File: XmlStreamConfigurationProvider.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml\src\Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml.csproj (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml
    /// <summary>
    /// An XML file based <see cref="IConfigurationProvider"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class XmlStreamConfigurationProvider : StreamConfigurationProvider
        // work around by splitting this into a separate class.
        internal static class Consts
            internal const string NameAttributeKey = "Name";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The <see cref="XmlStreamConfigurationSource"/>.</param>
        public XmlStreamConfigurationProvider(XmlStreamConfigurationSource source) : base(source) { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a stream of XML values into a key/value dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream of XML data.</param>
        /// <param name="decryptor">The <see cref="XmlDocumentDecryptor"/> to use to decrypt.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="IDictionary{String, String}"/> which was read from the stream.</returns>
        public static IDictionary<string, string?> Read(Stream stream, XmlDocumentDecryptor decryptor)
            var readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings()
                CloseInput = false, // caller will close the stream
                DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit,
                IgnoreComments = true,
                IgnoreWhitespace = true
            XmlConfigurationElement? root = null;
            using (XmlReader reader = decryptor.CreateDecryptingXmlReader(stream, readerSettings))
                // keep track of the tree we followed to get where we are (breadcrumb style)
                var currentPath = new Stack<XmlConfigurationElement>();
                XmlNodeType preNodeType = reader.NodeType;
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            var element = new XmlConfigurationElement(reader.LocalName, GetName(reader));
                            if (currentPath.Count == 0)
                                root = element;
                                var parent = currentPath.Peek();
                                // If parent already has a dictionary of children, update the collection accordingly
                                if (parent.ChildrenBySiblingName != null)
                                    // check if this element has appeared before, elements are considered siblings if their SiblingName properties match
                                    if (!parent.ChildrenBySiblingName.TryGetValue(element.SiblingName, out var siblings))
                                        siblings = new List<XmlConfigurationElement>();
                                        parent.ChildrenBySiblingName.Add(element.SiblingName, siblings);
                                    // Performance optimization: parents with a single child don't even initialize a dictionary
                                    if (parent.SingleChild == null)
                                        parent.SingleChild = element;
                                        // If we encounter a second child after assigning "SingleChild", we clear SingleChild and initialize the dictionary
                                        var children = new Dictionary<string, List<XmlConfigurationElement>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                                        // Special case: the first and second child have the same sibling name
                                        if (string.Equals(parent.SingleChild.SiblingName, element.SiblingName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                            children.Add(element.SiblingName, new List<XmlConfigurationElement>
                                            children.Add(parent.SingleChild.SiblingName, new List<XmlConfigurationElement> { parent.SingleChild });
                                            children.Add(element.SiblingName, new List<XmlConfigurationElement> { element });
                                        parent.ChildrenBySiblingName = children;
                                        parent.SingleChild = null;
                            ReadAttributes(reader, element);
                            // If current element is self-closing
                            if (reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                            if (currentPath.Count != 0)
                                XmlConfigurationElement parent = currentPath.Pop();
                                // If this EndElement node comes right after an Element node,
                                // it means there is no text/CDATA node in current element
                                if (preNodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    var lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
                                    var lineNumber = lineInfo?.LineNumber;
                                    var linePosition = lineInfo?.LinePosition;
                                    parent.TextContent = new XmlConfigurationElementTextContent(string.Empty, linePosition, lineNumber);
                        case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                            if (currentPath.Count != 0)
                                var lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
                                var lineNumber = lineInfo?.LineNumber;
                                var linePosition = lineInfo?.LinePosition;
                                XmlConfigurationElement parent = currentPath.Peek();
                                parent.TextContent = new XmlConfigurationElementTextContent(reader.Value, linePosition, lineNumber);
                        case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                        case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                        case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                        case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                            // Ignore certain types of nodes
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Error_UnsupportedNodeType, reader.NodeType, GetLineInfo(reader)));
                    preNodeType = reader.NodeType;
                    // If this element is a self-closing element,
                    // we pretend that we just processed an EndElement node
                    // because a self-closing element contains an end within itself
                    if (preNodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        preNodeType = XmlNodeType.EndElement;
            return ProvideConfiguration(root);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads XML configuration key/values from a stream into a provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> to load ini configuration data from.</param>
        public override void Load(Stream stream)
            Data = Read(stream, XmlDocumentDecryptor.Instance);
        private static string GetLineInfo(XmlReader reader)
            var lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
            return lineInfo == null ? string.Empty :
                SR.Format(SR.Msg_LineInfo, lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition);
        private static void ReadAttributes(XmlReader reader, XmlConfigurationElement element)
            if (reader.AttributeCount > 0)
                element.Attributes = new List<XmlConfigurationElementAttributeValue>();
            var lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo;
            for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)
                var lineNumber = lineInfo?.LineNumber;
                var linePosition = lineInfo?.LinePosition;
                // If there is a namespace attached to current attribute
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.NamespaceURI))
                    throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Error_NamespaceIsNotSupported, GetLineInfo(reader)));
                element.Attributes!.Add(new XmlConfigurationElementAttributeValue(reader.LocalName, reader.Value, lineNumber, linePosition));
            // Go back to the element containing the attributes we just processed
        // The special attribute "Name" only contributes to prefix
        // This method retrieves the Name of the element, if the attribute is present
        // Unfortunately XmlReader.GetAttribute cannot be used, as it does not support looking for attributes in a case insensitive manner
        private static string? GetName(XmlReader reader)
            string? name = null;
            while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                if (string.Equals(reader.LocalName, Consts.NameAttributeKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // If there is a namespace attached to current attribute
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.NamespaceURI))
                        throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Error_NamespaceIsNotSupported, GetLineInfo(reader)));
                    name = reader.Value;
            // Go back to the element containing the name we just processed
            return name;
        private static Dictionary<string, string?> ProvideConfiguration(XmlConfigurationElement? root)
            Dictionary<string, string?> configuration = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (root == null)
                return configuration;
            var rootPrefix = new Prefix();
            // The root element only contributes to the prefix via its Name attribute
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(root.Name))
            ProcessElementAttributes(rootPrefix, root);
            ProcessElementContent(rootPrefix, root);
            ProcessElementChildren(rootPrefix, root);
            return configuration;
            void ProcessElement(Prefix prefix, XmlConfigurationElement element)
                ProcessElementAttributes(prefix, element);
                ProcessElementContent(prefix, element);
                ProcessElementChildren(prefix, element);
            void ProcessElementAttributes(Prefix prefix, XmlConfigurationElement element)
                // Add attributes to configuration values
                if (element.Attributes != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < element.Attributes.Count; i++)
                        var attribute = element.Attributes[i];
                        AddToConfiguration(prefix.AsString, attribute.Value, attribute.LineNumber, attribute.LinePosition);
            void ProcessElementContent(Prefix prefix, XmlConfigurationElement element)
                // Add text content to configuration values
                if (element.TextContent != null)
                    var textContent = element.TextContent;
                    AddToConfiguration(prefix.AsString, textContent.TextContent, textContent.LineNumber, textContent.LinePosition);
            void ProcessElementChildren(Prefix prefix, XmlConfigurationElement element)
                if (element.SingleChild != null)
                    var child = element.SingleChild;
                    ProcessElementChild(prefix, child, null);
                if (element.ChildrenBySiblingName == null)
                // Recursively walk through the children of this element
                foreach (var childrenWithSameSiblingName in element.ChildrenBySiblingName.Values)
                    if (childrenWithSameSiblingName.Count == 1)
                        var child = childrenWithSameSiblingName[0];
                        ProcessElementChild(prefix, child, null);
                        // Multiple children with the same sibling name. Add the current index to the prefix
                        for (int i = 0; i < childrenWithSameSiblingName.Count; i++)
                            var child = childrenWithSameSiblingName[i];
                            ProcessElementChild(prefix, child, i);
            void ProcessElementChild(Prefix prefix, XmlConfigurationElement child, int? index)
                // Add element name to prefix
                // Add value of name attribute to prefix
                var hasName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Name);
                if (hasName)
                // Add index to the prefix
                if (index != null)
                ProcessElement(prefix, child);
                // Remove index
                if (index != null)
                // Remove 'Name' attribute
                if (hasName)
                // Remove element name
            void AddToConfiguration(string key, string value, int? lineNumber, int? linePosition)
                if (!configuration.TryAdd(key, value))
                    var lineInfo = lineNumber == null || linePosition == null
                        ? string.Empty
                        : SR.Format(SR.Msg_LineInfo, lineNumber.Value, linePosition.Value);
                    throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Error_KeyIsDuplicated, key, lineInfo));
                if (configuration.ContainsKey(key))
                    var lineInfo = lineNumber == null || linePosition == null
                        ? string.Empty
                        : SR.Format(SR.Msg_LineInfo, lineNumber.Value, linePosition.Value);
                    throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Error_KeyIsDuplicated, key, lineInfo));
                configuration.Add(key, value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper class to build the configuration keys in a way that does not require string.Join
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class Prefix
        private readonly StringBuilder _sb;
        private readonly Stack<int> _lengths;
        public Prefix()
            _sb = new StringBuilder();
            _lengths = new Stack<int>();
        public string AsString => _sb.ToString();
        public void Push(string value)
            if (_sb.Length != 0)
                _lengths.Push(value.Length + ConfigurationPath.KeyDelimiter.Length);
        public void Pop()
            var length = _lengths.Pop();
            _sb.Remove(_sb.Length - length, length);