// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Internal;
// this is effectively a cut-down re-implementation of ArrayBufferWriter
// from https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/6cd9bf1937c3b4d2f7304a6c534aacde58a202b6/src/libraries/Common/src/System/Buffers/ArrayBufferWriter.cs
// except it uses the array pool for allocations
internal sealed class RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<T> : IBufferWriter<T>, IDisposable
// Usage note: *normally* you might want to use "using" for this, and that is fine
// however, caution should be exercised in exception scenarios where we don't 100%
// know that the caller has stopped touching the buffer; in particular, this means
// scenarios involving a combination of external code and (for example) "async".
// In those cases, it may be preferable to manually dispose in the success case,
// and just drop the buffers in the failure case, i.e. instead of:
// using (writer)
// { DoStuff(); }
// simply:
// DoStuff();
// writer.Dispose();
// This does not represent a problem, and is consistent with many ArrayPool use-cases.
// Copy of Array.MaxLength.
// Used by projects targeting .NET Framework.
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S125:Sections of code should not be commented out", Justification = "Usage example, please retain")]
private const int ArrayMaxLength = 0x7FFFFFC7;
private const int DefaultInitialBufferSize = 256;
private T[] _buffer;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0032:Use auto property", Justification = "It is preferable to keep this usage explicit")]
private int _index;
private int _maxLength;
public int CommittedBytes => _index;
public int FreeCapacity => _buffer.Length - _index;
public bool QuotaExceeded { get; private set; }
private static RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<T>? _spare;
public static RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<T> Create(int maxLength)
RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<T> obj = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _spare, null) ?? new();
return obj;
private RecyclableArrayBufferWriter()
_buffer = [];
public void Dispose()
// attempt to reuse everything via "spare"; if that isn't possible,
// recycle the buffers instead
_index = 0;
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _spare, this, null) != null)
T[] tmp = _buffer;
_buffer = [];
if (tmp.Length != 0)
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Major Code Smell", "S3928:Parameter names used into ArgumentException constructors should match an existing one ",
Justification = "False positive; parameter exists")]
public void Advance(int count)
_ = Throw.IfLessThan(count, 0);
if (_index > _buffer.Length - count)
if (_index + count > _maxLength)
QuotaExceeded = true;
_index += count;
static void ThrowCount()
=> throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
static void ThrowQuota()
=> throw new InvalidOperationException("Max length exceeded");
public void ResetInPlace()
// resets the writer *without* resetting the buffer.
// the existing memory should be considered "gone"
// (to claim the buffer instead, use DetachCommitted)
_index = 0;
public ReadOnlyMemory<T> GetCommittedMemory() => new(_buffer, 0, _index); // could also directly expose a ReadOnlySpan<byte> if useful
public Memory<T> GetMemory(int sizeHint = 0)
Debug.Assert(_buffer.Length > _index, "should have some space");
return _buffer.AsMemory(_index);
public Span<T> GetSpan(int sizeHint = 0)
Debug.Assert(_buffer.Length > _index, "should have some space");
return _buffer.AsSpan(_index);
// create a standalone isolated copy of the buffer
public T[] ToArray() => _buffer.AsSpan(0, _index).ToArray();
public ReadOnlySequence<T> AsSequence() => new(_buffer, 0, _index);
/// <summary>
/// Disconnect the current buffer so that we can store it without it being recycled.
/// </summary>
internal T[] DetachCommitted(out int length)
T[] tmp = _index == 0 ? [] : _buffer;
length = _index;
_buffer = [];
_index = 0;
return tmp;
internal T[] GetBuffer(out int length)
length = _index;
return _index == 0 ? [] : _buffer;
private void CheckAndResizeBuffer(int sizeHint)
if (sizeHint <= 0)
sizeHint = 1;
if (sizeHint > FreeCapacity)
int currentLength = _buffer.Length;
// Attempt to grow by the larger of the sizeHint and double the current size.
int growBy = Math.Max(sizeHint, currentLength);
if (currentLength == 0)
growBy = Math.Max(growBy, DefaultInitialBufferSize);
int newSize = currentLength + growBy;
if ((uint)newSize > int.MaxValue)
// Attempt to grow to ArrayMaxLength.
uint needed = (uint)(currentLength - FreeCapacity + sizeHint);
Debug.Assert(needed > currentLength, "should need to grow");
if (needed > ArrayMaxLength)
newSize = ArrayMaxLength;
// resize the backing buffer
T[] oldArray = _buffer;
_buffer = ArrayPool<T>.Shared.Rent(newSize);
oldArray.AsSpan(0, _index).CopyTo(_buffer);
if (oldArray.Length != 0)
Debug.Assert(FreeCapacity > 0 && FreeCapacity >= sizeHint, "should be space");
static void ThrowOutOfMemoryException() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to grow buffer as requested");
private void Initialize(int maxLength)
// think .ctor, but with pooled object re-use
_index = 0;
_maxLength = maxLength;
QuotaExceeded = false;