// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Windows.Interop;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Microsoft.Shared.Instruments;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Windows;
internal sealed class WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider : ISnapshotProvider
private const double One = 1.0d;
private const double Hundred = 100.0d;
private readonly Lazy<MEMORYSTATUSEX> _memoryStatus;
/// <summary>
/// This represents a factory method for creating the JobHandle.
/// </summary>
private readonly Func<IJobHandle> _createJobHandleObject;
private readonly object _cpuLocker = new();
private readonly object _memoryLocker = new();
private readonly TimeProvider _timeProvider;
private readonly IProcessInfo _processInfo;
private readonly ILogger<WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider> _logger;
private readonly double _memoryLimit;
private readonly double _cpuLimit;
private readonly TimeSpan _cpuRefreshInterval;
private readonly TimeSpan _memoryRefreshInterval;
private readonly double _metricValueMultiplier;
private long _oldCpuUsageTicks;
private long _oldCpuTimeTicks;
private DateTimeOffset _refreshAfterCpu;
private DateTimeOffset _refreshAfterMemory;
private double _cpuPercentage = double.NaN;
private double _memoryPercentage;
public SystemResources Resources { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider"/> class.
/// </summary>
public WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider(
ILogger<WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider>? logger,
IMeterFactory meterFactory,
IOptions<ResourceMonitoringOptions> options)
: this(new MemoryInfo(), new SystemInfo(), new ProcessInfo(), logger, meterFactory,
static () => new JobHandleWrapper(), TimeProvider.System, options.Value)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This constructor enables the mocking of <see cref="WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider"/> dependencies for the purpose of Unit Testing only.</remarks>
[SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S107:Methods should not have too many parameters", Justification = "Dependencies for testing")]
internal WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider(
IMemoryInfo memoryInfo,
ISystemInfo systemInfo,
IProcessInfo processInfo,
ILogger<WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider>? logger,
IMeterFactory meterFactory,
Func<IJobHandle> createJobHandleObject,
TimeProvider timeProvider,
ResourceMonitoringOptions options)
_logger = logger ?? NullLogger<WindowsContainerSnapshotProvider>.Instance;
_metricValueMultiplier = options.UseZeroToOneRangeForMetrics ? One : Hundred;
_memoryStatus = new Lazy<MEMORYSTATUSEX>(
_createJobHandleObject = createJobHandleObject;
_processInfo = processInfo;
_timeProvider = timeProvider;
using var jobHandle = _createJobHandleObject();
var memoryLimitLong = GetMemoryLimit(jobHandle);
_memoryLimit = memoryLimitLong;
_cpuLimit = GetCpuLimit(jobHandle, systemInfo);
// CPU request (aka guaranteed CPU units) is not supported on Windows, so we set it to the same value as CPU limit (aka maximum CPU units).
// Memory request (aka guaranteed memory) is not supported on Windows, so we set it to the same value as memory limit (aka maximum memory).
var cpuRequest = _cpuLimit;
var memoryRequest = memoryLimitLong;
Resources = new SystemResources(cpuRequest, _cpuLimit, memoryRequest, memoryLimitLong);
Log.SystemResourcesInfo(_logger, _cpuLimit, cpuRequest, memoryLimitLong, memoryRequest);
var basicAccountingInfo = jobHandle.GetBasicAccountingInfo();
_oldCpuUsageTicks = basicAccountingInfo.TotalKernelTime + basicAccountingInfo.TotalUserTime;
_oldCpuTimeTicks = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow().Ticks;
_cpuRefreshInterval = options.CpuConsumptionRefreshInterval;
_memoryRefreshInterval = options.MemoryConsumptionRefreshInterval;
_refreshAfterCpu = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
_refreshAfterMemory = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
#pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope
// We don't dispose the meter because IMeterFactory handles that
// An issue on analyzer side: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers/issues/6912
// Related documentation: https://github.com/dotnet/docs/pull/37170
var meter = meterFactory.Create(ResourceUtilizationInstruments.MeterName);
#pragma warning restore CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope
// Container based metrics:
_ = meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ContainerCpuLimitUtilization, observeValue: CpuPercentage);
_ = meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ContainerMemoryLimitUtilization, observeValue: () => MemoryPercentage(() => _processInfo.GetMemoryUsage()));
// Process based metrics:
_ = meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ProcessCpuUtilization, observeValue: CpuPercentage);
_ = meter.CreateObservableGauge(name: ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ProcessMemoryUtilization, observeValue: () => MemoryPercentage(() => _processInfo.GetCurrentProcessMemoryUsage()));
public Snapshot GetSnapshot()
// Gather the information
// Cpu kernel and user ticks
using var jobHandle = _createJobHandleObject();
var basicAccountingInfo = jobHandle.GetBasicAccountingInfo();
return new Snapshot(
private static double GetCpuLimit(IJobHandle jobHandle, ISystemInfo systemInfo)
// Note: This function convert the CpuRate from CPU cycles to CPU units, also it scales
// the CPU units with the number of processors (cores) available in the system.
const double CpuCycles = 10_000U;
var cpuLimit = jobHandle.GetJobCpuLimitInfo();
double cpuRatio = 1.0;
if ((cpuLimit.ControlFlags & (uint)JobObjectInfo.JobCpuRateControlLimit.CpuRateControlEnable) != 0 &&
(cpuLimit.ControlFlags & (uint)JobObjectInfo.JobCpuRateControlLimit.CpuRateControlHardCap) != 0)
// The CpuRate is represented as number of cycles during scheduling interval, where
// a full cpu cycles number would equal 10_000, so for example if the CpuRate is 2_000,
// that means that the application (or container) is assigned 20% of the total CPU available.
// So, here we divide the CpuRate by 10_000 to convert it to a ratio (ex: 0.2 for 20% CPU).
// For more info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-jobobject_cpu_rate_control_information?redirectedfrom=MSDN
cpuRatio = cpuLimit.CpuRate / CpuCycles;
var systemInfoValue = systemInfo.GetSystemInfo();
// Multiply the cpu ratio by the number of processors to get you the portion
// of processors used from the system.
return cpuRatio * systemInfoValue.NumberOfProcessors;
/// <summary>
/// Gets memory limit of the system.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Memory limit allocated to the system in bytes.</returns>
private ulong GetMemoryLimit(IJobHandle jobHandle)
var memoryLimitInBytes = jobHandle.GetExtendedLimitInfo().JobMemoryLimit.ToUInt64();
if (memoryLimitInBytes <= 0)
var memoryStatus = _memoryStatus.Value;
// Technically, the unconstrained limit is memoryStatus.TotalPageFile.
// Leaving this at physical as it is more understandable to consumers.
memoryLimitInBytes = memoryStatus.TotalPhys;
return memoryLimitInBytes;
private double MemoryPercentage(Func<ulong> getMemoryUsage)
var now = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
lock (_memoryLocker)
if (now < _refreshAfterMemory)
return _memoryPercentage;
var memoryUsage = getMemoryUsage();
lock (_memoryLocker)
if (now >= _refreshAfterMemory)
// Don't change calculation order, otherwise we loose some precision:
_memoryPercentage = Math.Min(_metricValueMultiplier, memoryUsage / _memoryLimit * _metricValueMultiplier);
_refreshAfterMemory = now.Add(_memoryRefreshInterval);
Log.MemoryUsageData(_logger, memoryUsage, _memoryLimit, _memoryPercentage);
return _memoryPercentage;
private double CpuPercentage()
var now = _timeProvider.GetUtcNow();
lock (_cpuLocker)
if (now < _refreshAfterCpu)
return _cpuPercentage;
using var jobHandle = _createJobHandleObject();
var basicAccountingInfo = jobHandle.GetBasicAccountingInfo();
var currentCpuTicks = basicAccountingInfo.TotalKernelTime + basicAccountingInfo.TotalUserTime;
lock (_cpuLocker)
if (now >= _refreshAfterCpu)
var usageTickDelta = currentCpuTicks - _oldCpuUsageTicks;
var timeTickDelta = (now.Ticks - _oldCpuTimeTicks) * _cpuLimit;
if (usageTickDelta > 0 && timeTickDelta > 0)
// Don't change calculation order, otherwise precision is lost:
_cpuPercentage = Math.Min(_metricValueMultiplier, usageTickDelta / timeTickDelta * _metricValueMultiplier);
_logger, basicAccountingInfo.TotalKernelTime, basicAccountingInfo.TotalUserTime, _oldCpuUsageTicks, timeTickDelta, _cpuLimit, _cpuPercentage);
_oldCpuUsageTicks = currentCpuTicks;
_oldCpuTimeTicks = now.Ticks;
_refreshAfterCpu = now.Add(_cpuRefreshInterval);
return _cpuPercentage;