File: test\Generators\Microsoft.Gen.Logging\TestClasses\LogPropertiesExtensions.cs
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Project: src\test\Generators\Microsoft.Gen.Logging\Generated\Microsoft.Gen.Logging.Generated.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.Gen.Logging.Generated.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace TestClasses
    [SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1822:Mark members as static", Justification = "Test code")]
    [SuppressMessage("CodeQuality", "IDE0051:Remove unused private members", Justification = "Test code")]
    [SuppressMessage("CodeQuality", "IDE0052:Remove unread private members", Justification = "Test code")]
    [SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S2376:Write-only properties should not be used", Justification = "Test code")]
    internal static partial class LogPropertiesExtensions
        public delegate void TestDelegate();
        internal class MyBaseClass
            public virtual string VirtualPropertyBase => "Hello from MyBaseClass!"; // Not supposed to be logged (overridden in both MyDerivedClass and MyInterimClass)
            public string? NonVirtualPropertyBase { get; set; }
            public string? StringPropertyBase { get; set; }
            protected int ProtectedPopertyBase { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (protected)
            private int PrivatePopertyBase { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (private)
            public Action? ActionBase { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (delegate type)
            private Func<int>? FuncBase { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (delegate type)
            private TestDelegate? DelegateBase { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (delegate type)
        internal class MyInterimClass : MyBaseClass
            public virtual int VirtualInterimProperty { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (overridden in MyDerivedClass)
            public long InterimProperty { get; set; }
            public override string VirtualPropertyBase => "Hello from MyInterimClass!"; // Not supposed to be logged (overridden in MyDerivedClass)
        public class MyTransitiveBaseClass
            public decimal TransitiveNumberProp { get; set; } = decimal.One;
            public string? TransitiveStringProp { get; set; }
            public virtual int TransitiveVirtualProp { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (overridden in MyTransitiveDerivedClass)
            public GenericClass<string> TransitiveGenericProp => new()
                GenericProp = "Hello from MyTransitiveBaseClass!"
            internal double TransitiveInternalProp { get; set; } // Not supposed to be logged (internal)
            public double TransitiveField = double.PositiveInfinity; // Not supposed to be logged (field)
            private static decimal PrivateProperty => decimal.MinusOne; // Not supposed to be logged (private & static)
            public LeafTransitiveDerivedClass? InnerTransitiveProperty { get; set; }
        public class MyTransitiveDerivedClass : MyTransitiveBaseClass
            public override int TransitiveVirtualProp { get; set; } // Overrides MyTransitiveBaseClass.TransitiveVirtualProp
            public int TransitiveDerivedProp { get; set; }
        public class LeafTransitiveBaseClass
            public int IntegerProperty { get; set; } = int.MaxValue;
        public class LeafTransitiveDerivedClass : LeafTransitiveBaseClass
            public DateTime DateTimeProperty { get; set; } = DateTime.MaxValue;
        public class GenericClass<T>
            public T? GenericProp { get; set; }
        public struct MyCustomStruct
            public long LongProperty { get; set; } = long.MaxValue;
#pragma warning disable CA1805 // Do not initialize unnecessarily
            public MyTransitiveStruct TransitiveStructProperty { get; set; } = default;
            public MyTransitiveStruct? NullableTransitiveStructProperty { get; set; } = default;
#pragma warning restore CA1805 // Do not initialize unnecessarily
            [SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1125:Use shorthand for nullable types", Justification = "Testing Nullable<T>")]
            public Nullable<MyTransitiveStruct> NullableTransitiveStructProperty2 { get; set; } = default;
            public MyCustomStruct(object _)
        public struct MyTransitiveStruct
            public DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffsetProperty { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            public MyTransitiveStruct(object _)
        internal class MyDerivedClass : MyInterimClass
            public static int StaticNumberProperty { get; set; } = ushort.MaxValue; // Not supposed to be logged (static)
            public string? StringProperty { get; set; }
            public int? SimplifiedNullableIntProperty { get; set; }
            [SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1125:Use shorthand for nullable types", Justification = "Test code")]
            public Nullable<int> ExplicitNullableIntProperty { get; set; }
            // Not supposed to be logged (private getter)
            public string PrivateGetStringProperty { private get; set; } = nameof(PrivateGetStringProperty);
            public DateTime GetOnlyProperty => DateTime.MaxValue;
            public DateTime SetOnlyProperty // Not supposed to be logged (write-only property)
                set => _ = value; // No-op
            private static decimal PrivateProperty => decimal.MinusOne; // Not supposed to be logged (private & static)
            internal string InternalProperty { get; set; } = nameof(InternalProperty); // Not supposed to be logged (internal)
            public string PublicField = nameof(PublicField); // Not supposed to be logged (field)
            private readonly double _privateField; // Not supposed to be logged (private & field)
            public override string VirtualPropertyBase => "Hello from MyDerivedClass!"; // Overrides MyBaseClass.VirtualPropertyBase
            public override int VirtualInterimProperty // Overrides MyInterimClass.VirtualInterimProperty
                get => base.VirtualInterimProperty + 10;
                set => base.VirtualInterimProperty = value - 10;
            public int[] TransitivePropertyArray { get; set; } = Array.Empty<int>();
            public MyTransitiveDerivedClass? TransitiveProperty { get; set; }
            public LeafTransitiveBaseClass? AnotherTransitiveProperty { get; set; }
            public GenericClass<int>? PropertyOfGenerics { get; set; }
            public MyCustomStruct CustomStructProperty { get; set; }
            public MyCustomStruct? CustomStructNullableProperty { get; set; }
            public int IgnoredProp { get; set; }
            [SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1125:Use shorthand for nullable types", Justification = "Testing Nullable<T>")]
            public Nullable<MyCustomStruct> CustomStructNullableProperty2 { get; set; }
            public MyDerivedClass(double privateFieldValue)
                _privateField = privateFieldValue;
        internal interface IMyInterface
            public int IntProperty { get; set; }
            public LeafTransitiveBaseClass? TransitiveProp { get; set; }
        internal sealed class MyInterfaceImpl : IMyInterface
            public int IntProperty { get; set; }
            public string? ClassStringProperty { get; set; }
            public LeafTransitiveBaseClass? TransitiveProp { get; set; }
        [LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Debug, "Only {classToLog_StringProperty_1} as param")]
        public static partial void LogFunc(ILogger logger, string classToLog_StringProperty_1, [LogProperties] MyDerivedClass classToLog);
        internal class ClassAsParam
            public int MyProperty { get; set; }
            public override string ToString()
                => DateTime
                    .Parse("2021-11-15", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                    .ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        [LoggerMessage(1, LogLevel.Information, "Both {StringProperty} and {ComplexParam} as params")]
        public static partial void LogMethodTwoParams(ILogger logger, string StringProperty, [LogProperties] ClassAsParam? complexParam);
        [LoggerMessage(2, LogLevel.Information, "Testing non-nullable struct here...")]
        public static partial void LogMethodStruct(ILogger logger, [LogProperties] MyCustomStruct structParam);
        [LoggerMessage(3, LogLevel.Information, "Testing nullable struct here...")]
        public static partial void LogMethodNullableStruct(ILogger logger, [LogProperties] in MyCustomStruct? structParam);
        [LoggerMessage(4, LogLevel.Information, "Testing explicit nullable struct here...")]
        public static partial void LogMethodExplicitNullableStruct(ILogger logger, [LogProperties] Nullable<MyCustomStruct> structParam);
        public static partial void LogMethodDefaultAttrCtor(ILogger logger, LogLevel level, [LogProperties] ClassAsParam? complexParam);
        [LoggerMessage(5, LogLevel.Information, "Testing interface-typed argument here...")]
        public static partial void LogMethodInterfaceArg(ILogger logger, [LogProperties] IMyInterface complexParam);