// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Internal;
internal partial class DefaultHybridCache
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<StampedeKey, StampedeState> _currentOperations = new();
// returns true for a new session (in which case: we need to start the work), false for a pre-existing session
public bool GetOrCreateStampedeState<TState, T>(string key, HybridCacheEntryFlags flags, out StampedeState<TState, T> stampedeState, bool canBeCanceled, IEnumerable<string>? tags)
var stampedeKey = new StampedeKey(key, flags);
// Double-checked locking to try to avoid unnecessary sessions in race conditions,
// while avoiding the lock completely whenever possible.
if (TryJoinExistingSession(this, stampedeKey, out StampedeState<TState, T>? existing))
stampedeState = existing;
return false; // someone ELSE is running the work
// Most common scenario here, then, is that we're not fighting with anyone else
// go ahead and create a placeholder state object and *try* to add it.
stampedeState = new StampedeState<TState, T>(this, stampedeKey, TagSet.Create(tags), canBeCanceled);
if (_currentOperations.TryAdd(stampedeKey, stampedeState))
// successfully added; indeed, no-one else was fighting: we're done
return true; // the CURRENT caller is responsible for making the work happen
// Hmmm, failed to add - there's concurrent activity on the same key; we're now
// in very rare race condition territory; go ahead and take a lock while we
// collect our thoughts.
// see notes in SyncLock.cs
lock (GetPartitionedSyncLock(in stampedeKey))
// check again while we hold the lock
if (TryJoinExistingSession(this, stampedeKey, out existing))
// we found an existing state we can join; do that
stampedeState.SetCanceled(); // to be thorough: mark our speculative one as doomed (no-one has seen it, though)
stampedeState = existing; // and replace with the one we found
return false; // someone ELSE is running the work
// Note that in this case we allocated a StampedeState<TState, T> that got dropped on
// the floor; in the grand scheme of things, that's OK; this is a rare outcome.
// Check whether the value was L1-cached by an outgoing operation (for *us* to check needs local-cache-read,
// and for *them* to have updated needs local-cache-write, but since the shared us/them key includes flags,
// we can skip this if *either* flag is set).
if ((flags & HybridCacheEntryFlags.DisableLocalCache) == 0
&& TryGetExisting<T>(key, out CacheItem<T>? typed)
&& typed.TryReserve())
return false; // the work has ALREADY been done
// Otherwise, either nothing existed - or the thing that already exists can't be joined
// in that case, go ahead and use the state that we invented a moment ago (outside of the lock).
_currentOperations[stampedeKey] = stampedeState;
return true; // the CURRENT caller is responsible for making the work happen
static bool TryJoinExistingSession(DefaultHybridCache @this, in StampedeKey stampedeKey,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out StampedeState<TState, T>? stampedeState)
if (@this._currentOperations.TryGetValue(stampedeKey, out StampedeState? found))
if (found is not StampedeState<TState, T> tmp)
ThrowWrongType(stampedeKey.Key, found.Type, typeof(T));
if (tmp.TryAddCaller())
// we joined an existing session
stampedeState = tmp;
return true;
stampedeState = null;
return false;
static void ThrowWrongType(string key, Type existingType, Type newType)
Debug.Assert(existingType != newType, "should be different types");
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"All calls to {nameof(HybridCache)} with the same key should use the same data type; the same key is being used for '{existingType.FullName}' and '{newType.FullName}' data")
Data = { { "CacheKey", key } }
internal int DebugGetCallerCount(string key, HybridCacheEntryFlags? flags = null)
var stampedeKey = new StampedeKey(key, flags ?? _defaultFlags);
return _currentOperations.TryGetValue(stampedeKey, out StampedeState? state) ? state.DebugCallerCount : 0;