// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using static Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Internal.DefaultHybridCache;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Hybrid.Tests;
// note that buffer ref-counting is only enabled for DEBUG builds; can only verify general behaviour without that
public class BufferReleaseTests : IClassFixture<TestEventListener>
public BufferReleaseTests(TestEventListener toForceFixtureLifetimeOnly)
_ = toForceFixtureLifetimeOnly;
private static ServiceProvider GetDefaultCache(out DefaultHybridCache cache, Action<ServiceCollection>? config = null)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
ServiceProvider provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
cache = Assert.IsType<DefaultHybridCache>(provider.GetRequiredService<HybridCache>());
return provider;
public async Task BufferGetsReleased_NoL2()
using var provider = GetDefaultCache(out var cache);
cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers(flush: true);
var key = Me();
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
var first = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync());
Assert.Equal(1, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
Assert.True(cache.DebugTryGetCacheItem(key, out var cacheItem));
// assert that we can reserve the buffer *now* (mostly to see that it behaves differently later)
Assert.True(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should be pooled memory");
Assert.True(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
cacheItem.Release(); // for the above reserve
var second = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
Assert.NotSame(first, second);
Assert.Equal(1, cacheItem.RefCount);
await cache.RemoveAsync(key);
var third = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
// give it a moment for the eviction callback to kick in
for (var i = 0; i < 10 && cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback; i++)
await Task.Delay(250);
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
// assert that we can *no longer* reserve this buffer, because we've already recycled it
Assert.False(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
Assert.Equal(0, cacheItem.RefCount);
Assert.False(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should be recycled now");
static ValueTask<Customer> GetAsync() => new(new Customer { Id = 42, Name = "Fred" });
private static readonly HybridCacheEntryOptions _noUnderlying = new() { Flags = HybridCacheEntryFlags.DisableUnderlyingData };
private class TestCache : MemoryDistributedCache, IBufferDistributedCache
public TestCache(IOptions<MemoryDistributedCacheOptions> options)
: base(options)
void IBufferDistributedCache.Set(string key, ReadOnlySequence<byte> value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options)
=> Set(key, value.ToArray(), options); // efficiency not important for this
ValueTask IBufferDistributedCache.SetAsync(string key, ReadOnlySequence<byte> value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options, CancellationToken token)
=> new(SetAsync(key, value.ToArray(), options, token)); // efficiency not important for this
bool IBufferDistributedCache.TryGet(string key, IBufferWriter<byte> destination)
=> Write(destination, Get(key));
async ValueTask<bool> IBufferDistributedCache.TryGetAsync(string key, IBufferWriter<byte> destination, CancellationToken token)
=> Write(destination, await GetAsync(key, token));
private static bool Write(IBufferWriter<byte> destination, byte[]? buffer)
if (buffer is null)
return false;
return true;
public async Task BufferDoesNotNeedRelease_LegacyL2() // byte[] API; not pooled
using var provider = GetDefaultCache(out var cache,
services => services.AddSingleton<IDistributedCache, TestCache>());
// prep the backend with our data
var key = Me();
IHybridCacheSerializer<Customer> serializer = cache.GetSerializer<Customer>();
using (RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<byte> writer = RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<byte>.Create(int.MaxValue))
serializer.Serialize(await GetAsync(), writer);
var arr = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(HybridCachePayload.GetMaxBytes(key, TagSet.Empty, writer.CommittedBytes));
var bytes = HybridCachePayload.Write(arr, key, cache.CurrentTimestamp(), TimeSpan.FromHours(1), 0, TagSet.Empty, writer.AsSequence());
cache.BackendCache.Set(key, new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(arr, 0, bytes).ToArray());
cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers(flush: true);
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
var first = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying); // we expect this to come from L2, hence NoUnderlying
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
Assert.True(cache.DebugTryGetCacheItem(key, out var cacheItem));
// assert that we can reserve the buffer *now* (mostly to see that it behaves differently later)
Assert.False(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should NOT be pooled memory");
Assert.True(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
cacheItem.Release(); // for the above reserve
var second = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
Assert.NotSame(first, second);
Assert.Equal(1, cacheItem.RefCount);
await cache.RemoveAsync(key);
var third = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
Assert.Null(await cache.BackendCache.GetAsync(key)); // should be gone from L2 too
// give it a moment for the eviction callback to kick in
for (var i = 0; i < 10 && cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback; i++)
await Task.Delay(250);
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
// assert that we can *no longer* reserve this buffer, because we've already recycled it
Assert.True(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _)); // always readable
Assert.Equal(1, cacheItem.RefCount); // not decremented because there was no need to add the hook
Assert.False(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should still not need recycling");
static ValueTask<Customer> GetAsync() => new(new Customer { Id = 42, Name = "Fred" });
public async Task BufferGetsReleased_BufferL2() // IBufferWriter<byte> API; pooled
using var provider = GetDefaultCache(out var cache,
services => services.AddSingleton<IDistributedCache, TestCache>());
// prep the backend with our data
var key = Me();
IHybridCacheSerializer<Customer> serializer = cache.GetSerializer<Customer>();
using (RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<byte> writer = RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<byte>.Create(int.MaxValue))
serializer.Serialize(await GetAsync(), writer);
var arr = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(HybridCachePayload.GetMaxBytes(key, TagSet.Empty, writer.CommittedBytes));
var bytes = HybridCachePayload.Write(arr, key, cache.CurrentTimestamp(), TimeSpan.FromHours(1), 0, TagSet.Empty, writer.AsSequence());
cache.BackendCache.Set(key, new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(arr, 0, bytes).ToArray());
cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers(flush: true);
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
var first = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying); // we expect this to come from L2, hence NoUnderlying
Assert.Equal(1, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
Assert.True(cache.DebugTryGetCacheItem(key, out var cacheItem));
// assert that we can reserve the buffer *now* (mostly to see that it behaves differently later)
Assert.True(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should be pooled memory");
Assert.True(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
cacheItem.Release(); // for the above reserve
var second = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
Assert.NotSame(first, second);
Assert.Equal(1, cacheItem.RefCount);
await cache.RemoveAsync(key);
var third = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, _ => GetAsync(), _noUnderlying);
Assert.Null(await cache.BackendCache.GetAsync(key)); // should be gone from L2 too
// give it a moment for the eviction callback to kick in
for (var i = 0; i < 10 && cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback; i++)
await Task.Delay(250);
Assert.Equal(0, cache.DebugOnlyGetOutstandingBuffers());
// assert that we can *no longer* reserve this buffer, because we've already recycled it
Assert.False(cacheItem.TryReserveBuffer(out _)); // released now
Assert.Equal(0, cacheItem.RefCount);
Assert.False(cacheItem.NeedsEvictionCallback, "should be recycled by now");
static ValueTask<Customer> GetAsync() => new(new Customer { Id = 42, Name = "Fred" });
public void ImmutableCacheItem_Reservation()
var obj = Assert.IsType<ImmutableCacheItem<string>>(CacheItem<string>.Create(12345, TagSet.Empty));
obj.SetValue("abc", 3);
Assert.False(obj.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
Assert.True(obj.TryGetValue(NullLogger.Instance, out var value));
Assert.Equal("abc", value);
Assert.True(obj.TryGetSize(out var size));
Assert.Equal(3, size);
public void MutableCacheItem_Reservation()
using ServiceProvider services = new ServiceCollection().BuildServiceProvider();
var obj = Assert.IsType<MutableCacheItem<Customer>>(CacheItem<Customer>.Create(12345, TagSet.Empty));
Assert.True(new DefaultJsonSerializerFactory(services).TryCreateSerializer<Customer>(out var serializer));
var target = RecyclableArrayBufferWriter<byte>.Create(int.MaxValue);
serializer.Serialize(new Customer { Id = 42, Name = "Fred" }, target);
var arr = target.DetachCommitted(out var length);
var chunk = new BufferChunk(arr, 0, length, true);
obj.SetValue(ref chunk, serializer);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Assert.True(obj.TryReserveBuffer(out var lease));
Assert.Equal(length, lease.Length);
Assert.True(obj.TryGetValue(NullLogger.Instance, out var value));
Assert.Equal(42, value.Id);
Assert.Equal("Fred", value.Name);
Assert.True(obj.TryGetSize(out var size));
Assert.Equal(length, size);
Assert.False(obj.TryReserveBuffer(out _));
Assert.False(obj.TryGetValue(NullLogger.Instance, out _));
Assert.False(obj.TryGetSize(out var _));
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = "";
private static string Me([CallerMemberName] string caller = "") => caller;