// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Compliance.Classification;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Compliance.Redaction;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Shared.Pools;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Telemetry.Internal;
internal sealed class HttpHeadersRedactor : IHttpHeadersRedactor
private const char SeparatorChar = ',';
private readonly IRedactorProvider _redactorProvider;
public HttpHeadersRedactor(IRedactorProvider redactorProvider)
_redactorProvider = redactorProvider;
public string Redact(IEnumerable<string> headerValues, DataClassification classification) =>
headerValues switch
IReadOnlyList<string> headerValueList => RedactList(headerValueList, classification),
{ } => RedactIEnumerable(headerValues, classification),
_ => TelemetryConstants.Unknown
private string RedactIEnumerable(IEnumerable<string> input, DataClassification classification)
var redactor = _redactorProvider.GetRedactor(classification);
using var enumerator = input.GetEnumerator();
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
return string.Empty;
var firstItem = enumerator.Current.AsSpan();
ReadOnlySpan<char> currentItem;
var redactedSize = 0;
var counter = 1;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
redactedSize++; // for a separator char
currentItem = enumerator.Current.AsSpan();
if (!currentItem.IsEmpty)
redactedSize += redactor.GetRedactedLength(currentItem);
if (counter == 1)
return redactor.Redact(firstItem);
if (!firstItem.IsEmpty)
redactedSize += redactor.GetRedactedLength(firstItem);
using var rental = new RentedSpan<char>(redactedSize);
var destinationMany = rental.Rented ? rental.Span : stackalloc char[redactedSize];
// don't insert SeparatorChar before the first item.
_ = enumerator.MoveNext();
currentItem = enumerator.Current.AsSpan();
var index = 0;
if (!currentItem.IsEmpty)
index += redactor.Redact(currentItem, destinationMany.Slice(index));
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
// insert SeparatorChar before every item, starting from the second.
destinationMany[index++] = SeparatorChar;
currentItem = enumerator.Current.AsSpan();
if (!currentItem.IsEmpty)
index += redactor.Redact(currentItem, destinationMany.Slice(index));
return destinationMany.ToString();
private string RedactList(IReadOnlyList<string> input, DataClassification classification)
if (input.Count == 0)
return string.Empty;
var redactor = _redactorProvider.GetRedactor(classification);
var firstItem = input[0].AsSpan();
if (input.Count == 1)
return redactor.Redact(firstItem);
var redactedSize = 0;
if (!firstItem.IsEmpty)
redactedSize += redactor.GetRedactedLength(firstItem);
ReadOnlySpan<char> currentItem;
for (int i = 1; i < input.Count; i++)
redactedSize++; // for a separator char
currentItem = input[i].AsSpan();
if (!currentItem.IsEmpty)
redactedSize += redactor.GetRedactedLength(currentItem);
using var rental = new RentedSpan<char>(redactedSize);
// Stryker disable once all
Span<char> destinationMany = rental.Rented ? rental.Span : stackalloc char[redactedSize];
var index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
currentItem = input[i].AsSpan();
if (!currentItem.IsEmpty)
index += redactor.Redact(currentItem, destinationMany.Slice(index));
if (i < input.Count - 1)
destinationMany[index++] = SeparatorChar;
return destinationMany.ToString();