File: Linux\LinuxUtilizationParserCgroupV2.cs
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Project: src\src\Libraries\Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring\Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.csproj (Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Shared.Pools;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Linux;
/// <remarks>
/// Parses Linux cgroups v2 files to retrieve resource utilization data.
/// This class is not thread safe.
/// When the same instance is called by multiple threads it may return corrupted data.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class LinuxUtilizationParserCgroupV2 : ILinuxUtilizationParser
    private const int Thousand = 1000;
    private const int CpuShares = 1024;
    private static readonly ObjectPool<BufferWriter<char>> _sharedBufferWriterPool = BufferWriterPool.CreateBufferWriterPool<char>();
    /// <remarks>
    /// File contains the amount of CPU time (in microseconds) available to the group during each accounting period.
    /// and the length of the accounting period in microseconds.
    /// In Cgroup V1 : /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us and /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _cpuCfsQuaotaPeriodUs = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.max");
    /// <remarks>
    /// Stat file contains information about all CPUs and their time.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The file has format of whitespace separated values. Each value has its own meaning and unit.
    /// To know which value we read, why and what it means refer to proc (5) man page (its POSIX).
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _procStat = new("/proc/stat");
    /// <remarks>
    /// File that contains information about available memory.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _memInfo = new("/proc/meminfo");
    /// <remarks>
    /// List of available CPUs for host.
    /// In Cgroup v1 : /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _cpuSetCpus = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset.cpus.effective");
    /// <remarks>
    /// Cgroup memory limit.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _memoryLimitInBytes = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory.max");
    /// <summary>
    /// Cgroup memory stats.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Single line representing used memory by cgroup in bytes.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _memoryUsageInBytes = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory.current");
    /// <summary>
    /// Cgroup memory stats.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This file contains the details about memory usage.
    /// The format is (type of memory spent) (value) (unit of measure).
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _memoryStat = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/memory.stat");
    /// <summary>
    /// File containing usage in nanoseconds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This value refers to the container/cgroup utilization.
    /// The format is single line with one number value.
    /// </remarks>
    private static readonly FileInfo _cpuacctUsage = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.stat");
    /// <summary>
    /// CPU weights, also known as shares in cgroup v1, is used for resource allocation.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly FileInfo _cpuPodWeight = new("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.weight");
    private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
    private readonly long _userHz;
    public LinuxUtilizationParserCgroupV2(IFileSystem fileSystem, IUserHz userHz)
        _fileSystem = fileSystem;
        _userHz = userHz.Value;
    public long GetCgroupCpuUsageInNanoseconds()
        // The value we are interested in starts with this. We just want to make sure it is true.
        const string Usage_usec = "usage_usec";
        // If the file doesn't exist, we assume that the system is a Host and we read the CPU usage from /proc/stat.
        if (!_fileSystem.Exists(_cpuacctUsage))
            return GetHostCpuUsageInNanoseconds();
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        _fileSystem.ReadAll(_cpuacctUsage, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> usage = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        if (!usage.StartsWith(Usage_usec))
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_cpuacctUsage}'. We expected first line of the file to start with '{Usage_usec}' but it was '{new string(usage)}' instead.");
        ReadOnlySpan<char> cpuUsage = usage.Slice(Usage_usec.Length, usage.Length - Usage_usec.Length);
        int next = GetNextNumber(cpuUsage, out long microseconds);
        if (microseconds == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not get cpu usage from '{_cpuacctUsage}'. Expected positive number, but got '{new string(usage)}'.");
        // In cgroup v2, the Units are microseconds for usage_usec.
        // We multiply by 1000 to convert to nanoseconds to keep the common calculation logic.
        return microseconds * Thousand;
    public long GetHostCpuUsageInNanoseconds()
        const string StartingTokens = "cpu ";
        const int NumberOfColumnsRepresentingCpuUsage = 8;
        const int NanosecondsInSecond = 1_000_000_000;
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        _fileSystem.ReadFirstLine(_procStat, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> stat = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        long total = 0L;
        if (!bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan.StartsWith(StartingTokens))
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Expected proc/stat to start with '{StartingTokens}' but it was '{new string(bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan)}'.");
        stat = stat.Slice(StartingTokens.Length, stat.Length - StartingTokens.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfColumnsRepresentingCpuUsage; i++)
            int next = GetNextNumber(stat, out long number);
            if (number != -1)
                total += number;
            if (next == -1)
                    $"'{_procStat}' should contain whitespace separated values according to POSIX. We've failed trying to get {i}th value. File content: '{new string(stat)}'.");
            stat = stat.Slice(next, stat.Length - next);
        return (long)(total / (double)_userHz * NanosecondsInSecond);
    /// <remarks>
    /// When CGroup limits are set, we can calculate number of cores based on the file settings.
    /// It should be 99% of the cases when app is hosted in the container environment.
    /// Otherwise, we assume that all host's CPUs are available, which we read from proc/stat file.
    /// </remarks>
    public float GetCgroupLimitedCpus()
        if (LinuxUtilizationParserCgroupV2.TryGetCpuUnitsFromCgroups(_fileSystem, out float cpus))
            return cpus;
        return GetHostCpuCount();
    /// <remarks>
    /// If we are able to read the CPU share, we calculate the CPU request based on the weight by dividing it by 1024.
    /// If we can't read the CPU weight, we assume that the pod/vm cpu request is 1 core by default.
    /// </remarks>
    public float GetCgroupRequestCpu()
        if (TryGetCgroupRequestCpu(_fileSystem, out float cpuPodRequest))
            return cpuPodRequest / CpuShares;
        return GetHostCpuCount();
    /// <remarks>
    /// If the file doesn't exist, we assume that the system is a Host and we read the memory from /proc/meminfo.
    /// </remarks>
    public ulong GetAvailableMemoryInBytes()
        if (!_fileSystem.Exists(_memoryLimitInBytes))
            return GetHostAvailableMemory();
        const long UnsetCgroupMemoryLimit = 9_223_372_036_854_771_712;
        long maybeMemory = UnsetCgroupMemoryLimit;
        // Constrain the scope of the buffer because GetHostAvailableMemory is allocating its own buffer.
        using (ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool))
            _fileSystem.ReadAll(_memoryLimitInBytes, bufferWriter.Buffer);
            ReadOnlySpan<char> memoryBuffer = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
            if (memoryBuffer.Equals("max\n", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                return GetHostAvailableMemory();
            _ = GetNextNumber(memoryBuffer, out maybeMemory);
            if (maybeMemory == -1)
                Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_memoryLimitInBytes}' content. Expected to find available memory in bytes but got '{new string(memoryBuffer)}' instead.");
        return maybeMemory == UnsetCgroupMemoryLimit
            ? GetHostAvailableMemory()
            : (ulong)maybeMemory;
    public long GetMemoryUsageInBytesFromSlices(string pattern)
        // In cgroup v2, we need to read memory usage from all slices, which are directories in /sys/fs/cgroup/*.slice.
        IReadOnlyCollection<string> memoryUsageInBytesSlicesPath = _fileSystem.GetDirectoryNames("/sys/fs/cgroup/", pattern);
        long memoryUsageInBytesTotal = 0;
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        foreach (string path in memoryUsageInBytesSlicesPath)
            FileInfo memoryUsageInBytesFile = new(Path.Combine(path, "memory.current"));
            if (!_fileSystem.Exists(memoryUsageInBytesFile))
            _fileSystem.ReadAll(memoryUsageInBytesFile, bufferWriter.Buffer);
            ReadOnlySpan<char> memoryUsageFile = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
            int next = GetNextNumber(memoryUsageFile, out long containerMemoryUsage);
            if (containerMemoryUsage == 0 || containerMemoryUsage == -1)
                memoryUsageInBytesTotal = 0;
                    $"We tried to read '{memoryUsageInBytesFile}', and we expected to get a positive number but instead it was: '{memoryUsageFile}'.");
            memoryUsageInBytesTotal += containerMemoryUsage;
        return memoryUsageInBytesTotal;
    /// <remarks>
    /// If the file doesn't exist, we assume that the system is a Host and we read the memory from /proc/meminfo.
    /// </remarks>
    public ulong GetMemoryUsageInBytes()
        const string InactiveFile = "inactive_file";
        // Regex pattern for slice directory path in real file system
        const string Pattern = "*.slice";
        if (!_fileSystem.Exists(_memoryStat))
            return GetHostAvailableMemory();
        ReadOnlySpan<char> memoryFile;
        using (ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool))
            _fileSystem.ReadAll(_memoryStat, bufferWriter.Buffer);
            memoryFile = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        int index = memoryFile.IndexOf(InactiveFile.AsSpan());
        if (index == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find inactive_file from '{_memoryStat}'.");
        ReadOnlySpan<char> inactiveMemorySlice = memoryFile.Slice(index + InactiveFile.Length, memoryFile.Length - index - InactiveFile.Length);
        _ = GetNextNumber(inactiveMemorySlice, out long inactiveMemory);
        if (inactiveMemory == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"The value of inactive_file found in '{_memoryStat}' is not a positive number: '{new string(inactiveMemorySlice)}'.");
        long memoryUsage = 0;
        if (!_fileSystem.Exists(_memoryUsageInBytes))
            memoryUsage = GetMemoryUsageInBytesFromSlices(Pattern);
            memoryUsage = GetMemoryUsageInBytesPod();
        long memoryUsageTotal = memoryUsage - inactiveMemory;
        if (memoryUsageTotal < 0)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"The total memory usage read from '{_memoryUsageInBytes}' is lesser than inactive memory read from '{_memoryStat}'.");
        return (ulong)memoryUsageTotal;
    [SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S109:Magic numbers should not be used",
        Justification = "Shifting bits left by number n is multiplying the value by 2 to the power of n.")]
    public ulong GetHostAvailableMemory()
        // The value we are interested in starts with this. We just want to make sure it is true.
        const string MemTotal = "MemTotal:";
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        _fileSystem.ReadFirstLine(_memInfo, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> firstLine = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        if (!firstLine.StartsWith(MemTotal))
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_memInfo}'. We expected first line of the file to start with '{MemTotal}' but it was '{new string(firstLine)}' instead.");
        ReadOnlySpan<char> totalMemory = firstLine.Slice(MemTotal.Length, firstLine.Length - MemTotal.Length);
        int next = GetNextNumber(totalMemory, out long totalMemoryAvailable);
        if (totalMemoryAvailable == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_memInfo}'. We expected to get total memory usage on first line but we've got: '{new string(firstLine)}'.");
        if (next == -1 || totalMemory.Length - next < 2)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_memInfo}'. We expected to get memory usage followed by the unit (kB, MB, GB) but found no unit: '{new string(firstLine)}'.");
        ReadOnlySpan<char> unit = totalMemory.Slice(totalMemory.Length - 2, 2);
        ulong memory = (ulong)totalMemoryAvailable;
        ulong u = unit switch
            "kB" => memory << 10,
            "MB" => memory << 20,
            "GB" => memory << 30,
            "TB" => memory << 40,
            _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(
                $"We tried to convert total memory usage value from '{_memInfo}' to bytes, but we've got a unit that we don't recognize: '{new string(unit)}'.")
        return u;
    /// <remarks>
    /// Comma-separated list of integers, with dashes ("-") to represent ranges. For example "0-1,5", or "0", or "1,2,3".
    /// Each value represents the zero-based index of a CPU.
    /// </remarks>
    public float GetHostCpuCount()
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        _fileSystem.ReadFirstLine(_cpuSetCpus, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> stats = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        if (stats.IsEmpty)
        long cpuCount = 0L;
        // Iterate over groups (comma-separated)
        while (true)
            int groupIndex = stats.IndexOf(',');
            ReadOnlySpan<char> group = groupIndex == -1 ? stats : stats.Slice(0, groupIndex);
            int rangeIndex = group.IndexOf('-');
            if (rangeIndex == -1)
                // Single number
                _ = GetNextNumber(group, out long singleCpu);
                if (singleCpu == -1)
                cpuCount += 1;
                // Range
                ReadOnlySpan<char> first = group.Slice(0, rangeIndex);
                _ = GetNextNumber(first, out long startCpu);
                ReadOnlySpan<char> second = group.Slice(rangeIndex + 1);
                int next = GetNextNumber(second, out long endCpu);
                if (endCpu == -1 || startCpu == -1 || endCpu < startCpu || next != -1)
                cpuCount += endCpu - startCpu + 1;
            if (groupIndex == -1)
            stats = stats.Slice(groupIndex + 1);
        return cpuCount;
        static void ThrowException(ReadOnlySpan<char> content) =>
                $"Could not parse '{_cpuSetCpus}'. Expected comma-separated list of integers, with dashes (\"-\") based ranges (\"0\", \"2-6,12\") but got '{new string(content)}'.");
    /// <remarks>
    /// The input must contain only number. If there is something more than whitespace before the number, it will return failure (-1).
    /// </remarks>
    [SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S109:Magic numbers should not be used",
        Justification = "We are adding another digit, so we need to multiply by ten.")]
    private static int GetNextNumber(ReadOnlySpan<char> buffer, out long number)
        int numberStart = 0;
        while (numberStart < buffer.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[numberStart]))
        if (numberStart == buffer.Length || !char.IsDigit(buffer[numberStart]))
            number = -1;
            return -1;
        int numberEnd = numberStart;
        number = 0;
        while (numberEnd < buffer.Length && char.IsDigit(buffer[numberEnd]))
            int current = buffer[numberEnd] - '0';
            number *= 10;
            number += current;
        return numberEnd < buffer.Length ? numberEnd : -1;
    /// <remarks>
    /// If the file doesn't exist, we assume that the system is a Host and we read the CPU usage from /proc/stat.
    /// </remarks>
    private static bool TryGetCpuUnitsFromCgroups(IFileSystem fileSystem, out float cpuUnits)
        if (!fileSystem.Exists(_cpuCfsQuaotaPeriodUs))
            cpuUnits = 0;
            return false;
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        fileSystem.ReadFirstLine(_cpuCfsQuaotaPeriodUs, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> quotaBuffer = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        if (quotaBuffer.IsEmpty || (quotaBuffer.Length == 2 && quotaBuffer[0] == '-' && quotaBuffer[1] == '1'))
            cpuUnits = -1;
            return false;
        if (quotaBuffer.StartsWith("max", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            cpuUnits = 0;
            return false;
        _ = GetNextNumber(quotaBuffer, out long quota);
        if (quota == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_cpuCfsQuaotaPeriodUs}'. Expected an integer but got: '{new string(quotaBuffer)}'.");
        string quotaString = quota.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
        int index = quotaBuffer.IndexOf(quotaString.AsSpan());
        ReadOnlySpan<char> cpuPeriodSlice = quotaBuffer.Slice(index + quotaString.Length, quotaBuffer.Length - index - quotaString.Length);
        _ = GetNextNumber(cpuPeriodSlice, out long period);
        if (period == -1)
            Throw.InvalidOperationException($"Could not parse '{_cpuCfsQuaotaPeriodUs}'. Expected to get an integer but got: '{new string(cpuPeriodSlice)}'.");
        cpuUnits = (float)quota / period;
        return true;
    private static bool TryGetCgroupRequestCpu(IFileSystem fileSystem, out float cpuUnits)
        const long CpuPodWeightPossibleMax = 10_000;
        const long CpuPodWeightPossibleMin = 1;
        if (!fileSystem.Exists(_cpuPodWeight))
            cpuUnits = 0;
            return false;
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        fileSystem.ReadFirstLine(_cpuPodWeight, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> cpuPodWeightBuffer = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        if (cpuPodWeightBuffer.IsEmpty || (cpuPodWeightBuffer.Length == 2 && cpuPodWeightBuffer[0] == '-' && cpuPodWeightBuffer[1] == '1'))
                $"Could not parse '{_cpuPodWeight}' content. Expected to find CPU weight but got '{new string(cpuPodWeightBuffer)}' instead.");
        _ = GetNextNumber(cpuPodWeightBuffer, out long cpuPodWeight);
        if (cpuPodWeight == -1)
                $"Could not parse '{_cpuPodWeight}' content. Expected to get an integer but got: '{cpuPodWeightBuffer}'.");
        if (cpuPodWeight < CpuPodWeightPossibleMin || cpuPodWeight > CpuPodWeightPossibleMax)
            Throw.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("CPU weight",
                $"Expected to find CPU weight in range [{CpuPodWeightPossibleMin}-{CpuPodWeightPossibleMax}] in '{_cpuPodWeight}', but got '{cpuPodWeight}' instead.");
        // The formula to calculate CPU pod weight (measured in millicores) from CPU share:
        // y = (1 + ((x - 2) * 9999) / 262142),
        // where y is the CPU pod weight (e.g. cpuPodWeight) and x is the CPU share of cgroup v1 (e.g. cpuUnits).
        // We invert the formula to calculate CPU share from CPU pod weight:
#pragma warning disable S109 // Magic numbers should not be used - using the formula, forgive.
        cpuUnits = ((cpuPodWeight - 1) * 262142 / 9999) + 2;
#pragma warning restore S109 // Magic numbers should not be used
        return true;
    private long GetMemoryUsageInBytesPod()
        using ReturnableBufferWriter<char> bufferWriter = new(_sharedBufferWriterPool);
        _fileSystem.ReadAll(_memoryUsageInBytes, bufferWriter.Buffer);
        ReadOnlySpan<char> memoryUsageFile = bufferWriter.Buffer.WrittenSpan;
        int next = GetNextNumber(memoryUsageFile, out long memoryUsage);
        // this file format doesn't expect to contain anything after the number.
        if (memoryUsage == -1)
                $"We tried to read '{_memoryUsageInBytes}', and we expected to get a positive number but instead it was: '{memoryUsageFile}'.");
        return memoryUsage;