// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Metrics.Testing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Test.Helpers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Windows.Interop;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Testing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Time.Testing;
using Microsoft.Shared.Instruments;
using Microsoft.TestUtilities;
using Moq;
using VerifyXunit;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Windows.Test;
[OSSkipCondition(OperatingSystems.Linux | OperatingSystems.MacOSX, SkipReason = "Windows specific.")]
public sealed class WindowsSnapshotProviderTests
private const string VerifiedDataDirectory = "Verified";
private readonly Mock<IMeterFactory> _meterFactoryMock;
private readonly FakeLogger<WindowsSnapshotProvider> _fakeLogger;
private readonly IOptions<ResourceMonitoringOptions> _options;
public WindowsSnapshotProviderTests()
_options = Options.Options.Create<ResourceMonitoringOptions>(new());
using var meter = new Meter(nameof(BasicConstructor));
_meterFactoryMock = new Mock<IMeterFactory>();
_meterFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.Create(It.IsAny<MeterOptions>()))
_fakeLogger = new FakeLogger<WindowsSnapshotProvider>();
public void BasicConstructor()
var provider = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, _meterFactoryMock.Object, _options);
var memoryStatus = new MemoryInfo().GetMemoryStatus();
Assert.Equal(Environment.ProcessorCount, provider.Resources.GuaranteedCpuUnits);
Assert.Equal(Environment.ProcessorCount, provider.Resources.MaximumCpuUnits);
Assert.Equal(memoryStatus.TotalPhys, provider.Resources.GuaranteedMemoryInBytes);
Assert.Equal(memoryStatus.TotalPhys, provider.Resources.MaximumMemoryInBytes);
public void GetSnapshot_DoesNotThrowExceptions()
var provider = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, _meterFactoryMock.Object, _options);
var exception = Record.Exception(() => provider.GetSnapshot());
public Task SnapshotProvider_EmitsLogRecord()
var provider = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, _meterFactoryMock.Object, _options);
var logRecords = _fakeLogger.Collector.GetSnapshot();
Assert.Equal(2, logRecords.Count);
Assert.StartsWith("System resources information", logRecords[1].Message);
return Verifier.Verify(logRecords[0]).UseDirectory(VerifiedDataDirectory);
public void SnapshotProvider_EmitsCpuMetrics(bool useZeroToOneRange)
var fakeClock = new FakeTimeProvider();
var cpuTicks = 500L;
var options = new ResourceMonitoringOptions
CpuConsumptionRefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2),
UseZeroToOneRangeForMetrics = useZeroToOneRange
var multiplier = useZeroToOneRange ? 1 : 100;
using var meter = new Meter(nameof(SnapshotProvider_EmitsCpuMetrics));
var meterFactoryMock = new Mock<IMeterFactory>();
meterFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.Create(It.IsAny<MeterOptions>())).Returns(meter);
var snapshotProvider = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, meterFactoryMock.Object, options, fakeClock,
static () => 2, () => cpuTicks, static () => 0L, static () => 1UL);
cpuTicks = 1_500L;
using var metricCollector = new MetricCollector<double>(meter, ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ProcessCpuUtilization, fakeClock);
// Step #0 - state in the beginning:
// Step #1 - simulate 1 millisecond passing and collect metrics again:
Assert.Equal(0.05 * multiplier, metricCollector.LastMeasurement?.Value); // Consuming 5% of the CPU (2 CPUs, 1000 ticks, 1ms).
// Step #2 - simulate another 1 millisecond passing and collect metrics again:
// CPU usage should be the same as before, as we're not simulating any CPU usage:
Assert.Equal(0.05 * multiplier, metricCollector.LastMeasurement?.Value); // Still consuming 5% of the CPU
public void SnapshotProvider_EmitsMemoryMetrics(bool useZeroToOneRange)
var fakeClock = new FakeTimeProvider();
long memoryUsed = 300L;
var options = new ResourceMonitoringOptions
MemoryConsumptionRefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2),
UseZeroToOneRangeForMetrics = useZeroToOneRange
var multiplier = useZeroToOneRange ? 1 : 100;
using var meter = new Meter(nameof(SnapshotProvider_EmitsMemoryMetrics));
var meterFactoryMock = new Mock<IMeterFactory>();
meterFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.Create(It.IsAny<MeterOptions>()))
var snapshotProvider = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, meterFactoryMock.Object, options, fakeClock, static () => 1, static () => 0, () => memoryUsed, static () => 3000UL);
using var metricCollector = new MetricCollector<double>(meter, ResourceUtilizationInstruments.ProcessMemoryUtilization, fakeClock);
// Step #0 - state in the beginning:
Assert.Equal(0.1 * multiplier, metricCollector.LastMeasurement.Value); // Consuming 5% of the memory initially
memoryUsed = 900L; // Simulate 30% memory usage.
// Step #1 - simulate 1 millisecond passing and collect metrics again:
Assert.Equal(0.1 * multiplier, metricCollector.LastMeasurement.Value); // Still consuming 10% as gauge wasn't updated.
// Step #2 - simulate 1 millisecond passing and collect metrics again:
Assert.Equal(0.3 * multiplier, metricCollector.LastMeasurement.Value); // Consuming 30% of the memory afterwards
memoryUsed = 3_100L; // Simulate more than 100% memory usage
// Step #3 - simulate 1 millisecond passing and collect metrics again:
// Memory usage should be the same as before, as we're not simulating any CPU usage:
Assert.Equal(1 * multiplier, Math.Round(metricCollector.LastMeasurement.Value)); // Consuming 100% of the memory
public void Provider_Returns_MemoryConsumption()
// This is a synthetic test to have full test coverage:
var usage = WindowsSnapshotProvider.GetMemoryUsageInBytes();
Assert.InRange(usage, 0, long.MaxValue);
public void Provider_Creates_Meter_With_Correct_Name()
using var meterFactory = new TestMeterFactory();
_ = new WindowsSnapshotProvider(_fakeLogger, meterFactory, _options);
var meter = meterFactory.Meters.Single();
Assert.Equal(ResourceUtilizationInstruments.MeterName, meter.Name);