1 implementation of ITypedHttpClientFactory
Microsoft.Extensions.Http (1)
DefaultTypedHttpClientFactory.cs (1)
36 references to ITypedHttpClientFactory
Microsoft.Extensions.Http (36)
DependencyInjection\HttpClientBuilderExtensions.cs (9)
341/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 352/// client binding that creates <typeparamref name="TClient"/> using the <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" />. 387ITypedHttpClientFactory<TClient> typedClientFactory = s.GetRequiredService<ITypedHttpClientFactory<TClient>>(); 398/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 402/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 414/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}" />. 451ITypedHttpClientFactory<TImplementation> typedClientFactory = s.GetRequiredService<ITypedHttpClientFactory<TImplementation>>();
DependencyInjection\HttpClientFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions.cs (23)
47services.TryAdd(ServiceDescriptor.Transient(typeof(ITypedHttpClientFactory<>), typeof(DefaultTypedHttpClientFactory<>))); 185/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 221/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 225/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 261/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 300/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 304/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 345/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 384/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 423/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 427/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 467/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 471/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 510/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 552/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 594/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 598/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 641/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 645/// <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TImplementation}"/>. 688/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 724/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 767/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients. 803/// a transient service. See <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}" /> for more details about authoring typed clients.
ITypedHttpClientFactory.cs (4)
18/// The <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}"/> is infrastructure that supports the 25/// A default <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}"/> can be registered in an <see cref="IServiceCollection"/> 27/// The default <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}"/> will be registered in the service collection as a singleton 31/// The default <see cref="ITypedHttpClientFactory{TClient}"/> uses type activation to create typed client instances. Typed