// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Compliance.Classification;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Compliance.Redaction;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Diagnostics;
internal sealed class HttpRouteParser : IHttpRouteParser
private const char ForwardSlash = '/';
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles
private static readonly char[] ForwardSlash = new[] { '/' };
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles
private readonly IRedactorProvider _redactorProvider;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParsedRouteSegments> _routeTemplateSegmentsCache = new();
public HttpRouteParser(IRedactorProvider redactorProvider)
_redactorProvider = redactorProvider;
public bool TryExtractParameters(
string httpPath,
in ParsedRouteSegments routeSegments,
HttpRouteParameterRedactionMode redactionMode,
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DataClassification> parametersToRedact,
ref HttpRouteParameter[] httpRouteParameters)
int paramCount = routeSegments.ParameterCount;
if (httpRouteParameters == null || httpRouteParameters.Length < paramCount)
return false;
var httpPathAsSpan = httpPath.AsSpan();
httpPathAsSpan = httpPathAsSpan.TrimStart(ForwardSlash);
if (paramCount > 0)
int offset = 0;
int index = 0;
foreach (Segment segment in routeSegments.Segments)
if (segment.IsParam)
var startIndex = segment.Start + offset;
// If we exceed a length of the http path it means that the appropriate http route
// has optional parameters or parameters with default values, and these parameters
// are omitted in the http path. In this case we return a default value of the
// omitted parameter.
string parameterValue = segment.DefaultValue;
bool isRedacted = false;
if (startIndex < httpPathAsSpan.Length)
var parameterContent = segment.Content;
var parameterTemplateLength = parameterContent.Length + 2;
var length = httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex).IndexOf(ForwardSlash);
if (segment.IsCatchAll || length == -1)
length = httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex).Length;
offset += length - parameterTemplateLength;
parameterValue = GetRedactedParameterValue(httpPathAsSpan, segment, startIndex, length, redactionMode, parametersToRedact, ref isRedacted);
httpRouteParameters[index++] = new HttpRouteParameter(segment.ParamName, parameterValue, isRedacted);
return true;
public ParsedRouteSegments ParseRoute(string httpRoute)
return _routeTemplateSegmentsCache.GetOrAdd(httpRoute, httpRoute =>
httpRoute = httpRoute.TrimStart(ForwardSlash);
var pos = 0;
var len = httpRoute.Length;
var start = 0;
char ch;
var segments = new List<Segment>();
while (pos < len)
ch = httpRoute[pos];
// Start of a parameter segment.
if (ch == '{')
// End of the current text segment.
if (pos > start)
segments.Add(new Segment(
start: start,
end: pos,
content: GetSegmentContent(httpRoute, start, pos),
isParam: false));
segments.Add(GetParameterSegment(httpRoute, ref pos));
start = pos + 1;
// Start of the query parameters sections.
else if (ch == '?')
// Remove the query parameters from the template.
httpRoute = httpRoute.Substring(0, pos);
// End the last text segment if any.
if (start < pos)
segments.Add(new Segment(
start: start,
end: pos,
content: GetSegmentContent(httpRoute, start, pos),
isParam: false));
return new ParsedRouteSegments(httpRoute, segments.ToArray());
private static Segment GetParameterSegment(string httpRoute, ref int pos)
const int PositionNotFound = -1;
int start = pos++;
int paramNameEnd = PositionNotFound;
int paramNameStart = start + 1;
bool catchAllParamFound = false;
int defaultValueStart = PositionNotFound;
char ch;
while ((ch = httpRoute[pos]) != '}')
// The segment has a default value '='. The character indicates
// that we've met the end of the segment's parameter name and
// the start of the default value.
if (ch == '=')
if (paramNameEnd == PositionNotFound)
paramNameEnd = pos;
defaultValueStart = pos + 1;
// The segment is optional '?' or has a constraint ':'.
// When we meet one of the above characters it indicates
// that we've met the end of the segment's parameter name.
else if (ch == '?' || ch == ':')
if (paramNameEnd == PositionNotFound)
paramNameEnd = pos;
// The segment has '*' catch all parameter.
// When we meet the character it indicates param start position needs to be adjusted, so that we capture 'param' instead of '*param'
// *param can only appear after opening curly brace and position needs to be adjusted only once
else if (!catchAllParamFound && ch == '*' && pos > 0 && httpRoute[pos - 1] == '{')
// Catch all parameters can start with one or two '*' characters.
if (httpRoute[paramNameStart] == '*')
catchAllParamFound = true;
// Throw an ArgumentException if the segment is a catch-all parameter and not the last segment.
// The current position should be either the end of the route or the second to last position followed by a '/'.
if (catchAllParamFound)
bool isLastPosition = pos == httpRoute.Length - 1;
bool isSecondToLastPosition = pos == httpRoute.Length - 2;
if (!(isLastPosition || (isSecondToLastPosition && httpRoute[pos + 1] == '/')))
Throw.ArgumentException(nameof(httpRoute), "A catch-all parameter must be the last segment in the route.");
string content = GetSegmentContent(httpRoute, paramNameStart, pos);
string paramName = paramNameEnd == PositionNotFound
? content
: GetSegmentContent(httpRoute, paramNameStart, paramNameEnd);
string defaultValue = defaultValueStart == PositionNotFound
? string.Empty
: GetSegmentContent(httpRoute, defaultValueStart, pos);
// Remove the opening and closing curly braces when getting content.
return new Segment(
start: start,
end: pos + 1,
content: content,
isParam: true,
paramName: paramName,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
isCatchAll: catchAllParamFound);
private static string GetSegmentContent(string httpRoute, int start, int end)
return httpRoute.Substring(start, end - start);
private string GetRedactedParameterValue(
ReadOnlySpan<char> httpPath,
in Segment segment,
int startIndex,
int length,
HttpRouteParameterRedactionMode redactionMode,
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DataClassification> parametersToRedact,
ref bool isRedacted)
return redactionMode switch
HttpRouteParameterRedactionMode.None => httpPath.Slice(startIndex, length).ToString(),
HttpRouteParameterRedactionMode.Strict => GetRedactedParameterInStrictMode(httpPath, segment, startIndex, length, parametersToRedact, ref isRedacted),
HttpRouteParameterRedactionMode.Loose => GetRedactedParameterInLooseMode(httpPath, segment, startIndex, length, parametersToRedact, ref isRedacted),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException(TelemetryCommonExtensions.UnsupportedEnumValueExceptionMessage)
private string GetRedactedParameterInStrictMode(
ReadOnlySpan<char> httpPathAsSpan,
Segment segment,
int startIndex,
int length,
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DataClassification> parametersToRedact,
ref bool isRedacted)
if (parametersToRedact.TryGetValue(segment.ParamName, out DataClassification classification))
if (classification != DataClassification.None)
var redactor = _redactorProvider.GetRedactor(classification);
isRedacted = true;
return redactor.Redact(httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex, length));
return httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex, length).ToString();
if (Segment.IsKnownUnredactableParameter(segment.ParamName))
return httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex, length).ToString();
isRedacted = true;
return TelemetryConstants.Redacted;
private string GetRedactedParameterInLooseMode(
ReadOnlySpan<char> httpPathAsSpan,
Segment segment,
int startIndex,
int length,
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DataClassification> parametersToRedact,
ref bool isRedacted)
if (parametersToRedact.TryGetValue(segment.ParamName, out DataClassification classification)
&& classification != DataClassification.None)
var redactor = _redactorProvider.GetRedactor(classification);
isRedacted = true;
return redactor.Redact(httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex, length));
return httpPathAsSpan.Slice(startIndex, length).ToString();