// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Time.Testing;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.ResourceMonitoring.Test;
/// <summary>
/// Tests for the DataTracker utilization calculator.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CalculatorTests
private const double CpuUnits = 1;
private const ulong TotalMemoryInBytes = 1000;
private readonly Snapshot _firstSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(new FakeTimeProvider().GetUtcNow().Ticks),
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(0),
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(0),
memoryUsageInBytes: 0);
private readonly SystemResources _resources = new(CpuUnits, CpuUnits, TotalMemoryInBytes, TotalMemoryInBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that CPU stats work appropriately.
/// </summary>
public void BasicCalculation()
TimeSpan secondSnapshotTimeSpan = _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// Now, what's the total number of available ticks between the two samples (for a single core)
long totalAvailableTicks = secondSnapshotTimeSpan.Ticks - _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Ticks;
Snapshot second = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: secondSnapshotTimeSpan,
// assign 25% to kernel time
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 4),
// assign 25% to user time
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 4),
memoryUsageInBytes: 500);
// Now, when we run the calculator, CPU should be at 50%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(_firstSnapshot, second, _resources);
Assert.Equal(50.0, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
// Because we set it basically, memory should also clearly be at 50%.
Assert.Equal(50.0, record.MemoryUsedPercentage);
// Memory totals should reflect the second sample
Assert.Equal(500UL, record.MemoryUsedInBytes);
Assert.Equal(1000UL, record.SystemResources.GuaranteedMemoryInBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that CPU stats work appropriately.
/// </summary>
public void BasicCalculation_WithHalfCpuUnits()
SystemResources limitedResources = new(guaranteedCpuUnits: 0.5, maximumCpuUnits: 0.5, TotalMemoryInBytes, TotalMemoryInBytes);
TimeSpan secondSnapshotTimeSpan = _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// Now, what's the total number of available ticks between the two samples (for a single core)
long totalAvailableTicks = secondSnapshotTimeSpan.Ticks - _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Ticks;
Snapshot second = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: secondSnapshotTimeSpan,
// assign 25% to kernel time
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 4),
// assign 25% to user time
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 4),
memoryUsageInBytes: 500);
// Using the limited resources, CPU time is now cut in half. So, when we run
// the calculator, the CPU utilization should be at 100%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(_firstSnapshot, second, limitedResources);
Assert.Equal(100.0, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that stats work appropriately at zero percent.
/// </summary>
public void Zeroes()
// No changes in the second snapshot
Snapshot secondSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)),
memoryUsageInBytes: 0,
kernelTimeSinceStart: _firstSnapshot.KernelTimeSinceStart,
userTimeSinceStart: _firstSnapshot.UserTimeSinceStart);
// Now, let's set each of kernel and user time to no time elapsed.
// Now, when we run the calculator, CPU should be at 0%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(_firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, _resources);
Assert.Equal(0.0, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
// Because we set it basically, memory should also clearly be at 0%.
Assert.Equal(0.0, record.MemoryUsedPercentage);
// Memory totals should reflect the second sample
Assert.Equal(0UL, record.MemoryUsedInBytes);
Assert.Equal(1000UL, record.SystemResources.GuaranteedMemoryInBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that stats work appropriately if time goes backwards.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The lowest possible CPU percentage should be zero.</remarks>
public void TimeGoesBackwards()
Snapshot firstSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(new FakeTimeProvider().GetUtcNow().Ticks),
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(1000),
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(1000),
memoryUsageInBytes: 0);
Snapshot secondSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)),
memoryUsageInBytes: 0,
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(firstSnapshot.KernelTimeSinceStart.Ticks - 1),
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(firstSnapshot.UserTimeSinceStart.Ticks - 1));
// Now, when we run the calculator, CPU should be at 0%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, _resources);
Assert.Equal(0.0, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that stats work appropriately if we seem to spend all the CPU time.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The highest possible CPU percentage should be 100%.</remarks>
public void FullyUtilized()
TimeSpan secondSnapshotTimeSpan = _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// Now, what's the total number of available ticks between the two samples.
long totalAvailableTicks = secondSnapshotTimeSpan.Ticks - _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Ticks;
Snapshot secondSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: secondSnapshotTimeSpan,
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 2),
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks / 2),
memoryUsageInBytes: 1000);
// Now, when we run the calculator, CPU should 100%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(_firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, _resources);
Assert.Equal(100.0, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
// Assert that memory is at 100%.
Assert.Equal(100.0, record.MemoryUsedPercentage);
Assert.Equal(1000UL, record.MemoryUsedInBytes);
Assert.Equal(1000UL, record.SystemResources.GuaranteedMemoryInBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that stats work appropriately if the resources are overutilized.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The highest possible CPU and memory percentages should be 100%.</remarks>
[InlineData(1, 100.0)]
[InlineData(2, 100.0)]
public void OverUtilized(double cpuUnits, double expectedCpuUsage)
SystemResources limitedResources = new(cpuUnits, cpuUnits, TotalMemoryInBytes, TotalMemoryInBytes);
TimeSpan secondSnapshotTimeSpan = _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
// Now, what's the total number of available ticks between the two samples.
long totalAvailableTicks = secondSnapshotTimeSpan.Ticks - _firstSnapshot.TotalTimeSinceStart.Ticks;
Snapshot secondSnapshot = new(
totalTimeSinceStart: secondSnapshotTimeSpan,
// Set each of kernel and uesr time to all the available ticks between
// the 2 snapshots to make them sum to 200% of the total CPU time.
kernelTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks),
userTimeSinceStart: TimeSpan.FromTicks(totalAvailableTicks),
memoryUsageInBytes: 1500);
// Now, when we run the calculator, CPU should be at 100%.
ResourceUtilization record = Calculator.CalculateUtilization(_firstSnapshot, secondSnapshot, _resources);
Assert.Equal(expectedCpuUsage, record.CpuUsedPercentage);
// Assert that memory is at 100%
Assert.Equal(100.0, record.MemoryUsedPercentage);
Assert.Equal(1500UL, record.MemoryUsedInBytes);
Assert.Equal(1000UL, record.SystemResources.GuaranteedMemoryInBytes);