2 instantiations of CoherentState
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (2)
MemoryCache.cs (2)
54_coherentState = new CoherentState(); 307CoherentState oldState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _coherentState, new CoherentState());
11 references to CoherentState
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory (11)
MemoryCache.cs (11)
30private CoherentState _coherentState; 97/// See comment on <see cref="CoherentState"/>. 142CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 226CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 285CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 307CoherentState oldState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _coherentState, new CoherentState()); 431CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 447private bool UpdateCacheSizeExceedsCapacity(CacheEntry entry, CoherentState coherentState) 488CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 517CoherentState coherentState = _coherentState; // Clear() can update the reference in the meantime 522private void Compact(long removalSizeTarget, Func<CacheEntry, long> computeEntrySize, CoherentState coherentState)