// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.DotnetRuntime.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators
public partial class LoggerMessageGenerator
internal sealed class Parser
internal const string LoggerMessageAttribute = "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerMessageAttribute";
private readonly CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private readonly Compilation _compilation;
private readonly Action<Diagnostic> _reportDiagnostic;
public Parser(Compilation compilation, Action<Diagnostic> reportDiagnostic, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_compilation = compilation;
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
_reportDiagnostic = reportDiagnostic;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the set of logging classes containing methods to output.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList<LoggerClass> GetLogClasses(IEnumerable<ClassDeclarationSyntax> classes)
INamedTypeSymbol? loggerMessageAttribute = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName(LoggerMessageAttribute);
if (loggerMessageAttribute == null)
// nothing to do if this type isn't available
return Array.Empty<LoggerClass>();
INamedTypeSymbol? loggerSymbol = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName("Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger");
if (loggerSymbol == null)
// nothing to do if this type isn't available
return Array.Empty<LoggerClass>();
INamedTypeSymbol? logLevelSymbol = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName("Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel");
if (logLevelSymbol == null)
// nothing to do if this type isn't available
return Array.Empty<LoggerClass>();
INamedTypeSymbol? exceptionSymbol = _compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName("System.Exception");
if (exceptionSymbol == null)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MissingRequiredType, null, "System.Exception");
return Array.Empty<LoggerClass>();
INamedTypeSymbol enumerableSymbol = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Collections_IEnumerable);
INamedTypeSymbol stringSymbol = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String);
var results = new List<LoggerClass>();
var eventIds = new HashSet<int>();
var eventNames = new HashSet<string>();
// we enumerate by syntax tree, to minimize the need to instantiate semantic models (since they're expensive)
foreach (IGrouping<SyntaxTree, ClassDeclarationSyntax> group in classes.GroupBy(x => x.SyntaxTree))
SyntaxTree syntaxTree = group.Key;
SemanticModel sm = _compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
foreach (ClassDeclarationSyntax classDec in group)
// stop if we're asked to
LoggerClass? lc = null;
string nspace = string.Empty;
string? loggerField = null;
bool multipleLoggerFields = false;
// events ids and names should be unique in a class
foreach (MemberDeclarationSyntax member in classDec.Members)
var method = member as MethodDeclarationSyntax;
if (method == null)
// we only care about methods
IMethodSymbol logMethodSymbol = sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(method, _cancellationToken)!;
Debug.Assert(logMethodSymbol != null, "log method is present.");
(int eventId, int? level, string message, string? eventName, bool skipEnabledCheck) = (-1, null, string.Empty, null, false);
bool suppliedEventId = false;
foreach (AttributeListSyntax mal in method.AttributeLists)
foreach (AttributeSyntax ma in mal.Attributes)
IMethodSymbol attrCtorSymbol = sm.GetSymbolInfo(ma, _cancellationToken).Symbol as IMethodSymbol;
if (attrCtorSymbol == null || !loggerMessageAttribute.Equals(attrCtorSymbol.ContainingType, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default))
// badly formed attribute definition, or not the right attribute
bool hasMisconfiguredInput = false;
ImmutableArray<AttributeData> boundAttributes = logMethodSymbol.GetAttributes();
if (boundAttributes.Length == 0)
foreach (AttributeData attributeData in boundAttributes)
if (!SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(attributeData.AttributeClass, loggerMessageAttribute))
// supports: [LoggerMessage(0, LogLevel.Warning, "custom message")]
// supports: [LoggerMessage(eventId: 0, level: LogLevel.Warning, message: "custom message")]
if (attributeData.ConstructorArguments.Any())
foreach (TypedConstant typedConstant in attributeData.ConstructorArguments)
if (typedConstant.Kind == TypedConstantKind.Error)
hasMisconfiguredInput = true;
break; // if a compilation error was found, no need to keep evaluating other args
ImmutableArray<TypedConstant> items = attributeData.ConstructorArguments;
switch (items.Length)
case 1:
// LoggerMessageAttribute(LogLevel level)
// LoggerMessageAttribute(string message)
if (items[0].Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String)
message = (string)GetItem(items[0]);
level = null;
message = string.Empty;
level = items[0].IsNull ? null : (int?)GetItem(items[0]);
case 2:
// LoggerMessageAttribute(LogLevel level, string message)
level = items[0].IsNull ? null : (int?)GetItem(items[0]);
message = items[1].IsNull ? string.Empty : (string)GetItem(items[1]);
case 3:
// LoggerMessageAttribute(int eventId, LogLevel level, string message)
if (!items[0].IsNull)
suppliedEventId = true;
eventId = (int)GetItem(items[0]);
level = items[1].IsNull ? null : (int?)GetItem(items[1]);
message = items[2].IsNull ? string.Empty : (string)GetItem(items[2]);
Debug.Fail("Unexpected number of arguments in attribute constructor.");
// argument syntax takes parameters. e.g. EventId = 0
// supports: e.g. [LoggerMessage(EventId = 0, Level = LogLevel.Warning, Message = "custom message")]
if (attributeData.NamedArguments.Any())
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TypedConstant> namedArgument in attributeData.NamedArguments)
TypedConstant typedConstant = namedArgument.Value;
if (typedConstant.Kind == TypedConstantKind.Error)
hasMisconfiguredInput = true;
break; // if a compilation error was found, no need to keep evaluating other args
TypedConstant value = namedArgument.Value;
switch (namedArgument.Key)
case "EventId":
eventId = (int)GetItem(value);
suppliedEventId = true;
case "Level":
level = value.IsNull ? null : (int?)GetItem(value);
case "SkipEnabledCheck":
skipEnabledCheck = (bool)GetItem(value);
case "EventName":
eventName = (string?)GetItem(value);
case "Message":
message = value.IsNull ? string.Empty : (string)GetItem(value);
if (hasMisconfiguredInput)
// skip further generator execution and let compiler generate the errors
if (!suppliedEventId)
eventId = GetNonRandomizedHashCode(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eventName) ? logMethodSymbol.Name : eventName);
var lm = new LoggerMethod
Name = logMethodSymbol.Name,
Level = level,
Message = message,
EventId = eventId,
EventName = eventName,
IsExtensionMethod = logMethodSymbol.IsExtensionMethod,
Modifiers = method.Modifiers.ToString(),
SkipEnabledCheck = skipEnabledCheck
bool keepMethod = true; // whether or not we want to keep the method definition or if it's got errors making it so we should discard it instead
bool success = ExtractTemplates(message, lm.TemplateMap, lm.TemplateList);
if (!success)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MalformedFormatStrings, method.Identifier.GetLocation(), method.Identifier.ToString());
keepMethod = false;
if (lm.Name[0] == '_')
// can't have logging method names that start with _ since that can lead to conflicting symbol names
// because the generated symbols start with _
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.InvalidLoggingMethodName, method.Identifier.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
if (!logMethodSymbol.ReturnsVoid)
// logging methods must return void
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingMethodMustReturnVoid, method.ReturnType.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
if (method.Arity > 0)
// we don't currently support generic methods
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingMethodIsGeneric, method.Identifier.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
bool isStatic = false;
bool isPartial = false;
foreach (SyntaxToken mod in method.Modifiers)
if (mod.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword))
isPartial = true;
else if (mod.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword))
isStatic = true;
if (!isPartial)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingMethodMustBePartial, method.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
CSharpSyntaxNode? methodBody = method.Body as CSharpSyntaxNode ?? method.ExpressionBody;
if (methodBody != null)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingMethodHasBody, methodBody.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
// ensure there are no duplicate event ids.
// We don't check Id duplication for the auto-generated event id.
if (suppliedEventId && !eventIds.Add(lm.EventId))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ShouldntReuseEventIds, ma.GetLocation(), lm.EventId, classDec.Identifier.Text);
// ensure there are no duplicate event names.
if (lm.EventName != null && !eventNames.Add(lm.EventName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ShouldntReuseEventNames, ma.GetLocation(), lm.EventName, classDec.Identifier.Text);
string msg = lm.Message;
if (msg.StartsWith("INFORMATION:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| msg.StartsWith("INFO:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| msg.StartsWith("WARNING:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| msg.StartsWith("WARN:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| msg.StartsWith("ERROR:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| msg.StartsWith("ERR:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.RedundantQualifierInMessage, ma.GetLocation(), method.Identifier.ToString());
bool foundLogger = false;
bool foundException = false;
bool foundLogLevel = level != null;
foreach (IParameterSymbol paramSymbol in logMethodSymbol.Parameters)
string paramName = paramSymbol.Name;
bool needsAtSign = false;
if (paramSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Length > 0)
ParameterSyntax paramSyntax = paramSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences[0].GetSyntax(_cancellationToken) as ParameterSyntax;
if (paramSyntax != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramSyntax.Identifier.Text))
needsAtSign = paramSyntax.Identifier.Text[0] == '@';
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramName))
// semantic problem, just bail quietly
keepMethod = false;
ITypeSymbol paramTypeSymbol = paramSymbol.Type;
if (paramTypeSymbol is IErrorTypeSymbol)
// semantic problem, just bail quietly
keepMethod = false;
string? qualifier = null;
if (paramSymbol.RefKind == RefKind.In)
qualifier = "in";
else if (paramSymbol.RefKind == RefKind.Ref)
qualifier = "ref";
else if (paramSymbol.RefKind == RefKind.Out)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.InvalidLoggingMethodParameterOut, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
keepMethod = false;
string typeName = paramTypeSymbol.ToDisplayString(
var lp = new LoggerParameter
Name = paramName,
Type = typeName,
Qualifier = qualifier,
CodeName = needsAtSign ? "@" + paramName : paramName,
IsLogger = !foundLogger && IsBaseOrIdentity(paramTypeSymbol, loggerSymbol),
IsException = !foundException && IsBaseOrIdentity(paramTypeSymbol, exceptionSymbol),
IsLogLevel = !foundLogLevel && IsBaseOrIdentity(paramTypeSymbol, logLevelSymbol),
IsEnumerable = IsBaseOrIdentity(paramTypeSymbol, enumerableSymbol) && !IsBaseOrIdentity(paramTypeSymbol, stringSymbol),
foundLogger |= lp.IsLogger;
foundException |= lp.IsException;
foundLogLevel |= lp.IsLogLevel;
bool forceAsTemplateParams = false;
if (lp.IsLogger && lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(paramName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ShouldntMentionLoggerInMessage, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
forceAsTemplateParams = true;
else if (lp.IsException && lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(paramName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ShouldntMentionExceptionInMessage, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
forceAsTemplateParams = true;
else if (lp.IsLogLevel && lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(paramName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ShouldntMentionLogLevelInMessage, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
forceAsTemplateParams = true;
else if (lp.IsLogLevel && level != null && !lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(paramName) && !lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(lp.CodeName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ArgumentHasNoCorrespondingTemplate, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
else if (lp.IsTemplateParameter && !lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(paramName) && !lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey($"@{paramName}") && !lm.TemplateMap.ContainsKey(lp.CodeName))
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.ArgumentHasNoCorrespondingTemplate, paramSymbol.Locations[0], paramName);
if (paramName[0] == '_')
// can't have logging method parameter names that start with _ since that can lead to conflicting symbol names
// because all generated symbols start with _
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.InvalidLoggingMethodParameterName, paramSymbol.Locations[0]);
if (lp.IsTemplateParameter || forceAsTemplateParams)
if (keepMethod)
if (isStatic && !foundLogger)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MissingLoggerArgument, method.GetLocation(), lm.Name);
keepMethod = false;
else if (!isStatic && foundLogger)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingMethodShouldBeStatic, method.GetLocation());
else if (!isStatic && !foundLogger)
if (loggerField == null)
(loggerField, multipleLoggerFields) = FindLoggerField(sm, classDec, loggerSymbol);
if (multipleLoggerFields)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MultipleLoggerFields, method.GetLocation(), classDec.Identifier.Text);
keepMethod = false;
else if (loggerField == null)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MissingLoggerField, method.GetLocation(), classDec.Identifier.Text);
keepMethod = false;
lm.LoggerField = loggerField;
if (level == null && !foundLogLevel)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.MissingLogLevel, method.GetLocation());
keepMethod = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> t in lm.TemplateMap)
bool found = false;
foreach (LoggerParameter p in lm.AllParameters)
if (t.Key.Equals(p.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
t.Key.Equals(p.CodeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
t.Key[0] == '@' && t.Key.Substring(1).Equals(p.CodeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
found = true;
if (!found)
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.TemplateHasNoCorrespondingArgument, ma.GetLocation(), t.Key);
if (lc == null)
// determine the namespace the class is declared in, if any
SyntaxNode? potentialNamespaceParent = classDec.Parent;
while (potentialNamespaceParent != null &&
potentialNamespaceParent is not NamespaceDeclarationSyntax
&& potentialNamespaceParent is not FileScopedNamespaceDeclarationSyntax
potentialNamespaceParent = potentialNamespaceParent.Parent;
if (potentialNamespaceParent is BaseNamespaceDeclarationSyntax namespaceParent)
if (potentialNamespaceParent is NamespaceDeclarationSyntax namespaceParent)
nspace = namespaceParent.Name.ToString();
while (true)
namespaceParent = namespaceParent.Parent as NamespaceDeclarationSyntax;
if (namespaceParent == null)
nspace = $"{namespaceParent.Name}.{nspace}";
if (keepMethod)
lc ??= new LoggerClass
Keyword = classDec.Keyword.ValueText,
Namespace = nspace,
Name = GenerateClassName(classDec),
ParentClass = null,
LoggerClass currentLoggerClass = lc;
var parentLoggerClass = (classDec.Parent as TypeDeclarationSyntax);
static bool IsAllowedKind(SyntaxKind kind) =>
kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration ||
kind == SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration ||
kind == SyntaxKind.RecordDeclaration;
while (parentLoggerClass != null && IsAllowedKind(parentLoggerClass.Kind()))
currentLoggerClass.ParentClass = new LoggerClass
Keyword = parentLoggerClass.Keyword.ValueText,
Namespace = nspace,
Name = GenerateClassName(parentLoggerClass),
ParentClass = null,
currentLoggerClass = currentLoggerClass.ParentClass;
parentLoggerClass = (parentLoggerClass.Parent as TypeDeclarationSyntax);
if (lc != null)
//once we've collected all methods for the given class, check for overloads
//and provide unique names for logger methods
var methods = new Dictionary<string, int>(lc.Methods.Count);
foreach (LoggerMethod lm in lc.Methods)
if (methods.TryGetValue(lm.Name, out int currentCount))
lm.UniqueName = $"{lm.Name}{currentCount}";
methods[lm.Name] = currentCount + 1;
lm.UniqueName = lm.Name;
methods[lm.Name] = 1; //start from 1
if (results.Count > 0 && _compilation is CSharpCompilation { LanguageVersion : LanguageVersion version and < LanguageVersion.CSharp8 })
// we only support C# 8.0 and above
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.LoggingUnsupportedLanguageVersion, null, version.ToDisplayString(), LanguageVersion.CSharp8.ToDisplayString());
return Array.Empty<LoggerClass>();
return results;
private static string GenerateClassName(TypeDeclarationSyntax typeDeclaration)
if (typeDeclaration.TypeParameterList != null &&
typeDeclaration.TypeParameterList.Parameters.Count != 0)
// The source generator produces a partial class that the compiler merges with the original
// class definition in the user code. If the user applies attributes to the generic types
// of the class, it is necessary to remove these attribute annotations from the generated
// code. Failure to do so may result in a compilation error (CS0579: Duplicate attribute).
for (int i = 0; i < typeDeclaration.TypeParameterList.Parameters.Count; i++)
TypeParameterSyntax parameter = typeDeclaration.TypeParameterList.Parameters[i];
if (parameter.AttributeLists.Count > 0)
typeDeclaration = typeDeclaration.ReplaceNode(parameter, parameter.WithAttributeLists([]));
return typeDeclaration.Identifier.ToString() + typeDeclaration.TypeParameterList;
private (string? loggerField, bool multipleLoggerFields) FindLoggerField(SemanticModel sm, TypeDeclarationSyntax classDec, ITypeSymbol loggerSymbol)
string? loggerField = null;
INamedTypeSymbol? classType = sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(classDec, _cancellationToken);
INamedTypeSymbol? currentClassType = classType;
bool onMostDerivedType = true;
// We keep track of the names of all non-logger fields, since they prevent referring to logger
// primary constructor parameters with the same name. Example:
// partial class C(ILogger logger)
// {
// private readonly object logger = logger;
// [LoggerMessage(EventId = 0, Level = LogLevel.Debug, Message = ""M1"")]
// public partial void M1(); // The ILogger primary constructor parameter cannot be used here.
// }
HashSet<string> shadowedNames = new(StringComparer.Ordinal);
while (currentClassType is { SpecialType: not SpecialType.System_Object })
foreach (IFieldSymbol fs in currentClassType.GetMembers().OfType<IFieldSymbol>())
if (!onMostDerivedType && fs.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Private)
if (!fs.CanBeReferencedByName)
if (IsBaseOrIdentity(fs.Type, loggerSymbol))
if (loggerField == null)
loggerField = fs.Name;
return (null, true);
onMostDerivedType = false;
currentClassType = currentClassType.BaseType;
// We prioritize fields over primary constructor parameters and avoid warnings if both exist.
if (loggerField is not null)
return (loggerField, false);
IEnumerable<IMethodSymbol> primaryConstructors = classType.InstanceConstructors
.Where(ic => ic.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
.Any(ds => ds.GetSyntax() is ClassDeclarationSyntax));
foreach (IMethodSymbol primaryConstructor in primaryConstructors)
foreach (IParameterSymbol parameter in primaryConstructor.Parameters)
if (IsBaseOrIdentity(parameter.Type, loggerSymbol))
if (shadowedNames.Contains(parameter.Name))
// Accessible fields always shadow primary constructor parameters,
// so we can't use the primary constructor parameter,
// even if the field is not a valid logger.
Diag(DiagnosticDescriptors.PrimaryConstructorParameterLoggerHidden, parameter.Locations[0], classDec.Identifier.Text);
if (loggerField == null)
loggerField = parameter.Name;
return (null, true);
return (loggerField, false);
private void Diag(DiagnosticDescriptor desc, Location? location, params object?[]? messageArgs)
_reportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(desc, location, messageArgs));
private bool IsBaseOrIdentity(ITypeSymbol source, ITypeSymbol dest)
Conversion conversion = _compilation.ClassifyConversion(source, dest);
return conversion.IsIdentity || (conversion.IsReference && conversion.IsImplicit);
private static readonly char[] _formatDelimiters = { ',', ':' };
/// <summary>
/// Finds the template arguments contained in the message string.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A value indicating whether the extraction was successful.</returns>
private static bool ExtractTemplates(string? message, Dictionary<string, string> templateMap, List<string> templateList)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
return true;
int scanIndex = 0;
int endIndex = message.Length;
bool success = true;
while (scanIndex < endIndex)
int openBraceIndex = FindBraceIndex(message, '{', scanIndex, endIndex);
if (openBraceIndex == -2) // found '}' instead of '{'
success = false;
else if (openBraceIndex == -1) // scanned the string and didn't find any remaining '{' or '}'
int closeBraceIndex = FindBraceIndex(message, '}', openBraceIndex + 1, endIndex);
if (closeBraceIndex <= -1) // unclosed '{'
success = false;
// Format item syntax : { index[,alignment][ :formatString] }.
int formatDelimiterIndex = FindIndexOfAny(message, _formatDelimiters, openBraceIndex, closeBraceIndex);
string templateName = message.Substring(openBraceIndex + 1, formatDelimiterIndex - openBraceIndex - 1);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(templateName)) // braces with no named argument, such as {} and { }
success = false;
templateMap[templateName] = templateName;
scanIndex = closeBraceIndex + 1;
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Searches for the next brace index in the message.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks> The search skips any sequences of {{ or }}.</remarks>
/// <example>{{prefix{{{Argument}}}suffix}}</example>
/// <returns>The zero-based index position of the first occurrence of the searched brace; -1 if the searched brace was not found; -2 if the wrong brace was found.</returns>
private static int FindBraceIndex(string message, char searchedBrace, int startIndex, int endIndex)
Debug.Assert(searchedBrace is '{' or '}');
int braceIndex = -1;
int scanIndex = startIndex;
while (scanIndex < endIndex)
char current = message[scanIndex];
if (current is '{' or '}')
char currentBrace = current;
int scanIndexBeforeSkip = scanIndex;
while (current == currentBrace && ++scanIndex < endIndex)
current = message[scanIndex];
int bracesCount = scanIndex - scanIndexBeforeSkip;
if (bracesCount % 2 != 0) // if it is an even number of braces, just skip them, otherwise, we found an unescaped brace
if (currentBrace == searchedBrace)
if (currentBrace == '{')
braceIndex = scanIndex - 1; // For '{' pick the last occurrence.
braceIndex = scanIndexBeforeSkip; // For '}' pick the first occurrence.
braceIndex = -2; // wrong brace found
return braceIndex;
private static int FindIndexOfAny(string message, char[] chars, int startIndex, int endIndex)
int findIndex = message.IndexOfAny(chars, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
return findIndex == -1 ? endIndex : findIndex;
private static object GetItem(TypedConstant arg) => arg.Kind == TypedConstantKind.Array ? arg.Values : arg.Value;
/// <summary>
/// A logger class holding a bunch of logger methods.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class LoggerClass
public readonly List<LoggerMethod> Methods = new();
public string Keyword = string.Empty;
public string Namespace = string.Empty;
public string Name = string.Empty;
public LoggerClass? ParentClass;
/// <summary>
/// A logger method in a logger class.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class LoggerMethod
public readonly List<LoggerParameter> AllParameters = new();
public readonly List<LoggerParameter> TemplateParameters = new();
public readonly Dictionary<string, string> TemplateMap = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public readonly List<string> TemplateList = new();
public string Name = string.Empty;
public string UniqueName = string.Empty;
public string Message = string.Empty;
public int? Level;
public int EventId;
public string? EventName;
public bool IsExtensionMethod;
public string Modifiers = string.Empty;
public string LoggerField = string.Empty;
public bool SkipEnabledCheck;
/// <summary>
/// A single parameter to a logger method.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class LoggerParameter
public string Name = string.Empty;
public string Type = string.Empty;
public string CodeName = string.Empty;
public string? Qualifier;
public bool IsLogger;
public bool IsException;
public bool IsLogLevel;
public bool IsEnumerable;
// A parameter flagged as IsTemplateParameter is not going to be taken care of specially as an argument to ILogger.Log
// but instead is supposed to be taken as a parameter for the template.
public bool IsTemplateParameter => !IsLogger && !IsException && !IsLogLevel;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a non-randomized hash code for the given string.
/// We always return a positive value.
/// </summary>
internal static int GetNonRandomizedHashCode(string s)
uint result = 2166136261u;
foreach (char c in s)
result = (c ^ result) * 16777619;
int ret = (int)result;
return ret == int.MinValue ? 0 : Math.Abs(ret); // Ensure the result is non-negative