// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel
public class CompilationOptions
public IReadOnlyList<string?> Defines { get; }
public string? LanguageVersion { get; }
public string? Platform { get; }
public bool? AllowUnsafe { get; }
public bool? WarningsAsErrors { get; }
public bool? Optimize { get; }
public string? KeyFile { get; }
public bool? DelaySign { get; }
public bool? PublicSign { get; }
public string? DebugType { get; }
public bool? EmitEntryPoint { get; }
public bool? GenerateXmlDocumentation { get; }
public static CompilationOptions Default { get; } = new CompilationOptions(
defines: Enumerable.Empty<string?>(),
languageVersion: null,
platform: null,
allowUnsafe: null,
warningsAsErrors: null,
optimize: null,
keyFile: null,
delaySign: null,
publicSign: null,
debugType: null,
emitEntryPoint: null,
generateXmlDocumentation: null);
public CompilationOptions(IEnumerable<string?> defines,
string? languageVersion,
string? platform,
bool? allowUnsafe,
bool? warningsAsErrors,
bool? optimize,
string? keyFile,
bool? delaySign,
bool? publicSign,
string? debugType,
bool? emitEntryPoint,
bool? generateXmlDocumentation)
Defines = defines.ToArray();
LanguageVersion = languageVersion;
Platform = platform;
AllowUnsafe = allowUnsafe;
WarningsAsErrors = warningsAsErrors;
Optimize = optimize;
KeyFile = keyFile;
DelaySign = delaySign;
PublicSign = publicSign;
DebugType = debugType;
EmitEntryPoint = emitEntryPoint;
GenerateXmlDocumentation = generateXmlDocumentation;