token);
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, false, \"Hello\", 5]");
// Assert
public void EndInvokeJS_Works()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, true, {{\"intVal\": 7}}]");
// Assert
#pragma warning disable xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
Assert.Equal(7, task.Result.IntVal);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
public void EndInvokeJS_WithArrayValue()
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<int[]>("somemethod");
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, true, [1, 2, 3]]");
#pragma warning disable xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
Assert.Equal(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, task.Result);
#pragma warning restore xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
public void EndInvokeJS_WithNullValue()
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var task = jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<TestDTO>("somemethod");
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(jsRuntime, $"[{jsRuntime.LastInvocationAsyncHandle}, true, null]");
#pragma warning disable xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
#pragma warning restore xUnit1031 // Do not use blocking task operations in test method
public void CanInvokeInstanceMethodWithParams()
// Arrange: Track some instance plus another object we'll pass as a param
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var arg2 = new TestDTO { IntVal = 1234, StringVal = "My string" };
var argsJson = "[\"myvalue\",{\"__dotNetObject\":2}]"[\"myvalue\",{\"__dotNetObject\":2}]";
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableInstanceMethod", 1, default), argsJson);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("[\"You passed myvalue\",{\"__dotNetObject\":3}]"[\"You passed myvalue\",{\"__dotNetObject\":3}]", resultJson);
var resultDto = ((DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO>)jsRuntime.GetObjectReference(3)).Value;
Assert.Equal(1235, resultDto.IntVal);
Assert.Equal("MY STRING", resultDto.StringVal);
public void CanInvokeNonGenericInstanceMethodOnGenericType()
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new GenericType<int>();
var argsJson = "[\"hello world\"]";
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, nameof(GenericType<int>.EchoStringParameter), 1, default), argsJson);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("\"hello world\"", resultJson);
public void CanInvokeMethodsThatAcceptGenericParametersOnGenericTypes()
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new GenericType<string>();
var argsJson = "[\"hello world\"]";
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, nameof(GenericType<string>.EchoParameter), 1, default), argsJson);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("\"hello world\"", resultJson);
public void CanInvokeMethodsWithMultipleIdentifiers() {
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new MultipleJSInvokableAttributes();
var argsJson = "[\"hello Alias\"]";
// Act
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "MultipleJSInvokableAttributesInstance", 1, default), argsJson);
var resultJson2 = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "Alias", 1, default), argsJson);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("\"hello Alias\"", resultJson);
Assert.Equal("\"hello Alias\"", resultJson2);
public void CanInvokeMethodsWithMultipleIdentifiers_Static()
// Arrange/Act
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var resultJson = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticNonVoidAlias1", default, default), null);
var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(resultJson, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
var resultJson2 = DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticNonVoidAlias2", default, default), null);
var result2 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestDTO>(resultJson2, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Test", result.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(456, result.IntVal);
Assert.Equal("Test", result2.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(456, result2.IntVal);
public void CannotInvokeStaticOpenGenericMethods()
var methodIdentifier = "StaticGenericMethod";
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
// Act
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, methodIdentifier, 0, default), "[7]"[7]"));
Assert.Contains($"The assembly '{thisAssemblyName}' does not contain a public invokable method with [{nameof(JSInvokableAttribute)}(\"{methodIdentifier}\")].", ex.Message);
public void CannotInvokeInstanceOpenGenericMethods()
var methodIdentifier = "InstanceGenericMethod";
var targetInstance = new GenericType<int>();
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var argsJson = "[\"hello world\"]";
// Act
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, methodIdentifier, 1, default), argsJson));
Assert.Contains($"The type 'GenericType`1' does not contain a public invokable method with [{nameof(JSInvokableAttribute)}(\"{methodIdentifier}\")].", ex.Message);
public void CannotInvokeMethodsWithGenericParameters_IfTypesDoNotMatch()
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new GenericType<int>();
var argsJson = "[\"hello world\"]";
// Act & Assert
Assert.Throws<JsonException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, nameof(GenericType<int>.EchoParameter), 1, default), argsJson));
public void CannotInvokeWithFewerNumberOfParameters()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { StringVal = "Another string", IntVal = 456 },
new[] { 100, 200 },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act/Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticWithParams", default, default), argsJson);
Assert.Equal("The call to 'InvocableStaticWithParams' expects '3' parameters, but received '2'.", ex.Message);
public void CannotInvokeWithMoreParameters()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var objectRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(new TestDTO { IntVal = 4 });
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { StringVal = "Another string", IntVal = 456 },
new[] { 100, 200 },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act/Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<JsonException>(() =>
DotNetDispatcher.Invoke(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticWithParams", default, default), argsJson);
Assert.Equal("Unexpected JSON token Number. Ensure that the call to `InvocableStaticWithParams' is supplied with exactly '3' parameters.", ex.Message);
public async Task CanInvokeAsyncMethod()
// Arrange: Track some instance plus another object we'll pass as a param
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var arg2 = new TestDTO { IntVal = 1234, StringVal = "My string" };
var arg1Ref = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
var arg2Ref = DotNetObjectReference.Create(arg2);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", arg1Ref, arg2Ref);
// Arrange: all args
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { IntVal = 1000, StringVal = "String via JSON" },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableAsyncMethod", 1, callId), argsJson);
await resultTask;
// Assert: Correct completion information
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
var resultJson = Assert.IsType<string>(jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.ResultJson);
var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SomePublicType.InvokableAsyncMethodResult>(resultJson, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
Assert.Equal("STRING VIA JSON", result.SomeDTO.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(2000, result.SomeDTO.IntVal);
// Assert: Second result value marshalled by ref
var resultDto2 = result.SomeDTORef.Value;
Assert.Equal("MY STRING", resultDto2.StringVal);
Assert.Equal(2468, resultDto2.IntVal);
public async Task CanInvokeAsyncMethodReturningValueTask()
// Arrange: Track some instance plus another object we'll pass as a param
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var arg2 = new TestDTO { IntVal = 1234, StringVal = "My string" };
var arg1Ref = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
var arg2Ref = DotNetObjectReference.Create(arg2);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", arg1Ref, arg2Ref);
// Arrange: all args
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[]
new TestDTO { IntVal = 1000, StringVal = "String via JSON" },
}, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null,
nameof(SomePublicType.InvokableAsyncMethodReturningValueTask), 1, callId), argsJson);
await resultTask;
// Assert: Correct completion information
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
public async Task CanInvokeAsyncMethodReturningNonGenericValueTask()
// Arrange: Track some instance plus another object we'll pass as a param
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var targetInstance = new SomePublicType();
var arg1Ref = DotNetObjectReference.Create(targetInstance);
jsRuntime.Invoke<object>("unimportant", arg1Ref);
// Arrange: all args
var argsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new object[] { }, jsRuntime.JsonSerializerOptions);
// Act
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null,
nameof(SomePublicType.InvokableAsyncMethodReturningValueTaskNonGeneric), 1, callId), argsJson);
await resultTask;
// Assert: Correct completion information
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
public async Task CanInvokeSyncThrowingMethod()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
// Act
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, nameof(ThrowingClass.ThrowingMethod), default, callId), default);
await resultTask; // This won't throw, it sets properties on the jsRuntime.
// Assert
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
Assert.False(jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Success); // Fails
// Make sure the method that threw the exception shows up in the call stack
// https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/8612
Assert.Contains(nameof(ThrowingClass.ThrowingMethod), jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Exception.ToString());
public async Task CanInvokeAsyncThrowingMethod()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
// Act
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, nameof(ThrowingClass.AsyncThrowingMethod), default, callId), default);
await resultTask; // This won't throw, it sets properties on the jsRuntime.
// Assert
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
Assert.False(jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Success); // Fails
// Make sure the method that threw the exception shows up in the call stack
// https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/8612
Assert.Contains(nameof(ThrowingClass.AsyncThrowingMethod), jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Exception.ToString());
public async Task BeginInvoke_ThrowsWithInvalidArgsJson_WithCallId()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(thisAssemblyName, "InvocableStaticWithParams", default, callId), "<xml>not json</xml>"<xml>not json</xml>");
await resultTask; // This won't throw, it sets properties on the jsRuntime.
// Assert
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
Assert.False(jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Success); // Fails
var exception = jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Exception;
Assert.Contains("JsonReaderException: '<' is an invalid start of a value.", exception.ToString());
public void BeginInvoke_ThrowsWithInvalid_DotNetObjectRef()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var callId = "123";
var resultTask = jsRuntime.NextInvocationTask;
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(jsRuntime, new DotNetInvocationInfo(null, "InvokableInstanceVoid", 1, callId), null);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(callId, jsRuntime.LastCompletionCallId);
Assert.False(jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Success); // Fails
var exception = jsRuntime.LastCompletionResult.Exception;
Assert.StartsWith("System.ArgumentException: There is no tracked object with id '1'. Perhaps the DotNetObjectReference instance was already disposed.", exception.ToString());
public void ParseArguments_ThrowsIfJsonIsInvalid(string arguments)
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(string) }));
public void ParseArguments_ThrowsIfTheArgsJsonIsNotArray(string arguments)
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(string) }));
public void ParseArguments_ThrowsIfTheArgsJsonIsInvalidArray(string arguments)
// Act & Assert
Assert.ThrowsAny<JsonException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(string) }));
public void ParseArguments_Works()
// Arrange
var arguments = "[\"Hello\", 2]";
// Act
var result = DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int), });
// Assert
Assert.Equal(new object[] { "Hello", 2 }, result);
public void ParseArguments_SingleArgument()
// Arrange
var arguments = "[{\"IntVal\": 7}]"[{\"IntVal\": 7}]";
// Act
var result = DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(TestDTO), });
// Assert
var value = Assert.IsType<TestDTO>(Assert.Single(result));
Assert.Equal(7, value.IntVal);
public void ParseArguments_NullArgument()
// Arrange
var arguments = "[4, null]";
// Act
var result = DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), "SomeMethod", arguments, new[] { typeof(int), typeof(TestDTO), });
// Assert
v => Assert.Equal(4, v),
v => Assert.Null(v));
public void ParseArguments_Throws_WithIncorrectDotNetObjectRefUsage()
// Arrange
var method = "SomeMethod";
var arguments = "[4, {\"__dotNetObject\": 7}]"[4, {\"__dotNetObject\": 7}]";
// Act
var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => DotNetDispatcher.ParseArguments(new TestJSRuntime(), method, arguments, new[] { typeof(int), typeof(TestDTO), }));
// Assert
Assert.Equal($"In call to '{method}', parameter of type '{nameof(TestDTO)}' at index 2 must be declared as type 'DotNetObjectRef<TestDTO>' to receive the incoming value.", ex.Message);
public void ReceiveByteArray_Works()
// Arrange
var jsRuntime = new TestJSRuntime();
var byteArray = new byte[] { 1, 5, 7 };
// Act
DotNetDispatcher.ReceiveByteArray(jsRuntime, 0, byteArray);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(1, jsRuntime.ByteArraysToBeRevived.Count);
Assert.Equal(byteArray, jsRuntime.ByteArraysToBeRevived.Buffer[0]);
internal class SomeInteralType
[JSInvokable("MethodOnInternalType")] public void MyMethod() { }
public class SomePublicType
public static bool DidInvokeMyInvocableStaticVoid;
public bool DidInvokeMyInvocableInstanceVoid;
[JSInvokable("PrivateMethod")] private static void MyPrivateMethod() { }
[JSInvokable("ProtectedMethod")] protected static void MyProtectedMethod() { }
protected static void StaticMethodWithoutAttribute() { }
protected static void InstanceMethodWithoutAttribute() { }
public static void MyInvocableVoid()
DidInvokeMyInvocableStaticVoid = true;
public static object MyInvocableNonVoid()
=> new TestDTO { StringVal = "Test", IntVal = 123 };
[JSInvokable("InvocableStaticNonVoidAlias1"), JSInvokable("InvocableStaticNonVoidAlias2")]
public static object MyInvocableNonVoidWithAlias()
=> new TestDTO { StringVal = "Test", IntVal = 456 };
public static object[] MyInvocableWithParams(TestDTO dtoViaJson, int[] incrementAmounts, DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO> dtoByRef)
=> new object[]
new TestDTO // Return via JSON marshalling
StringVal = dtoViaJson.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoViaJson.IntVal + incrementAmounts.Sum()
DotNetObjectReference.Create(new TestDTO // Return by ref
StringVal = dtoByRef.Value.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoByRef.Value.IntVal + incrementAmounts.Sum()
public static object[] IncorrectDotNetObjectRefUsage(TestDTO dtoViaJson, int[] incrementAmounts, TestDTO dtoByRef)
=> throw new InvalidOperationException("Shouldn't be called");
public static TestDTO InvokableMethodWithoutCustomIdentifier()
=> new TestDTO { StringVal = "InvokableMethodWithoutCustomIdentifier", IntVal = 456 };
public void InvokableInstanceVoid()
DidInvokeMyInvocableInstanceVoid = true;
public object[] InvokableInstanceMethod(string someString, DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO> someDTORef)
var someDTO = someDTORef.Value;
// Returning an array to make the point that object references
// can be embedded anywhere in the result
return new object[]
$"You passed {someString}",
DotNetObjectReference.Create(new TestDTO
IntVal = someDTO.IntVal + 1,
StringVal = someDTO.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant()
public async Task<InvokableAsyncMethodResult> InvokableAsyncMethod(TestDTO dtoViaJson, DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO> dtoByRefWrapper)
await Task.Delay(50);
var dtoByRef = dtoByRefWrapper.Value;
return new InvokableAsyncMethodResult
SomeDTO = new TestDTO // Return via JSON
StringVal = dtoViaJson.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoViaJson.IntVal * 2,
SomeDTORef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(new TestDTO // Return by ref
StringVal = dtoByRef.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoByRef.IntVal * 2,
public async ValueTask<InvokableAsyncMethodResult> InvokableAsyncMethodReturningValueTask(TestDTO dtoViaJson, DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO> dtoByRefWrapper)
var dtoByRef = dtoByRefWrapper.Value;
return await new ValueTask<InvokableAsyncMethodResult>( new InvokableAsyncMethodResult()
SomeDTO = new TestDTO // Return via JSON
StringVal = dtoViaJson.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoViaJson.IntVal * 2,
SomeDTORef = DotNetObjectReference.Create(new TestDTO // Return by ref
StringVal = dtoByRef.StringVal.ToUpperInvariant(),
IntVal = dtoByRef.IntVal * 2,
public async ValueTask InvokableAsyncMethodReturningValueTaskNonGeneric()
await Task.CompletedTask;
public class InvokableAsyncMethodResult
public TestDTO SomeDTO { get; set; }
public DotNetObjectReference<TestDTO> SomeDTORef { get; set; }
public class BaseClass
public bool DidInvokeMyBaseClassInvocableInstanceVoid;
public void BaseClassInvokableInstanceVoid()
DidInvokeMyBaseClassInvocableInstanceVoid = true;
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public class TestDTO
public string StringVal { get; set; }
public int IntVal { get; set; }
public class ThrowingClass
public static string ThrowingMethod()
throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();
public static async Task<string> AsyncThrowingMethod()
await Task.Yield();
throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();
public class GenericType<TValue>
[JSInvokable] public string EchoStringParameter(string input) => input;
[JSInvokable] public TValue EchoParameter(TValue input) => input;
public class MultipleJSInvokableAttributes
[JSInvokable, JSInvokable("Alias")] public string MultipleJSInvokableAttributesInstance(string input) => input;
public class GenericMethodClass
[JSInvokable("StaticGenericMethod")] public static string StaticGenericMethod<TValue>(TValue input) => input.ToString();
[JSInvokable("InstanceGenericMethod")] public string GenericMethod<TValue>(TValue input) => input.ToString();
public class TestJSRuntime : JSInProcessRuntime
private TaskCompletionSource _nextInvocationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
public Task NextInvocationTask => _nextInvocationTcs.Task;
public long LastInvocationAsyncHandle { get; private set; }
public string LastInvocationIdentifier { get; private set; }
public string LastInvocationArgsJson { get; private set; }
public string LastCompletionCallId { get; private set; }
public DotNetInvocationResult LastCompletionResult { get; private set; }
protected override void BeginInvokeJS(long asyncHandle, string identifier, string argsJson, JSCallResultType resultType, long targetInstanceId)
LastInvocationAsyncHandle = asyncHandle;
LastInvocationIdentifier = identifier;
LastInvocationArgsJson = argsJson;
_nextInvocationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
protected override string InvokeJS(string identifier, string argsJson, JSCallResultType resultType, long targetInstanceId)
LastInvocationAsyncHandle = default;
LastInvocationIdentifier = identifier;
LastInvocationArgsJson = argsJson;
_nextInvocationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
return null;
protected internal override void EndInvokeDotNet(DotNetInvocationInfo invocationInfo, in DotNetInvocationResult invocationResult)
LastCompletionCallId = invocationInfo.CallId;
LastCompletionResult = invocationResult;
_nextInvocationTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();