File: EmitterTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Generators\Microsoft.Gen.MetricsReports\Unit\Microsoft.Gen.MetricsReports.Unit.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.Gen.MetricsReports.Unit.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Gen.Metrics.Model;
using Microsoft.Gen.MetricsReports;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Gen.MetricsReports.Test;
public class EmitterTests
    private static readonly ReportedMetricClass[] _metricClasses = new[]
            new ReportedMetricClass
                Name = "MetricClass1",
                RootNamespace = "MetricContainingAssembly1",
                Methods = new []
                    new ReportedMetricMethod
                        MetricName = "Requests",
                        Summary = "Requests summary.",
                        Kind = InstrumentKind.Counter,
                        Dimensions = ["StatusCode", "ErrorCode"],
                        DimensionsDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, string>
                            { "StatusCode", "Status code for request." },
                            { "ErrorCode", "Error code for request." }
                    new ReportedMetricMethod
                        MetricName = "Latency",
                        Summary = "Latency summary.",
                        Kind = InstrumentKind.Histogram,
                        Dimensions = ["Dim1"],
                        DimensionsDescriptions = []
                    new ReportedMetricMethod
                        MetricName = "MemoryUsage",
                        Kind = InstrumentKind.Gauge,
                        Dimensions = [],
                        DimensionsDescriptions = []
            new ReportedMetricClass
                Name = "MetricClass2",
                RootNamespace = "MetricContainingAssembly2",
                Methods = new[]
                    new ReportedMetricMethod
                        MetricName = "Counter",
                        Summary = "Counter summary.",
                        Kind = InstrumentKind.Counter,
                        Dimensions = [],
                        DimensionsDescriptions = []
                    new ReportedMetricMethod
                        MetricName = "Test\\MemoryUsage",
                        Summary = "MemoryUsage summary.",
                        Kind = InstrumentKind.Gauge,
                        Dimensions = ["Path"],
                        DimensionsDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, string>
                            { "Path", "Test\\Description\\Path" }
    public void EmitterShouldThrowExceptionUponCancellation()
        Assert.Throws<OperationCanceledException>(() =>
            var emitter = new MetricDefinitionEmitter();
            emitter.GenerateReport(_metricClasses, new CancellationToken(true));
    public void EmitterShouldOutputEmptyForNullInput()
        var emitter = new MetricDefinitionEmitter();
        Assert.Equal(string.Empty, emitter.GenerateReport(null!, CancellationToken.None));
    public void EmitterShouldOutputEmptyForEmptyInputForMetricClass()
        var emitter = new MetricDefinitionEmitter();
        Assert.Equal(string.Empty, emitter.GenerateReport(Array.Empty<ReportedMetricClass>(), CancellationToken.None));
    public void GetMetricClassDefinition_GivenMetricTypeIsUnknown_ThrowsNotSupportedException()
        const int UnknownMetricType = 10;
        var emitter = new MetricDefinitionEmitter();
        var metricClass = new ReportedMetricClass
            Name = "Test",
            RootNamespace = "MetricContainingAssembly3",
            Methods = new[]
                new ReportedMetricMethod
                    MetricName = "UnknownMetric",
                    Kind = (InstrumentKind)UnknownMetricType,
                    Dimensions = ["Dim1"]
        Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => emitter.GenerateReport(new[] { metricClass }, CancellationToken.None));
    public void EmitterShouldOutputInJSONFormat()
        string newLine = Environment.NewLine;
        string expected =
            "[" +
            newLine + " {" +
            newLine + "  \"MetricContainingAssembly1\":" +
            newLine + "  [" +
            newLine + "    {" +
            newLine + "     \"MetricName\": \"Requests\"," +
            newLine + "     \"MetricDescription\": \"Requests summary.\"," +
            newLine + "     \"InstrumentName\": \"Counter\"," +
            newLine + "     \"Dimensions\": {" +
            newLine + "      \"StatusCode\": \"Status code for request.\"," +
            newLine + "      \"ErrorCode\": \"Error code for request.\"" +
            newLine + "      }" +
            newLine + "    }," +
            newLine + "    {" +
            newLine + "     \"MetricName\": \"Latency\"," +
            newLine + "     \"MetricDescription\": \"Latency summary.\"," +
            newLine + "     \"InstrumentName\": \"Histogram\"," +
            newLine + "     \"Dimensions\": {" +
            newLine + "      \"Dim1\": \"\"" +
            newLine + "      }" +
            newLine + "    }," +
            newLine + "    {" +
            newLine + "     \"MetricName\": \"MemoryUsage\"," +
            newLine + "     \"InstrumentName\": \"Gauge\"" +
            newLine + "    }" +
            newLine + "  ]" +
            newLine + " }," +
            newLine + " {" +
            newLine + "  \"MetricContainingAssembly2\":" +
            newLine + "  [" +
            newLine + "    {" +
            newLine + "     \"MetricName\": \"Counter\"," +
            newLine + "     \"MetricDescription\": \"Counter summary.\"," +
            newLine + "     \"InstrumentName\": \"Counter\"" +
            newLine + "    }," +
            newLine + "    {" +
            newLine + "     \"MetricName\": \"Test\\\\MemoryUsage\"," +
            newLine + "     \"MetricDescription\": \"MemoryUsage summary.\"," +
            newLine + "     \"InstrumentName\": \"Gauge\"," +
            newLine + "     \"Dimensions\": {" +
            newLine + "      \"Path\": \"Test\\\\Description\\\\Path\"" +
            newLine + "      }" +
            newLine + "    }" +
            newLine + "  ]" +
            newLine + " }" +
            newLine + "]";
        var emitter = new MetricDefinitionEmitter();
        string json = emitter.GenerateReport(_metricClasses, CancellationToken.None);
        Assert.Equal(expected, json);