6 references to LogCritical
Aspire.Hosting (5)
Dcp\DcpExecutor.cs (4)
313_logger.LogCritical(ex, "Watch task over Kubernetes {ResourceType} resources terminated unexpectedly.", typeof(T).Name); 1565resourceLogger.LogCritical(ex, "Failed to apply argument value '{ArgKey}'. A dependency may have failed to start.", ex.Data["ArgKey"]); 1592resourceLogger.LogCritical(ex, "Failed to apply environment variable '{Name}'. A dependency may have failed to start.", key); 1618resourceLogger.LogCritical(ex, "Failed to apply argument value '{ArgKey}'. A dependency may have failed to start.", a);
Orchestrator\OrchestratorHostService.cs (1)
65_logger.LogCritical(ex, "One or more monitoring tasks terminated with an error.");
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (1)
Internal\Http3\Http3OutputProducer.cs (1)
464_log.LogCritical(ex, nameof(Http3OutputProducer) + "." + nameof(ProcessDataWrites) + " observed an unexpected exception.");