// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using static Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Tests.L2Tests;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Tests;
public class LocalInvalidationTests(ITestOutputHelper log) : IClassFixture<TestEventListener>
private static ServiceProvider GetDefaultCache(out DefaultHybridCache cache, Action<ServiceCollection>? config = null)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
ServiceProvider provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
cache = Assert.IsType<DefaultHybridCache>(provider.GetRequiredService<HybridCache>());
return provider;
public async Task GlobalInvalidateNoTags()
using var services = GetDefaultCache(out var cache);
var value = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>("abc", ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()));
// should work immediately as-is
Assert.Equal(value, await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>("abc", ct => new(Guid.NewGuid())));
// invalidating a normal tag should have no effect
await cache.RemoveByTagAsync("foo");
Assert.Equal(value, await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>("abc", ct => new(Guid.NewGuid())));
// invalidating everything should force a re-fetch
await cache.RemoveByTagAsync("*");
var newValue = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>("abc", ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()));
Assert.NotEqual(value, newValue);
// which should now be repeatable again
Assert.Equal(newValue, await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>("abc", ct => new(Guid.NewGuid())));
[InlineData(false, false)]
[InlineData(true, false)]
[InlineData(false, true)]
[InlineData(true, true)]
public async Task TagBasedInvalidate(bool withL2, bool withExtraTag)
using IMemoryCache l1 = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
IDistributedCache? l2 = null;
if (withL2)
MemoryDistributedCacheOptions options = new();
MemoryDistributedCache mdc = new(Options.Create(options));
l2 = new LoggingCache(log, mdc);
Guid lastValue = Guid.Empty;
// loop because we want to test pre-existing L1/L2 impact
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
using var services = GetDefaultCache(out var cache, svc =>
if (l2 is not null)
var clock = services.GetRequiredService<TimeProvider>();
string key = "mykey";
string tag = "abc";
string[] tags = withExtraTag ? [tag, "other"] : [tag];
var value = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"First value: {value}");
if (lastValue != Guid.Empty)
Assert.Equal(lastValue, value);
// should work immediately as-is
var tmp = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"Second value: {tmp} (should be {value})");
Assert.Equal(value, tmp);
// invalidating a normal tag should have no effect
await cache.RemoveByTagAsync("foo");
tmp = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"Value after invalidating tag foo: {tmp} (should be {value})");
Assert.Equal(value, tmp);
// invalidating a tag we have should force a re-fetch
await cache.RemoveByTagAsync(tag);
var newValue = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"Value after invalidating tag {tag}: {newValue} (should not be {value})");
Assert.NotEqual(value, newValue);
// which should now be repeatable again
tmp = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"And repeating: {tmp} (should be {newValue})");
Assert.Equal(newValue, tmp);
value = newValue;
// invalidating everything should force a re-fetch
await cache.RemoveByTagAsync("*");
newValue = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"Value after invalidating tag *: {newValue} (should not be {value})");
Assert.NotEqual(value, newValue);
// which should now be repeatable again
tmp = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync<Guid>(key, ct => new(Guid.NewGuid()), tags: tags);
log.WriteLine($"And repeating: {tmp} (should be {newValue})");
Assert.Equal(newValue, tmp);
lastValue = newValue;
var now = clock.GetUtcNow().UtcTicks;
await Task.Delay(10);
while (clock.GetUtcNow().UtcTicks == now);