3 overrides of Value
Microsoft.Interop.SourceGeneration (3)
DiagnosticOr.cs (3)
39public override T Value => throw new InvalidOperationException(); 49public override T Value => _value; 60public override T Value => _value;
5 references to Value
Microsoft.Interop.ComInterfaceGenerator (1)
ComInterfaceContext.cs (1)
79var ctx = DiagnosticOr<ComInterfaceContext>.From(new ComInterfaceContext(iface, baseContext.Value, iface.Options) { IsExternallyDefined = iface.IsExternallyDefined });
Microsoft.Interop.SourceGeneration (4)
DiagnosticOr.cs (4)
76/// Creates a new <see cref="DiagnosticOr{T}"/> with the <see cref="DiagnosticOr{T}.Value"/> set to <paramref name="value"/> 121var values = provider.Where(x => x.HasValue).Select(static (x, ct) => x.Value); 131var values = provider.Select((arr, ct) => arr.Where(x => x.HasValue).Select((x, ct) => x.Value).ToSequenceEqualImmutableArray()); 141var values = provider.Where(x => x.Item1.HasValue).Select(static (x, ct) => (x.Item1.Value, x.Item2));